Chapter 23: Husband and Wife

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Gu Jiao and Xiao Liu Lang both woke up early.

Xiao Liu Lang went to the village to fetch water.

Gu Jiao first went to the small house to check on the old lady's condition. The redness on her face had faded to the point of being almost invisible, and the skin lesions on her hands had also disappeared.

Although it was still far from complete recovery, her infectiousness had been blocked.

Gu Jiao touched her chin with satisfaction, turned around and went to the kitchen to prepare medicine for her.

Looking at the bitter medicine placed in front of her, the old lady made a face of disgust.

In order to make her drink the medicine better, Gu Jiao asked Xiao Liu Lang to bring some preserved fruits from the town. The old lady loved to eat preserved fruits, but if she didn't drink the medicine, she wouldn't have any preserved fruits to eat.

Gu Jiao placed a bowl of medicine and a small dish of preserved fruits on the table at the same time.

"So few! Only three!" The old lady was seriously dissatisfied with the quantity of the preserved fruits.

"Preserved fruits are expensive, if you don't want to eat them, forget it." Gu Jiao said, reaching out to take the dish of preserved fruits.

The old lady looked at Gu Jiao resentfully and snatched the preserved fruits into her arms, then drank the bitter medicine with great hatred.

Because Xiao Liu Lang was going to the clinic to receive treatment today, Gu Jiao had to go with him, but she couldn't leave the old lady alone at home.

Gu Jiao had considered bringing the old lady with them, but the checkpoint on the road was still there. If the officials recognized the old lady as one of the leprosy patients they were trying to catch, all their previous efforts would be wasted.

Although she wasn't sure if the old lady was one of the leprosy patients they were looking for, it was better to be safe than sorry.

After much thought, Gu Jiao called Gu Xiao Shun over.

"Sis! You finally let me in!" Gu Xiao Shun said excitedly.

"I'm going to the town with your brother-in-law today, you stay at home and take care of the old lady. Her illness is no longer contagious, and I've also disinfected the house." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Xiao Shun didn't understand what disinfection meant, and he didn't ask how his sister knew that the disease was no longer contagious. He agreed without any hesitation, "Okay! Sis, don't worry! I'll take care of her!"

"For lunch, I heated it up in the pot, just bring a portion over to her," Gu Jiao continued to instruct.

Gu Xiaoshun patted his chest and said, "Sis, leave it to me, I'll take care of it!"

Thinking of something, Gu Jiao reminded him, "If anyone asks, just say you're your brother-in-law's relative who came to seek refuge with him."

Gu Xiaoshun obediently replied, "Got it!"

As soon as Gu Jiao and Xiao Liulang left, the group of thugs who had followed Gu Xiaoshun came knocking on the door.

"Boss! Finally, we get to see you! We heard you went to school, why are you still playing around with Da Shun's gang? Let's go! Let's do a couple of jobs!"

"Get lost! I have important things to do!" Gu Xiaoshun didn't even hesitate to drive them away.

Although he had been itching to do something for too long, he had to take care of the task his sister gave him.

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