The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 5

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*Third POV*

Everyone besides Ciel looked at Grim in shock as they couldn't believe that Grim didn't know what the Spelldrive tournament was. Ciel on the other was just as confused as Grim was since he didn't know either. But from what he can infer based on Ace, Deuce, and Crowley's reaction to Grim's question, it was very important to everyone here. Though, he questioned to himself that if it was a very important event, why didn't anyone tell him? Unless it was because of what happened with Riddle, this piece of information was forgotten until now.

"'Spelldrive tournament'? Come again? How come I never know what anyone is talking about?" Ciel asked as everyone looks at in shock, except for Grim.

"Dude, Ciel... You've never heard of Spelldrive?!" Ace asked as Ciel shakes his head

"No... Is it an big issue?"

"It's a world-famous sport! There's even a pro league and a world championship tournament." Deuce explains as Ciel tilts his head.

"Wow... No wonder you all are making a big deal after this."

"I ain't never heard of this either!" Grim complains with a pout on his face.

"Spelldrive is a sport played by competing teams of seven people. Basically, players battle for control of a disc and earn points by drivin' it into the enemy team's goal. The team with the most points wins!" Ace explained as Ciel began thinking as a memory comes to mind

"That sounds like football." Ciel stated as the group looks at him in confusion, which makes Ciel think it only exists in his world.

"Football...? Say what?" Deuce questioned

"Hm. I've not heard of such a game, but I'll look it up the next time I'm at the library. Perhaps it will yield some sort of clue." Crowley stated as he took the information into account

"Oh, man, I just realized that Ciel would have a hard time actually playing." Ace stated as he realized something.

"How come?" Ciel questioned

"Yeah? Why's that?" Grim asked

"You need magic to play. Not only do you move the disc with magic, but you use it to attack and defend, too." Deuce explained 

"The flashier the magic, the better—it's how players show off their skills!" Ace stated with a smirk

"Yes, quite! That is why Night Raven College is known throughout the world as a leader in the sport! This school has produced countless pro players! That's why our interdorm Spelldrive tournaments attract attention even from pro league recruiters. Also, those simply looking for up-and-coming magicians use the event to scout hopeful candidates." Crowley explains

"Yes, the tournament is quite an affair. The campus will be full of visitors and lined with various kiosks. And the main event will be captured by television cameras and broadcast worldwide."

"Television cameras?!" Ciel questioned as he didn't know what cameras

"It's broadcast throughout the world?! So you're sayin' that if I were to play in this tournament—and win of course—the whole world would see it?!" Grim questioned with excitement

'Why does the thought of millions of people watching me makes me uncomfortable?' Ciel thought

Unlike Grim, who loved attention, Ciel felt very uncomfortable with the thoughts of so many people seeing him. The thought of millions of people's eyes on him and his every move made him want to puke. He doesn't know how anyone can be okay or handle being seen by so many people just for an event. Well except for some of the of the students from what Ciel has seen or heard about, like the Housewarden of Ignihyde. But despite this, Ciel hopes he never has to do something in front of millions of people in the future.

"Of course! Players who excel at the tournament invariably attract great attention. Both from the pro leagues and the public at large!" Crowley stated with a smile

"In your case, the magic would barely even matter. Just having a monster like you out there is sure to turn heads." Deuce stated

"It's settled, then! I'm gonna train around the clock, join a team, and become a legend!" Grim declared

"Grim, I think there might be a problem with that..." Ciel mutters as Crowley shakes his head

"Alas, Grim, you cannot enter."

"... Wait, what?" Grim questioned

"Did you not hear me speak the word "interdorm" multiple times? Your dorm doesn't even have seven members. Therefore, you cannot enter the tournament." Crowley explained

"That does make sense, it's just me and Grim in the dorms and having ghosts play in the tournament would be cheating." Ciel deduced as Grim stares at Crowley in shock

"Whaaaaaat?! No faaaaair!" He cried out

"But there's plenty else to do, from tending to the grounds to selling drinks in the stands! Those who stand upon the field are not the only stars of tournament day." Crowley suggested as Grim shakes his head

Then a flash of a memory appears in Ciel's mind when he heard about selling drinks to the guests. He saw that he was on a sidewalk with the same man from one of his memories as people in fancy clothing were walking by. He then looked forward and saw what seems to be a shop selling some stuff animals and other things. He looked to see that there was a child and mother standing in front of the shop. The child was moving around in excitement while holding his mother's hand as he points towards the rabbit.

"Mama look! It's a brand-new rabbit toy from Funtom see!" The boy said with a smile

Ciel couldn't help but smile as he felt pride swell in his chest before confusion took ahold the moment he felt pride. Why was he feeling pride? And what was it the boy said, it sounded like a name.

'Funtom? Is that a company? It's sounds familiar... It's as if it's connected to me like I'm the one that owns it, but how? There's no bloody way a 15 year old like me can run a company!... Right?' Ciel thought to himself as the memory fades away as Grim cries out.

(Note: I made Ciel 15 years old to make more sense for the story as I felt Ciel being his normal age or 14 wouldn't make so much sense. Even though there is a thing known as skipping grade level, but I don't know how to make that work, so I went with 15. Hope this clears up any confusions.)

"Not. Interested! I wanna be on TV! I want everyone in the world fawning over me! 'Squeee! Grim is sooooo cool!' 'Did you see that play Grim made?' You get what I'm sayin'?" Grim complained as the four sweatdrops at the sight

"Your delusions are oddly specific, dude." Ace said

"You're just realizing this now?" Ciel stated with a deadpan look

"Well, if you can't field a team, I'm afraid that's that. Maybe next year, Ramshackle House will get some new members. But it's not happening this year." Deuce reassured Grim as he continued to cry.

'That's if Ramshackle will still be up and going when I'm gone...' Ciel thought to himself

"Anyway, as I believe I've mentioned, I'm a busy man. I must be off." Crowley stated as Grim glares at him

"Yeah, thanks for takin' me outta your busy day to build up my dreams and crush 'em! Myaaah! *sob*" Grim cried out as they all sigh as Ciel thought to himself.

'Grim's gonna be like this for awhile isn't he?'

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