𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟴: My past, my future, my hell

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I eventually give up on trying to call someone as I make my way to Elliots house, the only sound I hear being my laboured breaths. I limped down the road before I came to a complete stop, trying to catch my breath.

A strong force came behind me, attempting to push off them I felt a strong hand wrap around my mouth and lift me off the ground. Their arms wrap around my broken rib as I scream, attempting to get out their arms as I gasped in large breaths.

I was soon thrown into the back of a familiar smelling truck. Watching as Rafe climbed into the front seat, I looked at him panicked, "Rafe, what the fuck are you doing?"

He ignored my question as he locked the doors and sped off down the road, "Rafe?" I begged for an answer as I rested my hand on my side, trying to ease the throbbing pain.

He slowly turned to me, his hand reaching out for mine as I pulled away from him as he smiled at me lovingly, "Your mine, youre finally all mine."

Realising his motive, I shut up, pushing myself further away from him as I attempted to get the doors to open, to no avail.


We slowly pull up to a beach house, one on the edge of the island. "Rafe, whose house is this?" I ask as he holds my hand, not letting go despite my attempts to escape. "My friends." He cuts me off as he pulls my struggling self-up the steps and into the house before throwing me into one of the bedrooms. My scrambling to get to the door quickly holts to a stop as I hear the door lock.

Hearing the lock killed all my determination and hope. I slowly sunk into the bed as I heard his steps quieten, slowly giving up.


As I lay on the bed, trying to ease the now slowly throbbing pain my rib, I hear the sudden click of the lock, causing me to quickly sit up, feeling the adrenaline build as I watch him walk into the room, coming straight towards my tense form.

Seeing that the door is still open I throw myself at the boy, getting his body to the floor. Crouching above him, I lift my fist up and bring it down- punching him hard. He groans as his nose makes a rather unnerving crunch sound.

Watching as he covers his nose in pain, I take the distraction and jump up, running for the door. However, I dont get far before his hand wraps around my ankle, dragging me to the floor as I smash my face on the carpeted floor, my nose now matching his. I quickly scramble up- not wanting to relive my past moments when I didnt fight back- as I watched him mirror me, but with a dark look in his eyes.

Seeing that I wont be able to outrun him I realise my only chance to get out is to injure him enough so I could have time to get out. I run at him, pinning him to the wall as I punch his stomach, watching as he doubles over in pain grunting before kicking my stomach, making me fall back. I quickly recover, lunging forward, punching him in the face and he groans leaning back into the wall for support. I punch him again, making him release another pained grunt.

He slowly sticks his hand into my side, I cry out as he says, "Stop fighting. I dont want to hurt you, Princess."

I fall away from him onto the floor, watching as he climbs over me, his long limbs trapping my own. "You're not going to win." He tells me, blood from his nose and other cuts dripping onto my face. "I didn't want to do this but it's the only way to get you unconscious." He says before punching me directly in the face. I groan loudly, the pain is horrible.

I lean down, reaching for my knife until my fingers brush the handle, I grip it but feel another one of Rafes fists hit my face. I lift the knife and slice the first area my hand can find: his chest. Watching as his shirt rips, blood slowly seeping into it, his eyes meet mine. I now realise that he is high.

His eyes go wide in pain, then darken in anger. He monoverse himself, twisting so he could reach my hand as he twists the knife cutting my own hand as my grip loosens. Trying to reach the handle again, I feel him twist my arm, a cry leaving me as he whispers in my ear, "Stop, love. Please, I dont want to hurt you, but you keep fighting me."

"Because I dont love you." I sneer back in anger, my head jerking to the side as he slaps me. He then stands up, slowly planting a kiss on my cheek before walking out the door, locking it once more as I hear his sobs on the other side.


I lay on the floor few a while, feeling my adrenaline be replaced with pain. Finally, forcing myself to get up, I grab my knife and hide it in my bag before reaching for my phone, which was hidden in the pocket of the bag. I try to open it, but watch as the battery symbol appears, showing that it had died. I let out a breath of exhaustion before I stand up, forgetting the phone and walking into the on-sweet of the bedroom.

Looking up in the mirror, I stared at the broken girl staring back at me. I looked like shit. Around my ribs and arms were the new forming bruises from the aftermath of today, but nothing compared to the cut on my lip and the dried blood from my nose. The dark circles around my eyes made it look as if I had a black eye and my eyes blood shot from all the crying I had done.

I fill the sink with water as I slowly begin to scrub the dried blood off my skin, trying to ignore the pain as I let out small whimpers.

I then slowly walk back to the room, before climbing into the bed, slowly drifting to sleep as I give up on getting away from him.


I'm awoken by the shuffling of someone, I tense as I remember where I am but dont move away- not wanting to repeat earlier events. I feel his arms wrap around me as he pulls me up, turning me to meet his eyes, now seeing he is sobber I slightly relax. "Hey, Im sorry." He says as he looks at my injuries worried, "Here."

I watch as he shoves a pill and water into my hand, "What is it?"

"Painkiller." He replies, nodding as I take it before taking the water off me, placing it on the side before laying down and dragging me too him. I let him lay against me, hearing as he slowly falls asleep, feeling as the tears silently fall down my face.

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𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now