Chapter 32: Falling apart

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I walk to the well-known house of Randy-my previous drug dealer. He's the main dealer for a lot of the kooks which means his parties are normally extravagant and easy to enter unnoticed.

I walk up the large steps leading into the busy house, buzzing with energy. Now having a few pills, I feel my heart beat slow and my hands slightly shake with energy. I walk through the house, accepting a cup of unknown liquid as I look for the dealer.

Eventually I spot him as I stumble over to him, watching as his face splits into a grin, "Ah, you're back. I knew you would eventually break. Didn't expect it to be this long though I admit."

"Do you have any on you?" I shout over the music as I lean into him, struggling to hold my own weight. He laughs nodding, "Always straight to the point."

He guides me up the twisting staircase into the bedroom, before slowly pulling out a white packet. My eyes light up at the sight, quickly reaching for it before he pulls away, tutting. He holds his hand out to me, waiting as I pull out crunched up notes which we exchange for the bag. Seeing the powder in my shaking hand excites me.

I smile before stumbling back down the stairs, drink now empty as I suddenly feel the need to vomit. I run out the house and away from the flashing lights before collapsing at the side on a building, down an alleyway. I lay, too tired to lift myself up as I vomit all over myself before falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up startled as a body leers over me. "Get up and get out of here." A gruff man pulls me up and shoves me down the alley as I stumble away from him. He waits, glaring at me until I'm fully away from his shop.

The cold breeze on my skin, slowly wakes me up as I begin the treck back home. After sleeping, I feel as though my head is splitting open with pain from the leftover drugs and alcohol.


Eventually I get to the empty house, I drag myself into the bathroom, slowly stripping of any dirty clothes before splashing myself with the cold water. Using my hands to steady myself, I look up at the mirror, my reflection concerning myself.

I look away, back at my shaking hands as I reach into my pocket, feeling for the small packet. Pulling it out, I pour its contents onto the counter, sniffing as I wait for relief to fill my blood.

I look back at my reflection, feeling nothing as I see the dark circles under my eyes.

I turn, my eyes connecting with the clock in the kitchen as I see the time, I remember that I'm supposed to be at work. I push myself away from the counter, quickly throwing my uniform on before walking out the door and set off running.


"You're half an hour later, Casey." My boss snaps at me as soon as I step foot into the staff room, throwing my stuff into the locker. I grunt a reply before walking into the front.

Ignoring Blake's presence I stand at the counter, waiting for an order. Suddenly, I feel one of the male staff members brushes against my ass as he walks past. I turn, shoving him to the floor as he scrambles away shocked, "How dare you fucking touch my ass! You pervert! Don't ever fucking totch me again!" I scream as I lean over him, preparing to kick him before arms wrap around my waist. "Get the fuck off me!"

"Casey!" My boss shouts as he turns me to face him, "What the hell is wrong with you."

"Nothing..." I trail off as I spin round, wiping my face. I turn back to him agitated as he gives me a stern look, "I'm sorry but you're not behaving like that. You're-"

"I know." I argue as I throw my stuff to the floor, walking into the back to collect my stuff. Seeing that Blake followed me, I speed up but as I turn to leave, she stands blocking the doorway. "Casey, what's going on?"

I push past her, her quickly following me as I leave the reastrant, waving my hands around I turn towards her, "I'm officially off the rails, you should try it."

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