The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 30

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*Third POV*

Ciel groans as he began to regain conscious as his head was killing him at the moment from pain. He proceeds to sit up and rubs his head to relieve the pain, that's when he noticed that there were bandages, most likely because it started bleeding. He begins to look around as he noticed that he was in a medical bed. He realized that he was in the infirmary thanks to the sight of bandages, medicine, medical equipment, and more medical related items. Ciel tries to remember what happened as Grim hugs him tightly.

"Hey, Ciel's awake!" Grim cheered with relief as Ace, Deuce, and Jack ran up to me with relief.

"...Huh? Where am I?" Ciel questions as he looked around

"At the start of the second half, Grim threw the disc right at your noggin and knocked you out. You don't remember?" Ace stated

"Oh... Now I remember, I was trying to stop Grim." He said as he gave a small glare at the cat, who looked down as he let's go.

"I was tryin' to steal our victory with a shot from way downfield..."

"You amateurs gotta work on your disc control." Jack scolded the group

"I'm just glad you're awake. You were out so long that I was starting to worry the hit had caused some real damage." Deuce said with relief.

"Eh?!" Ciel was taken aback as Ace nods

"Yeah, you even missed the closing ceremonies! They're taking everything apart right now." Ace informs the boy as he sighs.

"Which dorm won? How did Savanaclaw do?" Ciel asked, wanting to know.

"The grand champion was Diasomnia House."

"In the end, there was noting we could do... It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals. What a miserable tournament this year was."

The group jumps a bit before they looked to see that it was none other than Ruggie and Leona themselves. Ruggie had some bandages on him as he was trying to hide the pain he was in but he did look disappointed. Leona also had bandages on him but he also had some bruises on his arms and legs. Ciel wince at the sight, they really weren't shown any mercy by the other teams like they were told. Though it was to be expected as the victims were pretty peeved for what Savanaclaw did to them after all.

"Housewarden! Ruggie!" Jack exclaims in surprise

"Tch... Bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets." Leona groans in annoyance.

"And what's worse? Not a single Diasomnia student ended up here." Ruggie says with an annoyed look.

"I'd heard the rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around." Ace said as he pouts

"Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it, Ciel!" Deuce said as this made the Ciel sad he missed something incredible.

"Yeah, I wish I could've seen it."

"Now I get why everyone thinks he's invincible. I can't even imagine taking him down." Ace says with a sigh

"And with that attitude, you never will. You've let him beat you before you even face him. I haven't, though. Next year, I'm taking Diasomnia down. And I'll win by givin' it everything I got." Jack said with an determine look.

"Does 'everything' happen to include your capacity for evil?" Leona asks

"Have you learned nothing from all this?" Ciel asked with a deadpanned look as Leona smirks.

"Pfft. I didn't realize we were in an after-school special here. I'm givin' next year's tournament all I got, too. And I am gonna do whatever it takes to win."

"Shyeheehee! There's the Leona I remember." Ruggie laughs

"I can already tell this isn't gonna end well." Jack mutters to himself.

"Next year, I wanna be in the tournament for real!" Grim said with a smirk

"We need to practice so we can make the cut too." Deuce said with a smile

"Yeah, no kidding. No way do I wanna embarrass myself in Grim's kiddie league again." Ace said as Grim looks at him, offended.

'I wish I could join you guys, but I might not be here next year...' Ciel thought with a sad look.

Then the sound of the door slamming open could be heard, causing everyone to snap their heads towards the door. They saw it was a child with lion ears and tail like Leona, he looked around the room. He had red hair, yellow shirt, brown pants along with boots to match with accessories of his culture. Ciel looked towards Leona, who had wide eyes when he sees the child, before looking back at the boy. The child continued looking around before he spots Leona, he then smiles in excitement.

"Unca! There you are! I finally found you!" The red haired boy said with a smile

"Myah? What's a kid doin' here?" Grim asked in confusion.

"I don't know, Grim..." Ciel said as the little boy ran up to Leona

"Unca Leona!" He said cheerfully as he climbed onto the bed.

