The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 8

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*Ciel's POV*

Once we were inside of the school, we went around the school to look for the victims and interview each of them. Thanks to the list, that I ask Crowley for before catching up with Grim, we were able to find most of them. Though, we had to go back to the dorm and rest so we can search again the next day. The next day after our morning classes, we made our way to the nurses office to interview one of the victims. I was holding a folder, which contained some evidence and testimonies, and a note pad to write down some information. We entered the office as Grim began to look around for the victim.

"All right, where's this guy who hurt his ankle." Grim demanded

"Grim, that's not how you investigate! You never say that out loud!" I scolded Grim as I walk over to the The Heartslabyul student, who was laying in bed

"Huh?" The student looked at us in confusion while his friend recognized us.

"Hey, it's the ones from Ramshackle House! They were at the unbirthday party! What are you guys doing here?"

"Get a load o' that! We're totally famous!" Grim smirks as I roll my eye before looking at the student laying down.

"We'd like to ask about your accident." 

"I wish I knew what happened myself, man. I was walking along, talking to my friend. And next thing I knew, BOOM! I was tumbling down the stairs." The student informs us as his friend nods.

"Yeah. I didn't even see him stumbling or anything."

"It was like my just lurched forward by itself. I can't really explain it." The student frowns

"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting." Grim stated

"Thank you for your cooperation. C'mon Grim, let's go interview the next victim." I stated

'That sounded so wrong...' I thought

Me and Grim left the office after I thanked the nurse for allowing us to interview the individual, since we needed permission to do so. We then make our way to the next and last victim so far at the moment. This is due to the fact that his accident is recent from what was written by Crowley prior to coming to us. Last I heard, he was in the classroom in the second floor in the sophomore wing of the school. Once there, Grim slammed the door open before rushing in as I sigh while following after him.

'Bloody hell, Grim...' I thought

"Hey, you. You had an accident and almost got hurt real bad, right? Give us the deets." Grim demanded once more

"Grim, stop being insensitive..." I scolded him as the two Pomefiore students looked at us as one of them had a bandaged hand.

"And why should I answer to you, exactly?" The Pomefiore student stated

"He was in peak condition for the Spelldrive tournament and got hurt so bad that he can't even play now!" The other Pomefiore student answered which annoyed the student.

"And you're here to... what, rub salt in my wound? We throw down the gauntlet! Duel us!"

"Look at what you've done, Grim." I sigh as Grim gave me offended look

Grim got into a fighting stance as I stood behind them while the two students did the same before we began to fight. I ordered Grim to use his magic while also dodging the two's attack as well. I also fought by using my note pad against one of the student since it was hard enough to be used as a weapon. We continued to fight for a while longer before me and Grim came out on top as the two were panting. I walk over to the two as I glare at them with a serious look on my face, which made the two flinch.

"Now will you tell us what happened?" I asked as the two students nods

"Hmph... You're better than I thought. All right, the. I'll give you the skinny." But he was cut off by the other student

"It happened in the laboratory. We were boiling up a potion when his hands suddenly shot out and grabbed the screaming hot cauldron. He dumped out every last drop. It was bizarre! Made a real mess too." The student looked at him in shock and annoyance.

"Oh, so YOU'RE gonna do all the talking?!"

"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting." Grim mutters

"Hope you feel better soon. Let's head back to the dorm for now, Grim." I said

We leave the classroom after I thanked the two for the information as we made our way back to the dorm. I began to look through the folder to review the information we have so far before adding the information from the note pad into the folder. While to the normal eye these seems like normal accidents, but to me, I can tell there is something going on. Even though I can't remember it, it seems my body remembers the investigation skills I had. Which I count as a blessing as I opened the door before me and Grim enters the dorm.

"I dunno, this just looks like a bunch of absent-minded kids hurtin' themselves to me.
If there's a scandal here. I ain't seein' it!" Grim stated as I sigh

"Like I said, Grim... Investigations aren't as easy as you make it. After all, these accidents can't be just a coincidences." Then there was a knock on the door

"Huh? Whozzat?" Grim asked

"Let me go see." I walk towards the door and opened it, only to be greeted by Ace.

"Mornin'. Guess you're feeling better now, huh, Grim?" Ace greeted

"Ah, morning Ace, and I guess you can say Grim is." I stated as Grim groans

"Oh, it's you. We're kinda busy right now. No time for kid stuff. Scram." I back handed Grim on the head.

"Don't be rude, Ace is one of our friends." Ace looked at us in confusion.

"Busy? What, you got a lot of homework?" He asked as I sigh

"You might want to sit down..."

We headed to the lounge as I felt that would be the best place to talk before we each sat down in the couch. Once we were comfortable, I began to tell Ace what me and Grim were doing before he came by. I told him how Crowley came to us and asked us to investigate the random accidents that has been going on lately. Since most of the students' injuries seemed suspicious and too coincidental to just pass off as a normal accident. Ace sat there, taking in the information while being curious about this before speaking.

"Injuries from suspicious accidents, huh?" Ace questioned as I nod

"But nothin' we heard sounded all that suspicious. It seemed like they were all just excited about the tournament, got distracted, and hurt themselves somehow." Grim complains as I groan.

'Well I do, and I will figure out what's really going on! No matter what.' I thought to myself

Then just as before I could speak, the sounds of the front door being slammed opened could be heard throughout the dorm. I could hear the sounds of someone running towards the lounge as I look towards the doorway. I was shock to see that it was Deuce was he ran into the lounge as he holds his knees to catch his breath. I could see a look of panic and worry in his face while sweating due to how long he was running for. This caused me to worry as I haven't seen him this panicked since the incident with Riddle.

"Ace! We got a big problem!" Deuce stated in a panic while panting

"Dial it down, Loosey-Deucey. What is it?" Ace asked as me and Grim listened as Deuce looked at us.

"Trey fell down the stairs! He's hurt!" We all looked at Deuce in horror and shock at the news.

"What?!" All three of us cries out

"Myah! He's the sneaky one with the glasses, yeah?" Grim stated in shock

"He never struck me as being absent-minded." I said in horror

"Yeah, Trey wouldn't just trip and eat dirt." Ace stated in shock

"Let's go see what he's got to say!" Grim suggested as we all nodded

All four of us ran out of the dorm while I was still holding the folder and note pad as I knew I would needed. Maybe, Trey will have more information to help shad some light on this case as most of the information is somewhat the same. However, I was also worried about him as he is not the type of person to be clumsy due to the fact he cooks for the dorm. We headed towards the hall of mirrors while also avoiding the other students to not hurt them. I began to feel panic and pain build up in my chest as I began to think to myself while having my eye closed.

'Please be okay, Trey...'

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