Chapter 117

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Kera had told him that she would be spending the night with Vegeta, but he was still worried. Something had happened there and Kera had not yet told him what had upset her so much.

Before the sun reached its peak, Kera landed next to Piccolo at the edge of the waterfall. As so often, Menka was with Dende and Reyak had taken Gine to Bulma. He wanted to train there with Trunks. Piccolo had tried to meditate, but so far he had not succeeded. Every time he closed his eyes, he automatically visualised the golden thread that symbolised his connection to Kera. It seemed thinner than usual, less bright. Or was he just fantasising?

Kera plopped down on the ground, but said nothing more. Piccolo looked at her for a moment.

"What happened?"

He gave her time to answer. She stared into the forest and he thought he saw tears glistening in her eyes.

"Bulma's pregnant," she finally said.

Piccolo put his hand on her knee and swallowed hard. Piccolo focussed on Kera's feelings. Normally, she didn't just let them flow into him like that, but only allowed what she was willing to share. Was she willing or unable to do otherwise today?

He saw a small flame of joy. She was happy about Bulma's pregnancy, about the fact that she would soon be an aunt again. But the flame was small and almost completely disappeared in a dark blue mist of sadness. Sadness at the loss of her own child.

He gently stroked Kera's knee. She still looked away. A tear rolled down her cheek. Piccolo wiped it away with his thumb. Kera cuddled her cheek briefly in his hand before stiffening again. Her eyebrows drew together and now she looked more angry than sad.

Piccolo looked again at the colours of her emotions. The blue colour of sadness was surrounded by a red mist that seemed to cover all other emotions. Anger.

"The Supreme Kai was there. He hasn't made a decision yet and is asking for more time to think about it."

So that was the reason for her anger. She had to wait longer than she had hoped.

"At least he hasn't said no yet," Piccolo said sternly in an attempt to appease her.

Kera grumbled something incomprehensible and then fell silent again.

- - - - - -

The moon showed its full face several times, but Kera's mood did not improve. On the contrary, it seemed to get worse.

The Supreme Kai appeared for the first time in about four weeks and said that he needed more time to think things over. After that, Kera was so angry for two days that Piccolo asked the children to stay with Bulma until her mother had calmed down. She didn't speak to him either, as if she blamed Piccolo.

When the Supreme Kai asked for time to think again after another four weeks, Kera was almost unbearable for a week. She didn't talk to Piccolo or the children, and when Vegeta came round to see what was wrong, she shouted at him and went for him. With an apologetic shrug, he had retreated.

Piccolo watched the golden thread of their connection with growing concern. What he had dismissed as a figment of his imagination months ago, he could now say with certainty: the thread was getting thinner and weaker.

Piccolo tried to draw Kera's attention to this, but she was ignoring him. She dismissed it as overprotective and continued to ignore him, which also made Piccolo angry. He tried to be as understanding as possible, but at some point his patience ran out.

When the Supreme Kai appeared again - it must have been the seventh or eighth time - and was again unable to make a decision, Kera let out all her frustration in a scream. The energy burst out of her and burnt the surrounding trees. Piccolo, who was a few miles away at her house, felt the vibrations in the ground and immediately flew to her.

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