Chapter 29: It all started at the end

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I sit on the edge of the boat, my feet lightly dragging across the marshes water as we drive through our homes water. We go to a nearby store as JJ steps out the boat, to go grab some beers for the group. Now being back on the island, it makes me realise how much I actually missed Elliot these past few days. I turn to the two younger girls who are giggling to themselves, "Hey, Cam?"

"Yeah?" She sweetly looks up at me, making myself smile, "I'm gonna go to Elliots, I'll speak to you later."

She stands, throwing herself into a hug before allowing me to step off the boat, as I wave goodbye to the group, walking up the docks and setting of my journey to Elliot's.


I lay on his floor, pictures spread around me as I look through his photos, hearing the slight noise of him humming in the kitchen. I hear a quiet conversation going on down the corridor before a load gunshot rang through my ears. Elliot's sweet face flashed before my eyes as I ran down the corridor, spotting him stood in the kitchen leaning against the table. "Elliot? What was th-" I asked before I looked at his chest, noticing the dark spot on his T-shirt. Right above his heart. It spread peacefully across the white fabric - red, like a rose opening up from a bud. It was blood.

I fell back into the wall gasping in realisation before running towards him, making it just in time to catch him fall, my arms bringing him around so his head layed on my lap as fear flashed across his face.

Blood soaked through the plain t-shirt as his wounds began to leak heavily, "No, no, no, no- Elliot, stay with me, okay?"

"C- Casey..." He stuttered out, shocked and panicked as he clearly was fearful for his life. He shouldn't be, I'm going to save him. I need to save him. "It hurts... it hurts to breath..."

Shushing him, I brush his hair out of his eyes as I held him close, "It's okay, I'm going to save you- I'll just- I'll ring Blake." I tried moving to grab my phone that I left in his room, only for him to let out a scream in pain, shaking in my arms. I stilled, watching as he panted for breath. I couldn't save him.

Tears poured down my face as I stared down into his eyes, seeing the pain in them before looking down at the open wound in his chest, it gushing out blood. Elliot sobbed slightly, breaths growing shaky, "Casey, cas... I lo-"

"No, your not going to say that, okay? Because you're going to be fine, Eli. It's not that bad." I lied, trying to convince him and myself.

"Liar." He chuckled a little, though it obviously pained him to, "Don't cry please," He begged me as I desperately tried to keep it together as I applied pressure to the open wound. "Te- tell Blake and my mum I love them."

"No, you'll do that yourself!" I denied, sobbing, "Just... I need you to stay awake." I could feel the tears pouring from my face as he lifted his hand, lightly wiping away my tears, "I don't think I can, Cas."

"Please, all I need to do is get Blake," I said as I attempted to move again before freezing as he let out a gasp. "Please, I just-"

The boy frowned his brows at me in confusion, knowing it was only a matter of time. "Don't me miss me too much... or I'll haunt you, antisocial lady."

I let out a laugh, although it sounded more like a cry as I leaned over him, "I'll always miss you."

After a moment of silence, the only sound filling the air being Elliot's raspy breaths, I spoke, chocking over my words as I came realisation to what's happening, sadness and regret filling me. "Elliot..."

"I guess I should have expected it, stealing you from him." He tried to joke, though I saw through his weak attempt at a laugh. As his words sunk it, confusion hit me.


"Tell- tell Blake and my mum and everyone else that I love them, and I'll miss them." He ignored me as he rambled, me feeling his pulse slow even more, "You have to take care of everyone for me, okay? Be there for them no matter what, please."

"I'll do it, I'll do anything for you," I agreed, sobbing as I nodded, my chest heaving. As I looked into his eyes, his previous words filled my ears, "What did you mean, Elliot? What do you mean you should have expected it? Who, who was it?"

"Casey," He gasped.

"No, no. Who, who fucking shot you Elliot." I rambled on as anger filled my veins. Who the fuck shot my Elliot.

I watched his eyelids grow heavy as his face grew paler by the second him gazing up at me one last time before he looked up at me, "Rafe, it was Rafe."

He then looked off, his head falling limp against me as his breathing slowed to a stop. His grip that held my arm, loosened as his body grew slow and weak. "No, no, no, no Elliot!" I cried out, shaking his lifeless body. "Please, Eli. Wake up- wake up! I- I can't E, I need you, please, please, please wake up!"

"Please I- I need help, he's not breathing!" I wailed, hugging him close to my chest as I uncontrablly sobbed. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault, Eli. Please come back to me."

I sat there helplessly as Elliot Lawson, the love of my life, died in my arms that night inside the kitchen of his house. All at the hands of Rafe.

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