The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 11

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*Third POV*

The group make there to the mirror with a peacock design on the frame with blue crystals, in fact, it was the only mirror that was a oval shape. The first thing that Ciel noticed was the castle was a pure white walls and purple roof along with red flags. It also had fancy windows that made Ciel feel familiarity as a royal castle appeared in his mind but he put it to the back to focus on the task at hand. After Riddle knocked the door, the student allowed them in as they were lead through the halls. Once the group got to where they needed to be, the Pomefiore student opened the door and allowed them into the lounge.

The room was painted white with gold etching, framing angles around the room. Gold carvings framed the door and the double purple painted doors itself. Over the fireplace was a purple wall with gold ribbon and floral patterns that wreathed it. Over the white cabinet on the mantle was two candelabras with five candles on each. There was a number of white crystal and gold chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. Large bouquets of flowers dotted the room, and purple and gold Victorian furnishings.

The right and left side mirrored each other and in the center of the room was a huge purple and white oriental rug with a flower motif, there was a massive circular tiered chandelier which came down to a gold point at the base. There was a the large opulent light fixture were two chairs sitting in the corner of an alcove, which was draped by red curtains, behind which, in the alcove sat a throne with a giant white peacock whose feathers were bejeweled with sapphires and gold plumage.

"Let's start here, at Pomefiore. There's a junior named Rook Hunt who's caught my eye. He has a blond bob cut and a fedora—you can't miss him." Cater informs the group as Ciel was snapped out of his observation of the room.

"Rook is an exceptional player. He performed extremely well in last year's tournament. But he is a bit of an...odd duck, one might say." Riddle stated in an awkward tone

"'Odd duck?' How so?" Ciel asked as Riddle was cut off by Deuce

"Oh, is that him sitting over there?"

Deuce pointed to a group of three boys who were sitting at a table with tea cups and a tea pot in the middle. Ciel recognized Vil immediately as he was reading a magazine, while he spotted Rook thanks to description as it seems he's teaching the purple haired boy how to hold a teacup.

"Whoa. That dude's, like, a glitter bomb in human form. He's basically sparkling." Ace stated in surprise

"Non, Epel, non. When you lift your teacup, do not insert your finger through the handle. It is most inélégant." Rook informed the purple haired boy

"Oh... Right. I'm sorry." Epel apologized as he fixed his mistake

"*Sigh* I just cannot decide how I want to do my makeup on tournament day! I'm thinking maybe that new foundation from Felicity Cosmetics?" Vil stated while looking through a magazine with annoyed look.

"Oh ho ho! Mon belle Vil, the Roi du Poison... Surely your beauté is not so faint that you need makeup to shine?" Rook asked

"Of course I don't. But I don't dare miss an opportunity to accentuate it further!" Vil declared as Rook smiled brightly.

"I admire that passion. Magnifique! Très magnifique!" The group watched with a sweatdrop

'Now I understand what Riddle meant by 'Odd duck'...' Ciel thought with an awkward smile and sweatdrop.

"Uhhhhh... And you're sayin' this guy is some kinda incredible athlete? Somehow, I doubt he's gonna be the target." Grim questioned as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Looks can be deceiving, Grim, but I think it's best to leave." I suggested as the group nods

"Yeaaah, maybe we should peace out and move on." Cater stated

They begin to leave the lounge to go look for the next player as Ciel felt someone was looking at him all of the sudden. When Ciel turned his head, he saw that Rook was looking at him with his signature smile. He noticed how Vil and Epel didn't seem to noticed that he was in the room other than Rook. Ciel quickly looked away as he followed after the others after he noticed the others left the lounge. The group were led by Cater to the courtyard as that's where the next player was at or well, two.

"Next on Cay-Cay's big list of potential targets are Jade Leech and his twin brother Floyd. They're both sophomores at Octavinelle House. Word is, they work so well together on the field that other teams don't know how to counter them." Cater stated as he pointed to two boys up ahead.

Ciel looked as he felt familiarity as he looked at the boys, The boys bore one brown and one yellow. The green, blue hair stood out and the single black strand, which was placed opposite on one side. Both sported earrings on opposing ears, and while the one on the left looked serious with crossed arms, the one on the right looked casually friendly. Ciel felt that they remind of two individuals as he shakes his head.

"Whoa! They have, like, the exact same face!" Grim stated in shock

"That's because they're identical twins, Grim. But there are small details to tell them apart, like their hair and eyes." Ciel informs Grim

"Is it just me, or do they make all the other students look tiny in comparison? They're giants!" Ace stated in shock as Grim nods

"I could see that being a big advantage for 'em."

"So what do we think? Could they be in danger?" Deuce questions as Riddle shakes his head

"I don't know about that. If I were the culprit, I'd save them for last. Just look at those two. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near them—especially Floyd." He had annoyed look, which made Ciel confused

"How come? Also, which one is Floyd?"

Then Ciel jumped out of shock as the tall boy on the left with the right yellow eye approached with a smile suddenly. This caused Ciel to back up a bit as he felt comfortable with how the boy looked at him and the others.

"Oh ho ho! What's is UP, Lil' Goldfish?" Floyd asked as he turned his head to look at Riddle.

"Bwah! He spotted us!" Riddle went behind Ciel as the shorter boy looked at him in shock and concern.

"Riddle, What's wrong?!"

"What brings you to our humble abode, huh? Playing hide-and-seek? Sounds like fun." Floyd asked the group began to back up.

"F-Floyd... I've asked you several times to stop calling me by strange nicknames." Riddle informed the tall boy

"But you're so small and red! How are you NOT a goldfish?" Floyd clarified with a smile

"This guy seems like he's a few cans short of tuna casserole." Grim with an unamused look

"A talking cat? Now THAT'S something you don't see every day! Can I squeeze you 'til you pop?" Floyd said as he reached for Grim.

"Uh, no?! Stay away from me, weirdo!" Grim demanded in a panic as he hid behind Ciel

"Please don't come any closer to these two." Ciel stated while shielding the two from Floyd as the other boy approached the group.

"My, it would appear a contingent from Heartslabyul House has paid us a little visit. Here to assess the competition in advance of the Spelldrive tournament, perhaps?" The other boy stated

"Nah. We... can't really go into it, though." Cater said, unsure and nervous

"We take a dim view of spying at Octavinelle. I would ask you to justify your actions, suspicious as they are. And please, spare no detail." The other boy demanded with a smile which made the group uncomfortable.

"This guy sure talks fancy, but man, his eyes are stone cold." Ace stated with wide eyes as panic began to fill his mind.

"I think this is the best time to leave. Right Cater?" Ciel suggested as he began to panic as the twins stepped forward.

"Man, would you look at the time? Gotta run, guys! It's been real! Byeee!" Cater said in a panic as the group began to back up before turning around.

The group began to run with the twins on their tails, Riddle grabbed hold of Ciel's hand and pulled him along as the shorter boy held onto Grim. They ran as fast as they could as well as splitting up into small groups to confused them. However that didn't work for long, so they had to use their magic to attack them in an attempt to slow them down. Which shown to work but for a little while but it was better than nothing. Ciel tried to regulate his breathing while letting Riddle led him, as he turned his head, he saw the two boys still following them. He felt a pain in his chest as he saw flashes of the man in the suit before fading away.

'Just who are these guys?! And why do they remind me of that man!'

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