𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟵: The troubled kook

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I wake up, feeling his arms still wrapped around myself. I decide to take my chances and slowly unwrap myself from him. Standing from the bed, I place my feet on the floor, cringing when I hear the creak of the floor. 

My head spins round as I watch him quickly sit up before I smile, "Just going to bathroom." I say as I feel him watching me like a Hawke as I walk away from the bed. Getting close enough to the door, I swipe for my bag before sprinting out of the door, Rafes panicked mumbles behind me. 

"Casey, you arent that fast." Rafe said, sprinting off after me. I knew I wasnt faster than Rafe, but I would rather try to escape than not at all. Sprinting as hard as I could, tears streaming down my face, I felt him gaining on me.

"Rafe, just let me go." I sobbed. Rafe grabbed me by my hair, as I yelped in pain. "Rafe." I begged.

Rafe grabbed me by my neck and slammed me back into the wall. Wincing in pain, I struggled to breathe. Looking at him with panicked eyes I saw no emotion behind his. Rafe. I croaked out, grabbing his wrist, trying to set myself free. I watched his eyes soften as he let go of me as I coughed loudly. "Casey I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." Rafe said, seeing the way I looked at him.

I pant, looking into his eyes as I try to grasp air into my lungs. He doesnt give me long before he grabs my wrist, attempting to pull me back into the locked room. I struggle against him before he twists my arm, pushing me into the closest wall before he whispers into my ear, "Casey, if you dont let me love you, I will go after JJ, and Blake and... what's his name? Elliot, is it?"

"Leave them out of this..." I grumbled in pain. 

"All you have to do is love me back." He mumbles back, placing a kiss on my cheek as I let myself fall loose, letting him drag me back into the room. 


My argument with Rafe no more than an hour ago had left me in a low mood. The ache in my neck was still throbbing brightly. Not the first time he had lost his temper with me, not even the first time he had left me with bruises, but it was the first time he had lashed out and threatened my family. 

I couldnt leave, not now without putting the others in danger. It had always been me in danger, which didnt matter, not them. 

Anything but them.

I slowly walk to the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom counter as I cried, feeling exhaustion filling my brain. Im falling back into how I used to feel- constantly exhausted. From the faking. From the arguing. The fighting. Just from everything and I couldnt deal with it, so Ive decided to let him do whatever; to keep them safe. 

I ignore the sound of footsteps, only flinching when I feel hands on my hips, lifting me onto the counter and turning them to face him. He reaches up, brushing away my tears as he sadly smiles, "You're so pretty when you cry. Why are you crying, princess?"

"I wanna go home." I say, thinking of my family; of JJ, Blake and Elliot and how much I miss them. 

"You are home." He argues as he looks into my teary eyes.

"No, this isnt my home. You are not my home anymore, Rafe." I explain as he lifts my chin, forcing me to look into his hurt eyes.

"I am though, Cass. Im the only one who cares for you. Your friends havent even looked for you, haven't text or called anyone. They. Dont. Care."

I feel his words rip into me as he speaks, feeling as though he is taking everything from me. "Please..." I cry, not pulling away as he pulls me into his chest- allowing me to cry. His heartbeat calming my own racing one. 


We lay in bed, him over me as he kisses me, me too tired to resist. I try to imagine him as Elliot but only feel awful, as if I am choosing Rafe over Elliot. But if he had moved on already, I must let him. I must let him move on, despite how much it will crush me. You know, Ive always loved you. He mumbles into my shoulder as he slowly rests his head there. "I have always loved you and I think its because I understand everything you have been through. He slowly begins to kiss my neck before continuing, And I think you love me, because you know I understand and Im the only person who you cant hurt."

I listen, my thoughts drifting to the times I did hurt my friends and how I never hurt Rafe. He's right.

For once hes right, I can only be with him as I will hurt everyone else. I can't hurt them, not them. 


I had finally been let out of the room, not gaining his trust and we had spent the day cooking together: reminding me of when we first got together and how we completely trusted each other. 

We were both now sat on the balcony, apparently expecting Wheezie. 

I panic as I watch him pull out a bong, quickly lighting it to smoke, taking a puff before offering it to me as I shook my head, trying to control myself as I stared at the drug in longing. 

Luckly Wheezie soon walked in, her eyes immediately falling on me in confusion as Rafe rushed to hide his stuff. "What you doing here, Casey?"

I watch Rafe turn to me, interrupting as I turn to speak, "We're back together. Okay, Wheeze?"

"Yeah, whatever," She says looking at me once more before looking around, "Sweet crib. Howd you con the Glisson's into letting you crash here?"

"I, uh... I didnt tell them is how, all right? They're in Sun Valley all summer, so keep a lid on it, please."

"Okay, okay. Anyway, I am the least favourite daughter." She says as he begins to chuckle. "Sarah and dad are going to the Bahamas, and did they invite me? No."

Hearing her explanation, I turn to Rafe, watching as his face twists into anger, worrying me. "They're- they're going to the Bahama house?"

"Yeah, according to Rose, its business." She says before he snaps, ordering her out the house before yanking me up and dragging me out the house as I try to calm him down. 

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