The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 12

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*Third POV*

The group continued to run as the twins kept up with them but was still unable to catch them, which Ciel was grateful for. However, the attacks seems to no longer slow them down like it was earlier. Their only option was to keep running and get out of the courtyard safely. Though, that's a challenge on it's own as it looks like the twins were not tired at all like they were. Ciel began to think of an escape while the group continued running.

"Shoot! They're chasing us!" Deuce shouted

"Can they just leave us alone!" Ciel cried out

"Hey, couldja stop, friends? Just for a second? We just wanna chat!" Floyd said with a smile

"Decidedly, no! Full retreat!" Riddle stated in a panic

Ciel spotted something near by as he proceeds to grab it, he looked at it and notices that it was an apple that had recently fallen. Ciel quickly turned around and throws the apple at one of the twins with all the strength he had. The apple hit Floyd on the forehead causing him to stumble back as Jade stops to check his brother. The group used this distraction and ran as fast as they could out of the courtyard. After a couple of minutes, the twins notices that the group was now gone.

"Awww... They're gone." Floyd pouts as Jade chuckles

"Heh heh. I do so enjoy a brisk midday jog. Alas, we'll have to pick this up another time. Come. We need to prepare the lounge for tonight." Floyd nods but still pouting

"Bummer. But all right."

The twins began to walk away to go back to their dorm as Jade begins to inform his brother on what needs to be done. Meanwhile with the group, they made it back to the main street successfully without the twins tailing them. The group stopped running to catch their breaths after running for so long thanks to the twins.

"*Pant* *Pant*... That was terrifying. What is the deal with those guys?!" Grim cried out

"*Pant* *Pant* That's what I would like to know..." Ciel stated while holding my chest in pain as Riddle rubs Ciel's back.

"I'm not the one to ask. Those two have baffled me since we were freshmen together." Riddle informs them as Cater nods

"Messing with them seems like a reeeal bad idea." 

"If I were the culprit, I know I'D steer clear." Ace states while rubbing his head

"Then it's off to the next name on my list! It's getting late, so let's make this the last one for today, 'kay? It's Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm. Rumor has it that he's a great athlete. Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him." Cater informs the group

"Classes are over, so he should be at his dorm." Deuce says as he shows the time on his phone.

"Oh, is it 5:00 already? Rule 346 says that "croquet must not be played after 5:00 p.m." I should head back to Heartslabyul and make sure that no one is breaking the rules in my absence." Riddle informs the group, which made the others take aback at that.

"Just how long have we been running for?!" Ciel stated in shock

"Tch. I thought you'd rounded out some, but nope, you're as square as ever." Grim states as Ciel back-handed him.

"Grim!" Grim pouts while rubbing his head with his paws.

"Th-that's not true! I assure you that I've become much more lenient about enforcing the rules." Riddle stutters with an unamused look on his face.

"He really has. He's way nicer than before. And we all appreciate that Riddle diligence. So go do what you gotta do, Boss!" Cater states

"I wish you could've come with us, but then again... You are a housewarden and you have responsibility." Ciel stated to Riddle, who smiles at him.

"Then I guess the rest of us are headed to Savanaclaw House." Ace says with a smile

The group makes their way back to the Mirror hall to use the Savanaclaw mirror to get to the next dorm to find Jack. Riddle bid goodbye to the group as he goes through the Heartslabyul mirror to make sure everything's okay. Which the group also bid goodbye to him as they enter the Savanaclaw mirror, which had some bones along with torches and claw marks around it. Once they exited the mirror, the group noticed that it was very warm along with a crescent moon high above them over the large dorm in the sky.

An Earl in Night Raven College (Book two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora