Chapter 5-

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I couldn't believe I had just said that, but I mean if you could see how hot he looked, you probably would have agreed with me. He had the perfecty sculpted body of a Hollister model and he has a deep tan. His skin was flawless as far as I could tell. Perfection. That is the only word that could describe him.

Adam started laughing,"You like what you see?" He bit his lip seductively to add effect, when he realized that his mother was standing right there he blushed. I tried to suppress a giggle but I couldn't.

"Adam! Can you stop flirting! Shes not here for your amusement! Unless she's your mate or something you need to leave her alone! " Jen blurted, seeming to have lost her temper. I couldn't help but fee slightly terrified at Jens outburst. She could be scary when she wanted to be.


"Calm down you psychotic bitch!" Adam yelled agrily, with somthing that sounded to be a growl of some sort.

Both Jen and Adam were silent for a moment. The stared at eachother as if they were trying to rip eachothers heads off with only their minds. For a reason unknown to me, they quickly nodded their heads to each other and Adam turned and walked away.

"Why don't you show Cleo to your room?'' Interrupted Jens mother.

"Okay." Jen shrugged and walked out of the kitchen and up the first flight of stairs with me trailing behind her.

I was puzzled as to what had just happened, but I had decided to let it go for the moment, and press the subject later.

When we reached two huge white doors she opened one and walked inside.


OK, sorry that this chapter is so short, Its really late and I just wanted to get a chapter out tonight! I really hope you enjoy this and please tell me if you like it I love getting positive feed back on my writing and if there is anything that you don't like about this feel free to tell me!


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