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WARNING: This story is rated mature. This chapter contains explicit sexual scenario. Please, proceed with caution.

. . . ○ ○ ○ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ○ . . .

There are little patters of little feet along the corridors of the basement. The tiny tapping sounds slow and careful, but loud like failed tiptoes. Quite giggles follow with a loud "shhh". Another annoyed "humf". Then, another "shhh". Though hushed, the silence of the night amplifies the little sounds, seeping through the walls of the closed studios. One particular studio is where Jungkook at with a glass of iced whisky on hand and a phone on a tripod facing him with millions of fans, sympathizers and cheerers alike, are on the fast-paced comments.

He had been upset over what happened to the park, and once again he's shedding his heart out over it to his ARMYs. So engrossed and a bit tipsy, he fails to hear the ghost like sounds of giggles and little thuds. He has to read it first on the comments and even laughs on how silly it is, thinking that once again ARMYs are teasing him. After all, it's in the middle of the night, and he doesn't expect anyone to be awake. Not when his partners are all tired, cuddling on their marital bed and the kids were sent earlier to sleep. And over the years he had been in the house, he hadn't seen any ghost around. Their home has been always warm, full of love and laughter, and nothing else.

But, is it?

The doorknob of his studio twists and skreiches open. This time, it flinches him and his heartbeat quickly speeds up. He halts and listen. But aside the hushed electronic hum of his mood lamp that only illuminates the dark room and the occasional dings on his weverse live, there is only silence.

Jungkook is brave. He had once expressed his curiosity over the existence to something not like ours. Nonetheless, Taehyung believes in aliens and he believes in ghosts. With a shake of his head, he stumbles a bit as he stands, heads to the door, opens it wide, steps out of it, and squints, trying hard to see the darkness on the halls and to the small glow of light upon the stairs towards the dark first floor of their home.

'I must be too drunk.' He sighs and decides to get back inside. As he closes the door, the little giggles louden with a surprised wonder of "Ohhh".

As if his soul has taken from his body, Jungkook stiffens. Then, so slowly, turns around and there, where he just sat, two little human peers through his phone with huge glimmering curious eyes.

He almost has a heart attack. It doesn't help when the two are both wearing pink rabbit overalls, looking like little dwarves. Then, as his alcohol induced brain starts to work, he gasps...

"Ju-hyun-ah! Ji-hyun-ah!" Somehow, the toddlers were able to sneak into his studio without any sweat when he opened the door wide a while ago. He couldn't believe that the twins were able to pass him without him noticing them. Perhaps he is that drunk or what.

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