Chapter 21-

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Cleo's Point Of View-

"Then its settled." Adam said out loud. "This means war."

Shit! I know that Adam wants to keep me safe, but I refuse to  let him start a war with his own sister over me! That is just ridiculous!

"No!" I exclaim, walking over to him and wrapping my hand in his. " I don't want anyone to fight! especially if it's over something stupid as me being your mate." 

Adam's face softened at my touch, but that didn't stop him from being angry. 

"No! I don't care how against this you are, If it means loosing you, I would fight anyone, do anything...." he directed his attention to Josh. "Can you wait outside in the front for a minute." He said it more as an order, but Josh left without saying a word.

"But, Adam.. What if I could figure out a way for you to get Jen and Jack into the packs dungeons, until you can be sure that they will not hurt me? Then will you promise not to fight with anyone?" I already had an idea forming so I knew that if I could just get him to listen to what I have to say, he would agree. I looked up and stared into his eyes, with my bottom lip pouted and my eyes wide and watery. I swear, if I wasn't going to be the Luna of this pack already, then I would be an actress.

"Cleo.... babe, this isn't fair! You know I can't win... Ugg! What's your idea?" I perk up immediately and even Adam coudn't hold in his laughter! Big bad wolf isn't so big and bad around his mate! YES! Cleo-1 Adam-0! 

"OK so I was thinking that if Josh can just pretend to be against us. If he could lure them both down into the dungeons, saying that I was down there, then we can trap them down there until they agree or we can talk them into something. I'm still working out the details." I explain as best as I could.

"Well, That... Might actually work. It's flawed, sure, but it's nothing that we couldn't work out." A smile formed across his face. "To be honest, it's a pretty genius idea."

"aww. Thank you!" I kissed him on the cheek, and he looked like he was glowing with happiness,  "I've discovered that I can be pretty smart if my life depends on it.'' I smile and peck him on the lips. "You know, we should probably tell Josh what the plan is, since he's part of it and all.." 

With that Adam stood up with my had in his and led me out the front door to explain the pan to Josh. Man, I hope it works.


Yay! Another short chapter!(Note the sarcasm) 

Well, I hope you liked it!

You should totally go and check out my other story Dark Moons Mate! It's a werewolf story and a romance!

Please VOTE or Comment!! 

I love you all for sticking with me for 21 chapters!

ttyl! Type To You Later!


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