Chapter 15-

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Cleo point of view-

I ran as fast as I possibly could. I had already gotten everything of mine from Adams Room, and I was on my way to the empty house behind mine that Adam had Said to go to. One problem with me running all the way to the house is that it's like three miles away, and I'm not a particularly fast runner. It's been twenty minutes since I left his house and I was so close to my destination. I started to feel relieved that it was almost over, when I heard a rumbling from behind the bushes that were lined up on one side of the sidewalk. I walked a little faster, but the rustling of leaves followed me, so I finally stopped and turned to face the bushes.



Adams point of view-

"Go to my room and get anything that's yours, then meet me at the empty house behind yours! Hurry! You don't have much time before she shifts!" I said to Cleo through our mind link, before she disappeared through the door, but not before Jen transformed into her black and grey wolf. She was furious! I had tried to communicate with her through our mind link, but she had completely shut me out.

"Come on Jen! Don't do anything that you will regret! Cleo is your friend!" I pleaded with her.

She growled at me. I'm not easily intimidated and I have to admit that that growl made me want to run and hide! She pounced at me and I swiftly jumped out of the way. Once I was out of her war path I shifted into my pitch black wolf.

"Jen, stop!" I growled at her, "someone going is going to get hurt!"

"I don't care about that anymore!" She snapped at me. "Anyone that chooses a dick like you over a friend like me deserves to feel pain!" Wow! I have never seen Jen so angry. Even after I slept with one of her friends. Or two or three of them...... Ok I need to focus on keeping my mate safe.

"She's just a human! You could easily kill her! She didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like this!" I was running out of reasons why she shouldn't kill her other than because she's my mate.

"I hate humans! You know what they did to me you know why we moved the pack! If I don't have my own brother supporting me than I will have to go and find someone who will!" With that Jen ran straight towards the closed glass doors that led to her balcony. Before I knew it Jen had broken through the glass and was sprinting into the woods behind our house.

Cleo! I needed to go get Cleo, make sure she was safe. I bolted out of the broken doors and sprinted behind the bushes on the side of the sidewalk until I saw Cleo. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so I don't shift back into my human form because I didn't have any clothes with me. That would be awkward. She saw me and stopped. When I exited the bushes she screamed.


I mind linked to her, "calm down, it's just me.''

" Adam?"

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