The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 27

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*Ciel's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and began to look around as I was in an unknown place once more as there was a bright light. As I got up after my eyes adjusted, I noticed that I was standing on the stone floor. There were columns that held up a roof over the open air walk way, each was decorated with folk art and wooden torches that stood on three legs, with tinder inside each basket. Shadows stretched out over the floor and see in the distance the wide open savanna. I also noticed that there was the backside of the large rock structure.

Then I heard a noise behind me, I quickly look over my shoulder to see that it was none other than Leona. He stood looking melancholy, lightly touching his forehead and gazing at the ground. From what I can see there was a deep sadness within his expression, one that I feel like I've been through.

"Leona...?" I questioned but it seems he didn't noticed.

"From the moment I was born, there's been a boulder on top of me that's too heavy to move."

I then saw a young Leona hurrying down the walkway looking rather excited and then stopping when he saw some servants talking in the corner. He was very curious about was being said, so he decided to listen in as did I.

"Crown prince Falena is such a bright and cheerful young man. I don't understand why his younger brother has to be so moody all the time."

'I mean they're not wrong about moody but it's still very rude to say to someone especially a child...' I thought

"And he possesses such a terrifying power! Imagine being able to turn anything to sand!"

"Both of you, cease this conversation right now! What if someone overhears you?!"

"Don't just scold them. It's one thing to voice a thought that you can be moody and It's another to say you're terrifying. How can they say that to a child! They should be punished for their behavior!" I said out loud but like usual, it was unheard

I then look back at the child and saw that his once happy expression was now filled with sadness, before I could do anything he ran away. I watched in sorrow as a flash of me running away when I was a child. The scene fades away as Leona stood beside me, his face was filled with sorrow but also anger. He too was looking at the child that had run away, not wanting to see that but had not choice. I looked at him as he lets out a sigh as he proceeded to speak what's on his mind.

"I bet that if I were the crown prince, this is what they would have said: 'Crown prince Leona is a judicious young man— look how he controls such powerful magic! I don't understand how Falena can be so carefree.' This is all because I was born second. They'd find fault in me no matter what—just so they could use it as a pretext to praise my brother. No matter what I do, I can never be the best." Leona said 

"But is being the best by people who will talk behind your back will do any good? People will always say something about, regardless if you're a good person or not. Even your brother isn't safe from that. You're an amazing person! Why would you care what others think about you, Leona?" I stated with a frown on my face

I watch as the surroundings shift to what seems to be a bedroom of some sorts, I was able to tell that it belonged to Leona. Because, there were things in the room that fits Leona's interests and personality to a tee. I then hear talking as I looked towards the source and saw that two people were talking, well the one standing that is while the one on the bed wasn't. I saw that the individual on the bed was that it was Leona, who looked a bit closer to his current age. The one standing appears to be part lion too and older than Leona.

"Leona! Why weren't you at today's ceremony?" The older man asked in confusion as Leona yawns.

'So he's Leona's older brother, Falena...' I thought to myself

"Ceremony? Ah, you mean the self-indulgent party where you show off your son to the people Yeah, sorry I missed that. I fell asleep." Leona stated as he was still a bit sleepy as Falena sighs.

"Showing the people the face of their future king is an important affair."

"Yeah, it's a happy day for sure—also known as the day the despised second son loses what little claim he had to the throne forever." Leona said sarcastically as Falena had a shocked look

"Do not frame it in such terms!"

"Must be nice to be the firstborn, huh? You can spend every day singing and napping and still become king." Leona stated bitterly with his eyes closed.

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