Chapter 20

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Cleo's Point of view-

I Pulled Adam out of my house and into his. We left my house through the garage, to avoid running into my mother. He didn't complain, he just followed silently behind me the whole way back, which took us all of two minutes.

When we got to the front steps of Adam's house, he walked in front of me and blocked the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused by my mate, who was blocking my path. 

"There's someone in the house. A wolf." He said nonchalantly, as if nothing was wrong.

He must have seen the panic in my eyes, because he reached out and grabbed my hand."Don't worry it's not Jen, I know her scent, and this wolf does not smell anything like Jen." 

My initial thought was, 'Thank God I'm safe!', but then I thought of all the other people that it could be. I really hope that it's not a rogue.

Adam pulled me behind him and opened the door. I couldn't see who it was, but there was someone standing in front of the sofa looking at us when we walked in. I heard Adam give a huge sigh of relief. 

"Dude, you scared the crap out of me...'' Adam said to the mystery intruder." I'm Glad to see you and all, but why are you here?"

I have a feeling that this person isn't going to hurt me, so I step out from behind Adam to look at the intruder, who looked a little like Adam. He had the same light brown hair and the same huge muscular build, but his eyes were a golden color. 

"Well, I Heard that you had found a mate and I thought 'You know, I should go and see for my self.' You know how rumors are man, and a rumor about you finding the next Luna of our pack is not something to joke about. So, here I am.'' The mystery intruder said to Adam, but he kept looking at me. "I guess the rumors are true then."

"Yes. They are.'' Adam replied to the Intruder. '' Cleo, This is Josh,, My third in command." 

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Josh.'' I say to the not so mystery intruder.

"You as well. I am sorry for just walking in, but I also heard that you may need a little help protecting your mate Adam. Since Jen found her mate and all." 

"WHAT!?" Adam yelled in what I assumed was his alpha voice. 

"Oh, Shit man, you didn't know. Jen and Jack are mates, and they are forming a group of wolves to try to over throw you. They are saying that since your mate is a human, she will hold the pack back since she is so fragile...." I'm pretty sure he finished what he was saying over mind link with Adam. I don't know what he said, but iit must have been pretty bad, considering the shade of red Adams face had turned.

"Then its settled." Adam said out loud. "This means war."


I apoligize for yes, Yet another short chapter. I honastly am trying though! Sooooo, did you like it? I dont know about you guys, but right now I really hate Jen. yeah. well, PLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT!!!!! I love you all for sticking with me through 20 whOLE CHAPTERS! HOLY CRAP! Yeah, well I'm sure that most people have stopped reading my authors notes by now  so I'm Just going to stop typing for now so you can move on with your lives. Well, TTYL. Type to you later.


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