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"Darling you need to get up" Darren rubbed my back.

"Only if I get to stay here" I mumbled.

"No, you have to go to school"

I sat up and looked down at Darren who's giving me a smile.

"Good morning my dear darling"

"Can I just stay home and get fucked by you all day instead of going to prison?"

"We have all the weekend to do that when you get home from school, plus darling I need to go to work"

"I'll clean the entire house and cook dinner. I'll even mow the yard, just let me stay home"

"As tempting as that sounds, you have to go to school. And if you skip you will be punished and not in the fun way"

Groaning I got up and went to Darren's closet grabbing one of his shirts with my jacket and my black ripped jeans.

"Mason, don't forget to take your medicine" Darren reminded me.

"I won't forget my drugs" I rolled my eyes finishing getting changed.

"What's up squirt" someone punched my shoulder.

I looked up seeing someone familiar. Is it? No it can't be them.

"Did ya miss me?"


"The one and only. You have to tell me what's up when I was gone. Oh and if you don't mind can you tell me about when you disappeared"

"N-no you gotta te-tell me about Sweden"

"Holy shit it was amazing. Everything there was so beautiful. And I picked up on the language quickly, kinda. I knew what people were saying but when I try to speak it it wasn't good. Now tell me about you"

"Well, i-i ran away fr-from home because of my dad. Stay-stayed with a friend not leaving the house. So-so people thought I was missing. M-my m-mom died, my dad is I-in jail. A-and I'm now living wi-with my boyfriend."

"Holy shit dude, I'm so sorry"

"It's alright." I gave them a smile.

It's the end of the day and Koda and I are talking as we waited for our rides. I still can't believe that they're back. I've missed them so much.

"Oh and I got a new rat and hes so freaking adorable. Minus him trying to eat my hair."

"Another rat? Do you still have Ratbert and Crackers?"

"Yeah, but I'm worried about Crackers because she's getting really old"

There was a honk from a car and I looked to see Darren with a slightly annoyed face.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Koda asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you later"

Koda gave me a kiss on the cheek and I gave them one back. I grabbed my bag that's on the ground and headed to the car.

"Who's that?" Darren asked as I got in the car.

"It's Koda, a friend from years ago and they just got back from Sweden"

"And why did she kiss you?"

"We've always done that. Don't worry, we don't like each other in a romantic way and never had. I promise you" I decided to not correct him on their pronouns since he's already upset.

"We're having sex when we get home" he said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Darren please slow down" I grabbed onto his shirt as he pounded into me.

Darren shook his head no and put his body close to mine holding me.

"P-please" I teared up.

"No, you're mine"

"You're hurting me, p-please stop"

Darren slowly stopped and pulled out. He laid on top of me holding me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.

"What's wrong?" I asked planting kissed on his head.

"You're mine do you understand?"

"Y-yeah what's go-got you worked up?"

Darren didn't say anything he just nuzzled into my chest.

"Am I allowed to do my homework now?"

"Only if we can still cuddle"

"Fine, but you have to help me"

"Okay, but I don't remember shit from school"

"Darling wake up" Darren shook me.

I gasped waking up. Looking around I noticed I fell asleep at the table doing homework. There's also a bunch of alcohol bottles everywhere.

"Follow me" Darren grabbed my chin making me look at him.

I nodded and followed him to the basement. The lights turned out making me rub my eyes.

"I told you that you are mine and no one else's"

"What are you ta- KODA" there in the middle of the room is my friend hung by their wrists with a big slash through their neck.

"This will keep happening if you let anyone do anything to you do you understand"




Darren looked at Koda then back to me. He grabbed my hair roughly bringing me to the small mattress that I was on when I first got here.




Darren threw me on the mattress but before I could get up he cuffed my hand and legs chaining me to the wall with a collar and leash.

He bent down and kissed my lips with a taste of alcohol. He did this from being drunk right? He must have. He wouldn't hurt me this much unless he was drunk. Would he? Darren says that he loves me so why would he hurt me?

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