The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 22

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*Third POV*

Ciel was fast asleep after finishing his homework that he had and having a crisis with that strange vision had earlier. Then he opens his eyes as he noticed that he was in a cave this time in his African clothes. I looked to see a bird caged within bones from a ribcage as the scarred lion was laying on some rocks. The bird had a sadden look on his face, with no hope left while the lion was bored. Then, Ciel smelled something that felt off, it was a different smell from that dream with the lions and monkey.

'The smell of... earth?' He looked at through the opening and stared in shock when he saw a barren wasteland instead of a beautiful savannah.

"Oh, Zazu, do lighten up and sing something for me with a little bounce in it." The scarred lion asked as Ciel looked towards the caged bird.

"Oh... I would never have had to do this for Mufasa." The caged bird said in a sad tone

"What? What did you say? I... am... the KING!" The scarred lion informs the bird with a glare.

Then the three hyenas from before walked into the grave, unlike before, they had expressions of annoyance, anger or sad. Ciel can tell what the problem was as their stomachs we growling in hunger and they look dehydrated. They were starving and in need of water, but based on how things are, they won't be able to get any. This made Ciel wonder what had happened to the previous king and what the scarred lion have done. Based on the scarred lion's personality proved that he was a terrible king.

"Hey Boss! We got a bone to pick with you!" The male hyena stated

"Scar, there's no food, no water... We're hungry!" The female hyena complained

"What are you complaining to me for? Eat Zazu." Scar suggested but the hyenas weren't happy with that.

"I thought things were bad under Mufasa..." The male hyena said out loud, which made Scar furious.

"What did you say?! Get out!" Scar demanded as the three hyenas leave the cave

"But we're still hungry!" The second hyena cried out

Ciel looked to see that once the hyenas had left the cave, Scar was beginning to grow more angry as he was muttering to himself. Then the dream fades away as Ciel was still standing there as he was trying to process what had happened. But from what he had witnessed from the other two dreams, he was able to process very quickly. The previous king, Mufasa was killed by Scar with Mufasa's child nowhere to be found and Scar took over. But during his rule, things took a turn for the worse as resources began to die out and he began to put no efforts in trying to stop it, now being compared to Mufasa and the difference between their reigns.

'If he can't stand being compared to him, maybe he should try harder. What happened to all that motivation he had before he was king?' He thought to himself

Ciel still had his eyes closed as his vision remained covered in black as he begins to hear voices all around him. Mostly male with a few female voices, they sound like they're trying to find him, filled with concern. Some were calling him by name while others were calling him by 'Smile' or 'Young master'. This caused him confusion as 'Young master' felt familiar to him but I finds that hard to believe. Then, the voices fade away as he heard the door open along with footsteps within his room before the noises stopped.

"Hey, wake up." Ciel opened his left eye to see that it was morning

"Was that just a dream?" He asked himself in curiosity

Ciel yawned as his vision began to adjust to the lighting as he proceeds to put his eye patch on like he usually does. He then stretches to help his body wake up faster and pop his joints in the process. After doing that, he proceed to open his uncovered eye and noticed that Jack was in the room. Ciel was very confused by this as he wasn't expecting Jack to be here while Grim was beginning to wake up.

"Jack? Why are you here?" Ciel asked as Grim woke up to see Jack there

"Huh? What are you doin' in our dorm?"

"I'm on my morning run. Today's the day of the Spelldrive tournament, and I wanted to make sure you didn't mess everything up by oversleeping." Jack explained as Ciel looked at his clock to see what the time was.

"Oh! Yeah, you're right! We gotta catch the bad guys so they'll squeeze Ramshackle House into the tournament as a reward!" Grim cheered as both Jack and Ciel roll their eyes and shakes their head before Ciel looked towards Jack.

"Let's give it our best shot!" Ciel stated with a smile

"*sigh* I'll see ya at the tournament grounds. Don't you dare go back to sleep!"

Jack leaves the room to allow Ciel get freshen up and change into his uniform so Ciel and Grim can go to the event. Grim left the room as well to get something to snack on before they leave the dorm since they don't have time for breakfast. Ciel grabbed his uniform and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day and see what the Spelldrive was like. After freshening up, he changed into his uniform while also making sure his bowtie wasn't crooked like last time. However, he began to feel dread as he leaves the bathroom to grab his things for the day and place his pjs into the hamper.

'I have a bad feeling about this...'

*Side Street: Festival*

As the festival was going well as students were finishing setting up some of the kiosks up while others were looking around. Some of the students were in charge of the kiosks either for their respective dorms or approved by the planning committee. They were mainly of those who weren't able to make the cut but was given another option. Looking around at the attendance was none other than Azul. He wanted to make sure that there was no mistake or else it will affect with the sales, which he care about the most, and tournament watchers.

"Hm, excellent attendance again this year. I'll have to check how the kiosks are doing. After all, now that I'm the head of the planning committee, we can't have merchants underreporting their sales, now can we?" Azul said to himself, glad to see how things were going.

Then two students proceeds to walk towards him with smiles on their faces as they carry news for him. It was none other than the twins as they were wearing their dorm's uniform rather than the school uniform. This is one of the requirements during the event to help the guests tell the difference between each dorm. They were coming back from the coliseum after taking a look at it to inform Azul.

"Housewarden, everything's ready at the coliseum. The players will begin arriving in ten minutes." Jade informs him

"Jade, Floyd, excellent work." Azul commends them

"Hey, Azul, what's the deal? Why do you have the players' procession starting at the east building this year? The paths are so clogged with attendees that it'll be real hard for the players to get through 'em!" Floyd complained a bit but not in a angry way as Azul smirks.

"That was a special request from a certain client. I'm not privy to ALL the particulars." Jade knew what Azul meant

"Ah, I understand. So this is related to that magic-boosting potion you were making yesterday."

"Wait, you understand WHAT? What does rerouting the players have to do with magic potions?" Floyd questions as Jade quiets him with a smile.

"Shhh. Someone might hear us. Lower your voices."

"Ooh! Is something shady about to go down?" Floyd smirks

"That potion is only going to last for about thirty seconds. What could he possibly be plotting, I wonder?" Azul explains to the two

"Azul, you needn't feign ignorance. You know exactly what he's planning, don't you?" Jade states, knowing how Azul acts.

"Do I? I wonder! Heh heh heh." Azul chuckles

"Aw, come on! Tell me too!" Floyd cries out not wanting to be left out

"Hee hee. And I was just thinking I wanted to refurbish the lounge, so this offer came at a most opportune time. But that's enough chit-chat. Time is money! Let's go see how concession sales are going." Azul informs the two

However, much to the dismay of Jade who was trying to keep this from being heard, someone was watching them and listen in to their conversation. They were given this role as they were the best at being quiet and unnoticeable. At first, they were gonna spy on someone else but when they heard Floyd's complaint, they decided to spy on them for a bit. They were glad that they did as they heard everything and how it's related to the situation. They smirked to themselves as the proceed to leave without being noticed to let someone what they heard.

'I hope they're ready for what he have in store.'

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