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"Isn't this enough?" With a crunched face, Taehyung asks with his mom with the huge container on the kitchen counter.

"What do you mean? There is never enough Kimchi. You should know that." Mrs. Kim laughs.

He sulks. True. He knows it too well. That's why his parents makes and stocks some always. And when he says some, he means, four to three traditional Kimchi jars at the back house and two container filled gigantic freezer. They are not even selling. Well, his mother has been gifting it with the other's families and to his friends. Lately, however, the food has become the blood life of their wife. It might sound too dramatic but their dearest Daun can't eat without it.

Daun had been demanding him to eat with her a lot, too. Yes. It's not a simple request. It's an order in which he couldn't refute or else she would cry and whine the entire day and sometimes, for an entire week. And every time she eats, there is always Kimchi at the side. It should not be a surprise as Koreans, but she eats it like a snack... every damn time.

It should not cause any problems. After all, even without dieting, it's hard for him to grow fat. It's not that Kimchie can make someone that big. But the dilemma is, he can't eat spicy. The worst is she had been specifically wanting him and only him, no one else, to eat the damn spicy food with her. It's as if she finds joy with his discomfort.

Of course, she understands his dilemma, yet she would really get distraught over it.

"I'm so silly. I know I shouldn't be upset over this." The sadness on her cry still lingers. It's the hormones. It's the baby, wanting him to be there always for her and all her pregnancy antics. At that moment, he decided to just accept his fate.

"Don't you hurt my daughter in law." His mother scolds.

"Omma!" He gasps.

What a thing to say! Even though he has been accosted to such torture, he can't and will never have the heart to hurt his sweet sweet Daun.

"It's just a pregnancy craving. It will pass." Mrs. Kim reasons.

"But why with spicy Kimchi? There are other foods around." He frowns. He can't help but whine to his mother.

Daun had been eating more than she can. It has become so compulsive and out right unreasonable. It's like eating more sweets than necessary when she was with Dae-hyun. She should have chosen her favorite chocolate. On the second thought, no. The sweets almost gave her diabetes. Their Seokjin hyung was specially so stressed about it. He had become the constant reason for her being upset. After all, he was the only one who has the gall to be stern and remind her about it, even with her pouting.

Mrs. Kim laughs. "Sure... You're having twins. It's natural to crave something different. She might want more than that."

He blushes. As Jungkook predicted, she has been wanting more sex too. That's something so great with her pregnancy. Same when she was with Dae-hyun, she had been insatiable. Actually, ten times more. That is never a problem though. She has seven husbands at her will. He is very much willing to fulfill that need. After all, their souls only want that. The swirls of their gold love yearn for constant physical and sexual contacts. As lustful as he can be, he wants to grab every chance he gets.

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