The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 29

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*Ciel's POV*

We walked outside as the group separates into other groups to talk about what was going to happen next. While me and Grim were looking for the headmage as Grim kept on urging me so he can get his award. As we were looking for him I watched as some of the faculty went into the coliseum to fix it before the guests are allowed back in. Which was a good thing as it can't be left in that state or else questions and rumors will be asked. After a while of searching, we managed to find the headmage as we walked towards him, he turns to us and gave us a smile.

"Hey, Headmage! We caught your guy! You know what that means... Time to cough up the reward you promised!" Grim demanded as Crowley flinches

'Oh no... Please give him the right answer, Crowley...' I thought with a nervous look.

"What? Ohhh... I did promise you that, didn't I? But it's far too late. The tournament brackets have already been announced. What to do...?" Crowley begins thinking

"WHAAAAAAAT?! You wretched, backstabbin' swindler! I am gonna make it rain fire, you liar! MYAAAAAAAH!" Grim yells as I was holding him back in my arms.

"Grim, Calm down I know you're made but if somethings announce, it's hard to change it last minute."

"Stop, please! Retrain yourself for a moment! I will...come up with something. Uh... Ah! I've got it! What would you say to playing in a special exhibition match? If it were held before the tournament itself, it wouldn't interfere with anything. And the eyes of the world would be squarely on you!" Crowley suggested quickly

"On me?!" Grim exclaims

"B-but of course." Crowley said as I sigh in relief.

'That was very quick thing on Crowley's part...'

"Well, so long as I'm the center of attention, I guess that will do. This'll be great! After the scouts see me kickin' tail on TV, they'll be swarmin' all over me!" Grim said with a smile.

"But Spelldrive teams need seven players... How do you plan to fill out our team?" I asked, remembering that small detail

"The other players... Ah, right. And we'll need an opposing team as well. Perhaps we could cobble one together out of faculty members..." Crowley suggested.

"Myah?! You haven't given this any thought at all!" Grim states in surprise

"What did you expect? This idea was suggested on a very short noticed." I reminded Grim since he forgot quickly.

Then, we heard footsteps walking towards us, we look to see that it was none other than Ace and Deuce. They both had smirks on their faces as they both look like they were ready for a fight to begin. Deuce had his delinquent side out with having a smirk and and a fist in his hand while Ace just had a smirk on his face. It didn't take me long to realize what they wanted as I smile, grateful for one thing, they aren't part of a team. Grim must've realized too as a smile began to form on his face.

"Hey, so, couldn't help overhearing..." Ace said with a smirk

"If you need some teammates, we could help you out." Deuce suggested which shocked us.

"What are you doing? You're members of Heartslabyul!" Riddle asked in confusion

"There's no tournament rule that says we can't play for another dorm's team." Ace informs him

"Ha! He's right! I guess no one thought that would ever happen, so no one ever wrote it down." Trey agrees

"They kinda got you there, Riddle." I said as Riddle pouts a bit

"Ooh, now this sounds totes fun! I wanna be on Ciel's team too!" Cater said in excitement.

"B-but you're an actual member of our team!" Riddle reminded him

"Oh. Poo." Cater said with a small smile

"Sorry, Cater..." I apologized as he smiles.

"I didn't go through all that just to sit back 'n cheer for you guys. If I'm getting the chance, I wanna play!" Ace stated in excitement

"I'm not like him, okay?! I just want to have my friends' backs." Deuce said nervous

"Whatever you say, Deuce." I teased him as he blushed in embarrassment.

"If you need someone to play against, Savanaclaw will be happy to help."

We all looked to see that it was Jack, Ruggie, and Leona walking towards us, a little tired but not by much. Jack had a determined look on his face as he was a bit more friendly than he was earlier. Ruggie was acting like his usual self with with his hand behind his head while looking at us with a smirk. Leona on the other hand had his eyes closed with a frown as he was still recovering from the overblot. I was pretty surprised by the proposal as were the others as we were not expect that from them.

"Myah?! You will?!" Grim questions in surprise

"Really?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Of course. Playing against the faculty would be no fun. We'll give you a proper match." Jack said with smirk

"Sa-weeet! Guess you ain't such a jerk after all." Ace said as Jack tried to hid his embarrassment

"Don't get the wrong idea—this is just payback! I don't want that debt hanging over my head. You don't got a problem with it, right?"

"*Siiigh*... Yeah, sure, what's one more game when we're already at the brink of exhaustion? You're a monster, Jack." Ruggie states.

"Pfft. I don't even care anymore. Come and take your best shot, herbivores. It may be an exhibition match, but we ain't gonna be playin' footsies here. You better be ready for us." Leona said with a smirk

"Ah, splendid. And here I was bracing to endure another three-hour scolding from Professor Trein. Well, I believe that's four members on your team now, Ciel. You only need three more!" Crowley said with a bit of fear in his voice

'He was gonna be scolded?' I thought with a sweatdrop as I thought of who else could join.

"Hey, that's still not enough! And that's WITH people comin' from whole other dorms to join us! Why does our dorm only have two people in it?" Grim complains as that reminded me something

"You know now that you mention it... Are you sure our dorm's just the two of us?" I asked Grim with a smirk.

