Chapter 19-

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Cleo's Point Of View-

(In Cleo's bedroom)

"There's A lot that I probably should have told before you came to meet my mother. I'm so sorry that I didn't.'' 

"It's Alright. Just, tell me now." Adam said so sweetly that it unintentionally made me feel guilty for not telling him sooner. 

"Make yourself comfortable, cause you might be here a while." I said seriously, then I began my story. 

"I was 6 years old. My parents were lawyers for a small law firm that wasn't doing very well, so when they were asked to be a part of a huge case in Orlando, they couldn't refuse. I was spending the week that they were gone with my grandmother. On the drive home my Father decided that It would be a good idea to try going through the Forest, in a short cut he had been told about. It was cold and dark outside and a thick fog had covered the area. Something big ran in front of their car; my father didn't have a chance to get out of the way, and he hit the large animal.''

I look over at Adam to see If he is comprehending what I was saying, and when he nodded his head to show that he does, I continued.

''Not knowing what it was that he had hit, my father got out of his car and leaned down over the animal. 'A wolf, Regina. Its a wolf.' My father called to my mother. 'It's dead. I ...' he never got to finish what he was saying, because at that moment another wolf jumped out of the forest and ripped my Father to pieces.  Once my father was finished off the wolf went after my mother. It jumped on the car and shattered the windshield; that's what caused the scar on my mothers arm. When my mother finally pushed her way out of the car she tried running away, but she was pregnant with my brother, so she didn't make it very far before she was knocked over by the wolf. Although the wolf could easily have killed my mother as well, it got off of her and ran away. My father was dead for  three days before anyone even told me about it, and my mom was lost in the woods with a car with no windshield over night. By the time someone had found her, brought her to the hospital, and were able to contact us, it was three days later. My dad's death really hit my mom hard, so we don't talk about it much." 

I let it all sink in for a minute before I said anything to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked Adam


Adam's Point Of View-

"Are you alright?" Cleo asked me after she had finished telling me what had happened.

I stared blankly at her for a moment, then I snapped myself back to reality again.

"I-I-I'm so sorry Cleo. I wouldn't have said anything if I would have known..... I am so sorry." I went over to her and pulled her to me. Then the door opened.

"Eww, Cleo! Learn how to lock a door!" Cleo's younger brother Jesse, slammed the door shut as he ran out.

 I laughed, "I think I made a pretty good first impression on your brother, what about you?" 

"That defiantly made the mood a bit lighter.'' she giggled and gave me a hug. 

"What was that for?" I ask

"For being you!" 

"Cheese ball much?" I laugh and she punches my shoulder playfully

"You always have to ruin the moment don't you?" She pouted at me and I laughed.

"Sorry, it's one of my many talents.'' she stuck her tongue out at me while trying to escape my grip.

"Oh really?" She said sarcastically. "And what are your other talents?" 

"That's for me to know and you to find out." 

With that she picked up a duffel bag and filled it with clothes from her closet and zipped it up. 

"Lets go." 


I am a terrible person for writing yet another shot chapter. It has lots of important information, so I hope that makes up for it. please vote or comment! I love all of you for the werewolflovin brethren you are! I'm so weird! Ok VOTE! COMMENT! FANGIRL! ok bye! ttyl! Type To You Later!


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