Chapter 34: Give em' hell

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I wake up to the sound of shouts, the party ending a while ago, everyone now slowly waking up and leaving the stranges house. I slowly drag myself up from the coach, dragging myself out the door and down the stairs towards my house.


I walk into the house, ignoring JJ as he stands in the kitchen, walking straight into my bedroom, looking through my draws to realise the drugs I hid are gone. Seeing this, sends me into a panic. I trash my room, finding nothing before storming into the hallway. "Where are they!" I scream, trashing the living room looking for them.

"I found them." I hear JJ's quiet voice from the kitchen. I freeze, my head shooting up as I turn to look at him. "What?"

He sounds more confident this time, "I found them. You need to stop, Casey."

"Fuck." I mumble, searching the house for the missing drugs as anger begins to build up, "what did you do, J. What did you do."

"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay." He mumbles as he watches me, tear the house apart.

"No, it's not gonna be okay, you don't, fuck!" I scream as continue to search. I swear continuesly as he tries to keep my calm, but fails misrably.

"Okay look, we can go to Blake's, okay?" He asks, pulling out his phone.

"I'm not fucking going to Blake's." I stand up from the floor, facing him. "JJ, if you call fucking Blake we're gonna have a problem."

"Casey, no..." He begins to dial her number, "You're out of control."

I throw myself at him, snatching the phone away from him as I push him back. "Put the fucking phone down! Where did you put it? Where did you-"

He pushes me away, mumbling as he walks away from me, leaving me to stand in the kitchen. "Where the fuck are they!" I scream

"I flushed them!" he turns to me, sadness written on his face as he sees my anger rise. "You what?"

"I flushed them." He says, more confident now. Anger bubbles in me, overflowing through the seams. I grab the nearest beer bottle, throwing it at him as I scream, "They weren't yours to flush! Their mine!"

He flinches away from the bottle, looking up in shock as I continue to throw the glass at him. "Their mine!" my hoarse voice screams at him. "Thier mine!"

"Casey." He steps towards me, trying to stop my movements. I push him away from me, beginning to look for others, other drugs to take. Something, anything to ease this ache forming. My hands shake for a taste of substances.

I stand up after finding nothing, stalking towards him as I grab the nearest shard of glass bottle, holding it to his face, crying I say, "They weren't yours! What the fuck did you do!"

A whimper reaches my ears through the anger and for the first time, I realise he is crying. I back away, suddenly afraid of myself as I drop the glass, falling to the floor as he runs out the house.

519 words
Authors note: Sorry about such a short chapter but I felt this needed to be its own chapter.

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