Chapter 6-

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"Holy shit!" Jen's bedroom was absolutely humongous. The ceilings were fifteen feet high and the walls were a dark shade of purple that faded to a blue at the bottom half of the walls.

Her bedroom alone was the size of my bedroom and my brothers bedroom put together! There was a huge king sized bed in the center of it. There was a light blue couch by her window in the far left corner of her room, and her closet looked like it could house a family of four.

"This is incredible Jen!" I exclaimed

she laughed at my excitement," Thanks, but if you think this is big you should see Adam's room it's like twice the size of this!"

"Are you kidding?" I asked

"No, seriously it's huge..... but you wont be seeing that anytime soon, Adam doesn't let anyone in, not even my mother" her expression straightened and she looked serious, almost angry.

"Oh....... Well.. um.." I didn't know what to say so I stood there like an idiot, again.

After an awkward silence Jen and I watched a movie and we only made it half way through it before we both ended up falling asleep on her huge bed.

I was woken up by a light tapping on my shoulder. I groaned and turned around to see who was poking me. I was surprised to see Adam standing over me, still only wearing his boxers. He placed his pointer finger over his lips to signal me to keep quiet and the pointed at Jen who was sleeping on the other side of the bed. He signaled me to follow him out of the room, and I slowly got up and followed him out. Once I was out of the room he closed the door lightly behind me.

"Come with me, I really need to talk to you." He looked like a puppy pleading for some of its owners dinner.

"Okay, but could you tell me what time it is first?" I asked him just because I was curious.

"It's three in the morning, Sorry about that by the way, but this couldn't wait. Jen would never let me talk to you alone anyway." He said, then he walked away leading me down a long hallway. We reached a door and he pulled it open. Jen was right, Adam's room was twice the size of hers! It was almost exactly like Jen's, only his walls are a gray color, and His bed double the size of Jens.

"Wow, this is huge.'' I say, completely awe-stricken.

Adam laughed, ''Good. I 'm really glad that you like it.''

"Um.. thanks, but I don't see why you'd care about my opinion on your bedroom..." I spoke, confused as to why he care about my opinion of his bedroom.

"Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you alone." He said, "When you first saw me did you feel a connection? I need to know if you did?" he looked worried, almost pleading for me to say yes.

He didn't need to plead, the truth is I did feel an attraction to him; I still do.

"Honestly. Yes I did, I..... I still do." I've never been one to be shy, but I was scared to tell him the possibly embarrassing truth, especially if he didn't feel the same way about me.

A toothy smile formed on his lips and he walked towards me. His eyes grew dark, almost black.

"Than, you are my mate." He pulled me into his arms and tilted my face up to his. "I've been wanting to do this since the moment I saw your beautiful face.'' He leaned down and pressed his lips gently onto mine as if I were extremely fragile, and if he pressed to hard I would break into pieces. I kissed him back and when I was sure he wasn't going to pull away I started to kiss him harder. I heard a low growl come from the back of his throat, which I found really sexy. Before I knew it, we had started making out. I placed one hand on his toned chest, and my other hand was around his neck and playing with his hair. I felt so comfortable in his arms and I didn't want to ever move from my position. Adam had backed me into the wall and I had wrapped my legs around his waist. It felt like we had been kissing for hours when he pulled away.

"No, we can't do this. Not until I tell you everything." His eyes were black, but I could tell that they were slowly going back to their beautiful shade of green.

"What are you talking about Adam? Tell me what?" I asked. Since he hadn't put me down, he carried me to his bed and he sat down with me on his lap facing him.

"I-I can't tell you directly, but I can give you hints and you can guess. Is that okay?'' He told me, looking like he wanted to tell me everything right then if he could. "It's against pack rules for me to tell a human."

" Okay, what is this about?" I asked. I was completely and utterly confused. Human?

"Its about what I am, what you could be. Please, you have to guess it, I wouldn't be telling you this if I wasn't sure you were my mate." His eyes were wide and he was pleading with me.

"Okay, why do you keep calling me your mate?"

"That's what you have to figure out!" He sounded more concerned than angry. "Think of the three little pigs." He blew on my face pretending to be the big bad wolf. His breath smelled like fresh mint. "or little red riding hood, why are you so attracted to me?" That's when it clicked.


That's why I was so Attracted to him.

When I said it, it came out quieter than a whisper, but I knew he had heard me. "Werewolf....."

"Please don't be scared." He looked me in the eyes, "You aren't scared, are you?" He looked worried, but he didn't need to be. The truth is, I think I knew something was different about him the whole time, I just didn't want to acknowledge it.

"No,I'm not scared. I'm your mate and I know you care too much about me to hurt me, right?" I didn't let him answer. I buried my face in his chest while we sat there and breathed in his scent. it wasn't just his breath that smelt like fresh mint, its his natural scent.

I fell asleep again in the arms of my newly found mate.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE this chapter! OMG! This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It only took me like an hour to write this and that's really fast for me! OK just so you all know and I can't remember if I already told you guys this, but my L key is broken on my computer and only works when I press it really hard so I'm so sorry if there are typos. Just add an L into the word and that should help you figure out what the word really is. thank you so so so so so much for reading this. Please tell your friends to read it also! I love you all so much! Feel free to leave a comment or vote! Thank you if you are still reading this, because i'm sure half of the people who read this chapter just skipped over this authors note.



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