Chapter 22: Administering Medicine

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All four of them knew the severity of the situation and they silently agreed not to discuss it, but kept it hidden.

Gu Jiao asked Gu Xiaoshun not to come over for a few days. Although the infectiousness of early leprosy was not as strong, there was still a certain risk.

Gu Jiao didn't go up to the mountain to pick mushrooms again and stayed at home to take care of the old lady for a few days.

Around the third day at noon, the old lady woke up completely, but her mind seemed a little strange.

Gu Jiao asked her who she was, but she just looked at Gu Jiao with wide eyes. Gu Jiao asked her where she lived, but she still just looked at Gu Jiao with wide eyes.

Could she be suffering from senile dementia?

"Do you still remember what illness you had?" Gu Jiao continued to ask.

The old lady still looked at her with wide eyes.

Gu Jiao was at a loss.

It seemed that not only did the old lady not remember who she was, but she had also forgotten about being sick.

In fact, it was better that she forgot. Gu Jiao could keep an eye on her and not let her go out, but she couldn't prevent people from the village coming over. If the old lady accidentally mentioned her leprosy, she, Xiao Liu Lang, and Gu Xiaoshun, as close contacts, would suffer the consequences.

As for how to arrange her in the future, that was a matter for later. The priority was to cure her and not let anyone find out that she had had leprosy.

Thinking this, Gu Jiao picked up the medicine pot and went to boil medicine for the old lady.

The medicine in the medicine box had to be taken and the Chinese medicine had to be taken as well, otherwise, the secret of the medicine box would be exposed.

As soon as the old lady saw Gu Jiao holding the medicine pot, she turned her face away in disgust.

Gu Jiao faintly heard a mournful hum. This old lady had quite a temper?

The medicine had to be simmered over low heat for half an hour. While the medicine was cooking, Gu Jiao took out the small medicine box to check it.

She had used a lot of medicine during this period, but hadn't had a chance to check it properly. She needed to see how much medicine was left, and which ones could not be used randomly anymore.

As a result, she was dumbfounded after checking it.

The anti-inflammatory medicine that had been used up before was now replenished, and there was also a spare tube of antibacterial ointment. In addition, there were several doses of medication that she couldn't remember when she had put them in.

Looking at the small medicine box that didn't move, Gu Jiao stroked her chin and fell into deep thought.

Towards the end of the month, there was another exam at the academy.

Gu Dashun entered the Emperor's A-Class with the title of second-best freshman, and lived up to expectations by performing very well. In this exam, he took second place again.

Master Chen was very happy, but there was not much joy on Gu Dashun's face.

Master Chen thought he was blaming himself for not having the courage to compete for the first place, so he patiently comforted him: "You and Han Zhi are both outstanding freshmen. Han Zhi is two years older than you and started studying earlier, with several more years of education than you. You don't need to worry about your current performance."

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