The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 10

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*Ciel's POV*

I began to explain everything that was happening before coming here to confront Trey about the accident and make sure he's okay. I explained how me and Grim were playing with a disc with the ghosts to mimic the Spelldrive to make Grim happy again. Then Crowley showed up and explained to us about the accidents and requested us to investigate the matter. So me and Grim were investigating yesterday and earlier before returning to the dorms where Ace showed up and then Deuce. I left out the fact that we or mainly Grim made a deal with Crowley but they didn't need to know that.

"Ah... So the headmage asked you to investigate." Riddle stated as I nod

"Yeah, that's what has been happening." 

"I knew it. Grim coming by for a get-well visit? That's just plain sus." Cater stated as I nod

"Yeah... Grim isn't the type of person to be sharing." Grim shouted at me

"I must admit that I found the circumstances odd as well. I've had Cater looking into it for me." Riddle informs us

"Well, I'm glad we aren't the only ones looking into the matter. That means we'll be able to get more information and keep look out if someone is involved." Riddle nods as Cater informed us

"And I found out that all of the victims have been talented players like Riddle and Trey."

'Just like what I deduced...'

"Riddle, did you feel anything when you were falling? Like you were pushed." I asked as Riddle thought for a bit before speaking.

"To be clear, it wasn't as if I had been pushed, or that I had tripped. But I did feel a peculiar sensation, body was moving of its own volition."

"The other victims said basically the same thing!" Grim stated as Ciel nods

"There was also a laugh that was heard by one of the victims, Which means someone is committing this." The group nods at this piece of information.

"I believe we can safely surmise that potential Spelldrive tournament players are being targeted." Riddle stated as I nod

"That's what I was able to deduced based on the information I gotten so far."

"You think someone is causin' accidents to take out threats from the tournament?" Ace asked in confusion

"The whole world will be watching. A good performance can make a player's whole career. It's no surprise that some would resort to underhanded methods to even the odds." Riddle explained

"Sure, but it doesn't make much sense. I mean, you'd know if you got pushed off the stairs by a gust of wind magic or somethin', right?" Cater asked Riddle, to which he nods

"Certainly. I felt no external force."

"And some of the other victims had accidents in the classroom! How do you explain that?" Cater stated while looking at me.

"Well... Given that Riddle didn't feel anyone pushing, I would suggest that a spell may be at play here. Due to the fact that the perpetrator is not seen but can be heard, though I can't say why they're doing this." I inform the group as Riddle gives a hard nod with a determined look.

"The culprit can tell us all about it when we capture him. And we intend to help you do that."

The trio looked at them in shock, mainly Grim as he wasn't expecting the two, especially Riddle, to help with something like this. I was a little surprised, that I can't lie about saying I wasn't, but I was grateful but also understanding. Trey is very close with Cater since they're both not only dormmates but also in the same year, while for Riddle, he was his childhood friend. Seeing him hurt like this which was caused by someone doesn't sit well with them. I felt the same way when a flash of a group of people appears in my mind before going away.

"Myah? YOU'RE gonna help us? What's your angle?" Grim asked in shock as I looked at him with understanding.

"Well, the culprit is not only breaking rules by hurting others and using spells for malicious use. They also hurt Trey in the process, who is one of their dormmates, so this became personal to both Riddle and Cater." I explain to Grim

"You offend us, sir. One of our housemates was injured—why wouldn't we help him find justice?" Cater gasped with a playfully hurt look on his face.

"We're all house-buds here. Count us in." Ace stated with a smirk

"He's gonna pay for what he did to Trey!" Deuce said with a determined look

"You two seem awfully enthusiastic about this." Riddle said while looking skeptical

"Yeah... You guys usually don't jump to do something like this very often..." I stated as I was confused about their behavior.

"Ahhh... I get it. You're running for that open spot on our team, aren't you?" Cater stated as the two jumped in surprise.

"Heh. Was it that obvious?" Ace said sheepishly

"N-no! that had noting to do with it! I just want to avenge our housemate!" Deuce tried to defend himself.

"Give it up, Deuce, he can see right through you... Same with Ace but that's no surprise." I said with a sweat drop as the two look at me with a shock look.

"*Sigh* Fine... Your performance during the investigation will be taken into account." Riddle sighs and two cheered


"Can you two please take this seriously?" I stated with a stern look on my face which made the two flinch.

"Now, if we're going to apprehend this culprit, we need to stay a step ahead of him." Riddle said which made my stern look on the duo go away.

"Well, the best course of action is to limit the targets! That way it's harder for him to get more." I suggested to the group.

"And we're gonna do that HOW, exactly...?" Grim asked confused

"By predicting which student will be targeted next and covertly following him. Should the culprit strike, we will protect the target and then immediately pursue the attacker." Riddle stated as I think about it

'A stake out, then... Though there is one issue.'

"But how do we know who will be targeted next?" I asked since I don't have that information yet.

"I've got this, Ciel." Cater stated as he pulls out his phone

"I've already identified a number of potential targets from among the most promising players. I'll form a group on Magicam so we can coordinate our efforts and then give you access to the album." He informs us with a smile on his face.

We look at him as he began to type away on his phone with a smile on his face as he began his work. Which I hope will be helpful as we'll need to act fast if we want to slow the culprit's movement down. After all, the more time we waste, the more time the culprit has to hurt more players. Once Cater was done, he showed us his phone screen, revealing the amount of Spelldrive players who weren't hurt in an 'accident'. I was very surprised by the number of players there was left unharmed as it seemed I wasn't the only as the others were shocked too.

"Whoa, Cater, this is a ton of information!" Deuce said in shock

"Now, let's move!" Cater stated as we all get up with Grim shouting with a determined look.

"Let's nail this creep!"

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