The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 19

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*Third POV*

Ace, Deuce, and Grim continued their chase after Ruggie as they ran through the halls of the school while making sure not to hit any of the students. The students looked at the four in confusion before going back to what they were doing. They kept at as they made their way outside to the courtyard. After a while of running, the trio stopped to take a break as they needed to catch their breath. Ruggie on the other hand, didn't look tired at all as if he was used to this, he laughs at the trio.

"Shyeheehee! Three-in-one, and this is the best you can do? Pretty pathetic, guys." Ruggie teased them as he laughs

"*pant* What is WITH this dude?! He's crazy fast!" Ace complained while panting

"*pant* It's not just that he runs fast... *pant* It's like no terrain even slows him down!" Deuce pants with his hands on his knees.

"Myaaaaah... I don't even think I can catch him." Grim groans out

"Shyeheehee! Compared to the backstreets of the slums, this is a cakewalk. Did you even think this through? Let's say you do catch me—can you even be sure that I did it?" Ruggie asked them

"What? Of course you did it!" Deuce exclaims as Ruggie questions them even more.

"And what about evidence? Do you have a witness who saw me casting spells? For that matter, did anyone snap a picture? You don't have anything like that, do you?"

"Yeah, but...still!" Ace stated

"Maybe so, but's cowardly..."

The four looked to see that it was Ciel walking towards the with a dark look on his face as he glares at Ruggie. The trio flinches when they saw the dark look as Ciel had used it in the past when Grim had tried to escape classes. It showed that Ciel was annoyed and done with the antics at the moment. Ruggie froze a bit as he was trying to hide his fear but his body language showed it instead as he wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. Ciel stood in front of the trio as the dark look faded to disappointment.

"You're a coward!" Ciel informs Ruggie with his arms crossed.

"A coward? I take that as a compliment, honestly. Shyeheehee! Next time you wanna come after me, do me a favor and gather some proof first. Though that sounds like a tall order given your track record."

"Grrrrr... This guy..." Grim growls

"Well, I'm done playing tag for today. I'll leave those pens of yours I stole right here for you, okay? Toodles!" Ruggie toss the pens to Ciel before he left with a smile on his face.

"Argh! He really gets on my nerves!" Ace said angrily

"Housewarden Riddle is not going to be pleased." Deuce said in disappointment

"He did say 'next time,' didn't he? Do you think he's going to keep doing it?" Ciel questioned as the other thought about it

"So you guys are still on the hunt, huh?"

They jumped before turning towards the source of the voice as they saw that it was Jack who was walking towards them. Despite his face not showing it, Ciel can tell that he was very confused by their action which makes sense. Since based on what Crowley stated a while back, the students fend for themselves.

"Yup. Hey, here's an idea: Next time, maybe give us a hand? There is seriously something wrong with that guy." Ace suggested as Ciel sweatdrop at Ace's words

"To be fair, I think he didn't know what we were doing..."

"Why're you going through all this trouble for the sake of total strangers?" Jack asked, which confused them

"I'm not sure I follow." Deuce states

"I mean, I'd understand if you were out for vengeance for an injured friend, or something." Jack continues

'Vengeance...' Ciel thought

Some flashes of memories flew by in his mind, they were of him wanting vengeance but it was unknown the reason behind it. But he felt pain within his heart as if it's trying to tell him it must have something to do with his late parents. He shake his head as he felt a little dread begin to form in his mind.

"Buddy, you're missing the point." Ace said, this made Jack confused and made Ciel focus once more.


"We're not doin' this for anyone else's sake!" Ace exclaims

"This is just a chance for us to score some kudos by catching the culprit." Deuce informs Jack as Ace nods in agreement.

"Yeah. I'd do anything to get on my dorm's team so I can show my talent to the world!"

"Yeah, me too! I wanna catch the guy so I can get this glorious mug of mine on TV!" Grim gloated, which made Ciel facepalms.

"I feel bad about what happened to Trey, but if there's an opening on the roster... I'll take it." Ace stated

Jack looked at Ciel, wanting to know what his reasoning behind his actions regarding the hunt or case. Ciel sighs as he has a feeling why Jack was questioning them in the first place and began to think about what to say. He had his own reasons as they weren't like the trio's reason for catching Ruggie as the thought of so many people watching him felt uncomfortable. Once I thought what words to say, I look at Jack with a serious look.

"Unlike theses three, I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing this for those who suffered because of Ruggie to get justice and to prevent more people to get hurt. I may not know why he's doing this, but I'll sure as hell stop him if it's the last thing I do." Ciel explains in a serious tone

"Wow. I was doubting whether I could trust people who would suffer like this for strangers... But it turns out you guys're total scum." Jack stated with his arms crossed before looking at Ciel.

"Well, except for Ciel, I can trust him." The trio stares in disbelief at Jack's words

"I'll do everything in my power to not break it!" Ciel informs him, which awards him a small smile.

"If we're scum, then you're less than scum, because you knew all along, didn't you? You knew exactly who the culprit was." Ace counters Jack's claim

"Oh! I get it! That's why you were sure he wasn't gonna come for you—you knew the culprit was from your own dorm!" Grim said realizing the fact

"...... Fight me. The whole lot of you." Jack said in a serious tone

"What?" Ciel questioned

"Huh? Why should we?" Ace questions

"If I'm gonna trust you, I gotta size you up first. Prove to me that you ain't all talk, and I'll tell you everything I know." Jack informs them

"Ugh, do I have to? I hate getting all sweaty." Ace complained before being hit on the back by Ciel

"Now you're talkin' my language. Let's cut that smack-talk and THROW DOWN!" Deuce stated as his delinquent side came out once again.

"Myah?! I'll never get used to him flippin' out like that!" Grim said in surprise

"Must violence be the answer to everything?! Fine. Let's let our fists do the talking." Ciel said in a serous tone.

The trio got in front of Ciel as Ciel gave some distance so he won't be caught in the crossfire for what's about to happen next. Then after a couple of minutes flew by, the fight began as they charged towards each other. Jack was mainly using his fist, same with Deuce while Ace and Grim used some of their magic. Ciel gave the trio orders and what to look out for as he doesn't have magic and is not good at hand-to-hand combat. So, Ciel is the strategist of the group as a result and because he's the only one to get others to work together. The fight continued as Ciel had hoped that the trio will gain Jack's trust so he can tell them what's going on.

'I hope Jack can give answers behind this mess...'

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