Chapter 11

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Cleo's point of view-

"OK, what about the alpha and the beta? You never told me who they are." I said. Adam frowned and stared at me blankly. I could tell he was deep in thought. "What's wrong? Do you not like the alpha or something?" I was worried that I had said something wrong. He didn't reply so I let him be and just sat down on his bed. I was so tried. I hadn't slept for a long time last night (not for sexual reasons) I spent hours worrying about meeting Adams father and telling his parents about us being mates. Anyway, I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep in Adams bed.


I didn't know how long I had been asleep for, but when I woke up Adam was asleep right next to me. He had pulled the blankets up over me and had taken my shoes off. Wow he is the best boyfriend EVER! I looked at his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful an happy. Who knows maybe he's dreaming about me?! The thought that I may be the person who makes him look so happy made me want to run around his room fan-girling. When I get out of the bed I see him start to stir and he smiles. His eyes are closed, but I know he is awake now. 

" I just had the best dream ever in the history of awesome werewolf dreams I the world!" Adam says in his sexy, deep morning voice.  

I giggle"...and what was this dream about exactly?" I ask. 

"Well, you were the main reason why it was so great, but we went camping just you and me and we spent a whole week alone." This made me blush. An my blushing made Adam laugh. He was proud that I didn't blush like that for anyone else but him. "I love you so much Cleo." He says getting out of the bed and pulling me into hi warm chest.  

"I love you too." I don't think the word love even covered what I really felt. I felt more than love." I don't know what I would do without you."  

"Luckily, I'm a badass werewolf, so you will never have to worry about that." He smiled kissed the top of my head since he was so much taller than me.  

I giggle,"you're my big bad wolf, alright."  

"Damn right I am." He said trying to sound tough.  

I burst out laughing at that.  

"Ok, I guess I shouldn't try to act like a badass again.......or maybe I should so i can be the reason for that smile." This isn't even a fair fight anymore he was perfect! How can someone so boring and insignificant as me be with such a perfect guy?  

"Don't ever call your self insignificant or boring again! Do you hear me? Ever! You are beautiful and perfect in every way!" What the hell! How did he know I was thinking that?! He seemed to know what I was thinking again because he spoke again, 

"Yes I can read your mind, but don't worry, not all of the time. Only when you let me in. And for some reason you decided let me in just now. If you tried hard enough you can read my mind too. It's just going to be harder for you since you're not a wolf yet."  

'' wow." I say," anything else you want to tell me about? Or are you just going to surprise me with some other superpower?..... You can't fly can you?"  

He laughed," no I can't fly. But that would be fricken awesome! Great idea! You're pretty and smart, how did I get so lucky?" I just laughed and said, " I don't know, but for what ever reason fate made us mates, they saw how perfect we are for eachother." I leaned up an kissed him like I may never kiss him again. When he pulled away I made a whining noise that I didn't even know that I could make.  

"Umm, I really want to kiss you to, but the fact that my dad just walked through the front door, shows me that this is a Bad time." He laughs and twines our fingers together. "Are you ready?" He asks me.  

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I sigh and he opens his bedroom door. He leads me out to meet his father for the first time.


I know this chapter is short and mushy and lovey, but I think it's really cute and I kind I like this chapter I have mixed feelings about it. I don't know if I am a terrible writer or a good one so please comment or vote to tell me the truth. I promise if I'm not a good writer I won't be offended or get Mad or anything if you tell me. I think I might be getting better at these authors notes things. Also I only do the authors notes on the bottom of every chapter because If I don't put it in the chapters I will make them separate chapters of just authors notes and I know, no one wants those! Well I'll post a new chapter soon. Love you all. 


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