"Baaag. The screech box found me." Leona groans

"'Unca' Leona...?" Jack asked, confused

"That furball's my brother's son, Cheka. You nephew." Leona explained, the group looks at him for a bit before their eyes widen in shock.

"Your nephew?!" They all shout in shock

"So this is who's next in line for the throne...?" Ruggie questions with an awkward smile.

"Seems so..." Ciel said with a sweatdrop

"I saw you play, Unca! You were so cool! Next time I visit, teach me how to play!" Cheka said loudly.

"Fine, fine. Just stop screamin' in my ear. Where're all your attendants? They gotta be tearin' their hair out lookin' for you!" Leona asked as Cheka giggles

"I couldn't wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind! Hee hee!"

"So...the source of all Leona's anguish..." Jack questions

"Is this... child?" Ciel finished.

"The kid sure seems to love everything about him." Grim said as Leona snaps at the group

"Shut up, all of you! And stop gawkin' at us!"

"So when are you coming home to see us, Unca? Next week? And when's the next time after that Did you read all the letters I sent you?" Cheka asked

"Look, I told you, I'll be back for the holidays— Ow! That hurts! Get offa my stomach!" Leona groans in pain.

"Leona, are you okay?!" Ciel asked as Leona nods

"He's riding Housewarden Leona like a horse...?!" Jack questions in surprised.

"Pffft... Ah ha ha ha! This is priceless! So THIS is why you never want to go home to visit your family!" Ruggie said as he realized why Leona doesn't like going home.

The group watched the scene play out as Ciel couldn't help but smile at the sight as he found it pretty cute. While the others couldn't but laugh at Leona's torment as he was trying to get Cheka off of him without hurting the child. After while of playing with his uncle, Cheka noticed the group looking at the two and looks confused.

"Are you all Unca Leona's friends?" Cheka asked as the group nods

"Heh heh. Yeah, sure we are! We're your Unca's besties! Ain't that right, 'Unca Leona'?" Ace answered with a smirk.

"U-Unca Leona...! Ahaha—OWWWWW! Argh, it hurts so much when I laugh..." Ruggie laughs while holding his stomach

"Go ahead, laugh it up. I'm gonna remember this!" Leona growls.

Leona began yelling at the group as Ciel watches them, the group continued to tease him despite his demands. Ciel notices Cheka looking confused as he didn't know why his uncle was yelling at his friends. This made the teen call out to the child to come over to him to hear a story about his uncle. The child quickly gets off the bed and rushes to Ciel's before climbing onto it and got comfortable as he stares as Ciel with interest and excitement. Ciel smiled as he began to tell the story of how Leona beat a monster that tried to attack the tournament earlier, twisting the events of what really happened.

*In Ramshackle Dorm: Ciel's room, Third POV*

Grim was now in Ciel's room as he was told by Ciel to return back to the dorm by himself for the night. Since Ciel will have to stay in the infirmary for the rest of the night to insure that there was noting wrong with the boy. Grim hated this but after him, Deuce, Ace, and Jack were kicked out of there, he  had to accept it. Luckily he had already eaten so Ciel won't have to worry about feeding him. However, Grim got himself a snack to eat before he sleeps, though he first looked around to see if the ghosts were present.

"Hmm? Is this coast clear? ...Heh heh. Finally, the moment I've been waitin' for!" Grim said as he pulls out the black magestone to eat.

"I've been holdin' onto this baby since I secretly snatched it up at Savanaclaw House!
I wonder what these things are? Meh, who cares? Finders keepers, losers weepers! Down the hatch it goes! Mmmmmm... This one's got a real mature taste—slightly bitter yet tangy on the tongue. Those dumb humans don't know what they're missin'!" He then proceeds to get sleepy as he lays on the bed and close his eyes.

"Ahhhhh. Now that I'm full... I'm gettin' kinda...sleepy... *Snooore*"

An Earl in Night Raven College (Book two)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon