The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 9

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*Ciel's POV*

We all make our way to Heartslabyul at a quick pace as we were all worried about Trey and to see if he has any information to give. Once we got there, we followed Deuce and Ace as they know where Trey's room compared to me and Grim. We all were now standing in front of Trey's door with worry as we enter while being quiet just in case. I looked to see that his room looked to be have some green that clashed with the red, black and white color scheme of the room. I saw that there were things like wallpaper with large stripes of black and red, with thin white stripes.

A dark brown wooden floor creaked lightly under our steps and accented the white and black diamond patter that ran around the lower part of the wall. A dark bronze chandelier hung on the ceiling with yellow rose flowers for the lights. A small black and white bookcase holding several books, a small case with four drawers of glasses, and three hat stands with two fedoras. Beside the bookcase was a black and white desk with drawers, a dark brown chair, books, and pens, all tidy. There was window, which had red curtains with gold sashes holding them in place.

A brown night stand with a single drawer that had a night lamp, with a red rose for a light. The red top had gold tassels, and the red drawing curtains were tied with gold cords. On the bed headboard was a heart, and the covers and pillows were all green, with one being a clover, at the foot of the bed, against a wall, was a standing wardrobe that was heart-shaped and had a set of drawers at the bottom with deep red doors and black and white coloring to match the room. A clover rug sat on the floor, plush and warm.

We walked over as Trey looked at us with a smile on his face as he had what seems to be a cast for his ankle. I couldn't help but wince at the sight since I didn't know what kind of pain he was in at the moment. I got closer as I sat on the bed next to Trey with Grim in my arms, after Trey gave me permission while inspecting him to make sure he wasn't injured anywhere else. As I remember bits of how to tend to people's wounds from little fragments of memories. Ace spoke up after walking a bit closer with Deuce.

"Yo, man, how's it going?" Ace asked in concern

"How are you feeling, Trey?" Deuce questioned

"We came all this way just to see your sorry face. It's cool—don't get up." Grim stated as I roll my eye before looking at Trey.

"Are you okay? We heard that you got hurt." I asked worried as Cater spoke up

"Well, if it isn't Hunting Season! And Grim and Ciel too! You're rolling deep today." Cater states with a smile

"Hey, Cater... I'm lost. Whaddaya mean by 'Hunting Season'?" Ace asked as me, Grim, and Deuce looked confused.

"I mean it's you guys! You're Ace, he's Deuce—that's what you call an Ace Deuce in poker!"

We all stood there as our brains began to process what Cater just told us, which took a few minutes. After the processing was done, I began laughing as Ace and Deuce had a shock look on their face as Grim joined me. Cater also joined in the laughing as Trey had a smile on his face at the sight. I never thought that Ace and Deuce would get a combined nickname in their entire life, given the fact they seem to argue with each other. My laughter slowly became a giggle as Deuce spoke up about it.

"Don't give us a couple nickname!" Deuce exclaims

"I don't think it's meant to be a couple nickname." I giggle as Ace looked a bit uncomfortable

"Riiight... Anyway, how'd you feel, Trey? And how'd you get hurt?" Ace asked

"Slipped on the stairs. I couldn't catch myself, and my ankle got all messed up. I'll be on crutches for a while." Trey explains as Deuce was taken aback by that while I wince.

"Yikes. That sounds pretty bad!"

"'Bad' is an understatement, Deuce." I stated in concern

"Yep. Looks like I'll be warming the bench at the Spelldrive tournament this year." Trey states as Grim winces

"Myah... I was hopin' your injury would be small enough for me to justify keepin' this, but... Here. I brought ya a get-well can of tuna. Feel better, specs." Grim said while handing Trey a can as I looked confused.

'When did Grim... That's not important at the moment' I thought as Trey takes the can with a sweatdrop.

"Heh. Thanks."

"Ugh, hashtag #fail! Now that we've lost a power player, we have to redo our team roster!" Cater complains 

"Wait, what?!" Deuce and Ace cried out

"That's not a good thing..." I stated

Just then the door opened as we all look at door to see that it was Riddle who had just entered the room. He was wearing his normal uniform instead of his other outfit from the party a while ago. He had an worried expression on his face before having a look of confusion as he gave me a wave, to which I waved back. I guess he wasn't expecting us to be here which does make sense as Trey needs to rest. But something tells me that Riddle knows something that Trey isn't telling us as Riddle spoke.

"Why are there so many people in here? Trey is supposed to be resting!" Riddle stated as Grim shouts

"Myah! It's Ragin' Riddle!" I smack Grim's head

"Grim, that was very rude!" I scolded him 

"I am not 'raging.' I will be perfectly pleasant if you obey the rules!" Riddle gave a deadpanned look before looking at Trey with concern.

"How are you doing, Trey? Can I bring you anything to eat or drink?"

"I told you, Riddle: you don't need to fuss over like this." Trey reassures him as Riddle frowns

"But it's my fault that you got hurt." me and the trio looks at him in shock and confusion.

"What? He didn't tell us that part!" Ace exclaims

"Riddle, can you tell us what happened?" I asked as looks at me and nods

"I needed to talk to him, so I went to the junior classroom at lunch. And then..."

*Flashback, Third POV*

Riddle and Trey were near the stairs as Riddle began to talk with Trey about the upcoming tournament and team roster. As Vice housewarden and one of the players, Trey needed to learn this information before the tournament. Riddle stated that all players must practice hard if they have any chance with getting through. However, as they were talking, they didn't noticed someone was watching them. After a while though, Riddle noticed the time and realized he was going to be late.

"I'm going to be late today, so go ahead and start practice without me." Riddle informs Trey

"Sure, will do." Trey states

"All right, I'll see you—Wh-whoooa!" Then Riddle began to fall forward down the stairs

"Riddle, look out!" Trey shouted

Just before Riddle fell completely down the stairs and hurt himself, Trey quickly rushes and catches him. However, in his panic, Trey didn't noticed he loss his footing and fell forward with Riddle until it was too late. Trey quickly shielded the boy from the impact as he got some bruises by the stairs. After a few minutes, the two hit the ground as students nearby rushed over to see if they were okay. While Riddle was okay, Trey wasn't as his ankle was dislocated, which resulted in him being taken to the nurse's office as Riddle followed.

*Flashback end, Ciel's POV*

"Trey never would have slipped if he hadn't caught me when I was about to tumble over." Riddle finishes explaining as I began to process the information

"Yeah, but if I hadn't, you would have just broken your fall with a flight spell. It was stupid of me to intervene. So you don't owe me anything." Trey reassures Riddle, but he didn't look convince.

"Still, I..."

'So Riddle was the original target, but Trey prevented him from getting hurt... But since Trey is a power player, they were still able to weaken Heartslabyul team. That means that it was a matter of time before Trey would be targeted.' I thought while thinking

"Hey, Ciel, d'you think...?" Ace whispers to me as I nod

"Yeah. This may not have been an accident."

"Riddle, come on! It's not gonna do anyone any good to have you harshing the vibe here. It's lame that Trey got hurt, but you'll rock the field that much harder to make up for him, right?" Cater reassures him as I nod

"That's right, Riddle. Plus, I don't think Trey would want you to be 

"Well, I suppose that's true." Riddle stated as Cater looks at us

"All right, peeps, we should let Trey get his rest. Out, out, out!"

We all were being pushed out of the room by Cater, even Riddle was being pushed out as all of us were processing what's going on. Cater had brought us to the lounge as I began to look around the room. The red lounge had a sofa and throne chair in the center of the room near the red wall with the wooden heart playing card panels that edged the bottom around most of the room. The checkerboard floor, angled mirrors with the playing cards shooting out of them neatly polished. The gold fireplace with its ornate mirror had additional red and white flowers on the mantle, and flags hung in a long string all around the room. 

Even the long lounge chair had white with red painted roses upon it and white bunting flowing down from the center. On the red, white and gold rose decorated Oriental rug was a table with a white tablecloth. There was also chairs and small table near a part of the lounge that had glass windows to look out to the maze or garden. Cater seated me, Deuce, Ace, and Grim on the sofa as Riddle sit on the throne chair before Cater stands next to him. We all look at Cater in confusion as Riddle spoke.

"All right, Cater. Was there something you didn't want to tell me in front of Trey?" Riddle asked as he nods

"You're always a step ahead of me, Riddle. I get the feeling Ciel & co. know something about it. Want to fill us in?"

The two looked at us with curiosity but also seriousness, wanting answers for what the bloody hell was going on. Deuce and Ace looked at me, saying you tell them from what I can read from their expression. I had looked at the two before sighing while looking down as I knew why they want me to explain what's going on. Deuce and Ace don't know that much about the incidents, and Grim would explain it either wrong or even more confusing. I look back up and to Riddle and Cater as my expression became serious.

"Right, so..."

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