Chapter 80

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"You what?"

Vegeta held the phone at arm's length away from him to muffle Kera's rant a little. When silence fell, he put the mobile back to his ear. "Are you done?" he asked, annoyed.

"I'm far from finished!" she started again and he was about to put distance between himself and the handset again when Kera cleared her throat. "But we don't have time for that now. You go to Bulma right now and apologise. Your behaviour was not okay!"

"But I didn't want to go all monkey!" he shouted back angrily, jumping up from the bed on the edge of which he had been sitting until just now.

"I understand," Kera said now, much more conciliatory. "It would have been too much for me too. We've had to present ourselves and bounce around at other people's whistles often enough. That you fled the situation is fine. What's not fine is that you left your mate and your son behind while you flew home alone." Her voice rose again.

Vegeta sighed. "Bulma understands."

"I'm sure she does. If you explain it to her. If you talk sense to her and apologise!"

He suppressed another sigh and dropped back onto the bed. With the thumb of his free hand he tapped his front teeth thoughtfully. A pause arose.

"Vegeta, please talk to her. We're going into space tomorrow with Kakarrot and you won't see your family for a few weeks. That won't be good if you don't sort it out first."

"All right. What do you want me to say?"

"That you're sorry. Explain to her how you felt."

"Warriors don't talk about feelings," he retorted, annoyed.

He heard a slapping sound and knew that Kera had just slammed her hand against her forehead in utter despair.

"I'm giving it up. It's your life. You better not be in a bad mood tomorrow when we get on that spaceship!" He heard a click. Kera had ended the call.

He let the phone slip from his hand and stretched out on the bed. Kera was right, as she often was, about what she said. He should apologise. He had known the night he had flown away from the amusement park that he had just done something wrong and that he would offend Bulma. But at that moment he didn't want to admit it to himself.

He had heard Trunks and Bulma come home a few hours later. Bulma had immediately taken her son to his room. He had probably been so tired that he had already slept on the flight home. Then he had heard Bulma go into her bedroom and cry.

Helpless, Vegeta had written a message to his sister and she had called him immediately, even though it was the middle of the night. He hadn't even asked her why she hadn't slept, he remembered.

Vegeta straightened up and listened for the sounds next door. Decidedly, he walked to the door, scurried down the dimly lit hallway and knocked softly on the bedroom door. Bulma did not answer. Slowly he opened the door and slipped into the room.

The lamp on the bedside cabinet by Bulma's side of the bed was lit, but otherwise the room was dark. She lay huddled on the mattress with her back to him and the covers pulled over her. Soft sobs broke the silence at irregular intervals.

Vegeta circled the bed and got down on his knees. Carefully, he stroked the blanket. "Bulma?"

The sobs under the covers died away. "Get out of here!"

Vegeta would have liked to jump up and run out of the room immediately, but Kera's words came back to him.

"Bulma, I'm sorry," he muttered.

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now