"Oh... That's right! If they live in the dorm, they're our dormmates, right?" Grim said as he realized what I mean

"Sounds like solid reasoning to me." Ace said as Grim smirks.

"Then there are more members of Ramshackle House than just the two of us!"

"The ghosts!" I answered, which shocked the others besides Grim

"Pardon? Are you telling me you intend to register ghosts as members of your team?" Crowley questions in surprise.

"One of 'em said he used to be a real good player! They'll be perfect! Sit tight, I'm gonna go get 'em! Wahooo! I'm gonna be on TV!" Grim cheers as he leaves to race back to the dorm.

Grim then proceeds to run off before anyone could react or say anything as he lets out cheers of laughter. We all stare as sweatdrop began to form as we watch him leave very fast, faster than we've seen him run.

"That's probably the fastest I've seen him run..." I said with a sweatdrop

"Seriously? A match against ghosts?" Jack questions as Ace smiles.

"Hey, Ciel is playin' despite having about as much magical talent as a box of crayons, so what's the problem?" I proceeded to hit Ace on the back pretty hard as he yelps while the others laughs at my action.

"Sorry, I thought I saw a spider on your back." I said as Ace glares at me

"I'm actually going to be on TV? S-suddenly my knees won't stop shaking..." Deuce said with a nervous look on his face.

"Hurry off to the tournament site, now. Ah, but first, has anyone spotted a black, stone-like object on the ground?" Crowley asked

"Huh? A black rock?" Ace questions

"Did you lose something like that, sir?" Deuce asked

"Why are you looking for it?" I asked as Crowley shakes his head quickly as the others looks at the four of us in confusion.

"No... Simply wondering if anyone had noticed one. Right, then. Let's all hurry to the coliseum now."

"C'mon, Ciel." Jack said to me with a small smile

"Let's all do our best!" I said as everyone nods in agreement.

We all make our ways back to where the tournament was being held in as we heard loud cheers coming from within after we all got changed into sport clothes. Though due to my chest still recovering from all that running, Jack had me on his back. I didn't want to impose him but he said that it was alright and he noticed how I wasn't the fastest of my group. After all the teams were introduced to the audience and students who were supporting their dorms my team and Savanaclaw walked unto the field. The announcer explains about the exhibition match to everyone as we all got into position.

"You're gonna pay for making fools out of us last time!" Ace stated

"That's the spirit. Bring it on, and don't hold back." Jack said with a smirk.

"The cameras aren't rolling, a-are they...?" Deuce questions

"Shyeheehee! If I were you, those cameras would be the least of my worries." Ruggie teased him

"He's right, don't focus on that, Deuce. Just focus on winning." I stated while doing a quick stretch.

"All right! Time to show the world what Grim the Great is made of!" Grim shouts

"Counts yourselves lucky you get to face me. You better make it worth my while." Leona said with a smirk.

Then the sound of what seems to be that of a bell was sound as me and my team were given the disc. We all look at each other before rushing forward as Savanaclaw were trying to take the disc from us by using their magic. I had Deuce, Ace and the small ghost on offense, The tall ghost and the big ghost on defense as Grim held the disc with me close by. We began to cover a lot of ground, having learn from  our mistakes last time. After a while of running a bell was heard again as we all stop to take a small break while the audience were cheering.

"Myahaha! Do you SEE all the slick moves I'm making?!" Grim said in a boastful tone

"Yeowch. You sure don't pull any punches against the injured, do you?" Ruggie groans

"Why of course! You don't expect us to let you win, right?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Here's the plan, Ruggie: you keep playing up being hurt like that... And Jack, you hit 'em with a counter once they rush in." Leona orders

"...Right! Will do!" Jack said as the three got back into position.

We all got back into position as the bell rang again as we ran foward once more as Savanaclaw enacted their new plan. They were now hitting us with everything that they have as we moved quicker. The crowd was going wild at the sight before them as spells began to fly at one another. As we made our way to the field, I noticed there was little time as I gave a set of orders to the group in hopes of scoring a point. Before the first phase ended, we managed to score a point as the crowd cheers in excitement as we all took another break.

"OH, YEAH! SCORE ONE FOR US!" Ace shouts

"Alright!" I cheered

"Ha. You're all right. Bask in your moment of triumph while you can, though. It won't last." Leona said with a smirk

"That's what YOU think! Wait till you see Grim the Great land a goal from HERE! I call this baby the Great Grim Hurricane!" Grim said as I looked at him in shock.

"Wait, Grim don't-"

But before I could stop him, the bell ran as Grim proceeded to use his magic on the disc and unleashed the move he had just created. Both teams had the dodge as to not get hit by it but the crowd cheered in excitement. However, it landed a hit to my forehead as I fell backwards to the ground pretty hard. I began to black out as I heard my friends and others who knows me call out my name in a panic. Then I lost consciousness as the sounds of cheers faded as a flash of a memory of this event played out except I was hit by a ball as boys either around my age or older looked at me, wearing sport clothes, in shock before the flash faded.

'I was a student of another school?'

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