The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 4

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*Ciel's POV*

"Hey, Headmage, what's the deal? What does fightin' ghosts got to do with blot?" Grim demanded in anger as the three were next to me once again.

"Direct your attention to the magestone on your collar, Mr. Grim." Crowley stated as he motioned towards the collar.

I looked at Grim's collar to see that the stone's purple shine has become dull and faded as if it was tainted from the inside. It reminded me of the state that Riddle's stone looked as he kept using his magic over and over again. Is this the result of what happens every time someone uses their magic so many times? Grim gasped as he held it up with his paws, his face was filled with shock and confusion.

"Myah?! My magestone looks all grungy now...MYAH?! It won't rub off!" Grim desperately tried to clean off the blot with no success.

"Precisely. That inky black stain is the byproduct of spellcasting known as 'blot.'" Crowley stated

"There's some grime on my magical pen, too!" Deuce stated in shock

"Ewww! This is capital-G Gross!" Grim complained as Ace was trying to rub the blot off of the gem.

"Will it come off eventually?" I asked in concern as I can feel something coming off of the blot that is defiantly something I want to avoid.

"It will."

"Phew! Had me worried there." Grim said in relief

"Is there some way to get rid of it?" Crowley nods at my question with a smile on his face

"Yes, of course."

"Like some kinda special soap or somethin'?" I wince at Grim's question

"I don't think soap would get rid of the blot." I stated with a sweatdrop

"With sufficient rest, blot will vanish from your magestone. This is why a magestone is so valuable to magic users. Not only does it aid your casting, it also serves as a lightning rod of sorts, to prevent blot from accumulating within the caster." Crowley explained as we began to process the information.

"I see. So when our magestones start to get cloudy, that means it's time for us to ease off." Deuce stated as Crowley nods

"Correct. Eat well and get plenty of sleep, and most of the blot will clear away."

"Gotcha. So when I become an even greater mage, I'll be able to fire off spells left and right! Pa-PEW! After all, I do plenty of sleepin' and eatin'." Grim stated proudly as I faceplam

"Even though you really need to focus in class..." I mutter

"People vary greatly in their capacity for magic. However, save for a few key exceptions, there is little variance in most mages' tolerance for blot." Crowley announced which caught our attention

"What's that mean?" Grim asked as I nod in agreement

"I'm confused too, can you give us more details?"

"In essence, it means that those who possess a great capacity for magic must be meticulous in their efforts to avoid accumulating blot. Like Mr. Rosehearts, for instance." Crowley stated an example

"So Riddle and others a greater chance to blot because they're stronger in magic?" I deduced as Crowley nods

"So folks who know their way around magic gotta lay off once in a while. Seems simple enough." Ace stated

"Correct. That said, it isn't anything that mages at YOUR level need to worry about. How very fortunate for you!"

"I...guess that's only kind of an insult?" Ace questioned with a sweatdrop as I sigh

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