chapter 16-

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Jens pov- 

Flash back/dream-

"Slut!" Someone shouted to me.
"Whore!" Called a different voice.
"Bitch! Go back to the place you came from!" Said another voice.
"Yeah, no one wants you here!" Said yet another person.

I was sitting At a circular lunch table outside at my last school. It was fall and the leaves had fallen off of the trees and turned yellow and red. There was a huge group o people surrounding the table screaming nasty things to me. 
"Fuck you!" Someone called to me. 
"Eww! Who would want to do that!" Called another person. Who knew humans could be so mean? I ran out of the circle and went home. I ran to my bedroom and cried. I don't leave my room for days, until finally my parents decided to move. They knew what happened. That's how we ended up living in palm point. My parent had to move the whole pack, because of me. That was hundreds of wolves. It was all my fault they had to leave the place they grew up, their homes. My fault. 

End dream- 

That's when I woke up crying. Remembering being bullied and made fun of. 
"Where an I?" I wonder. I was in the forrest. Sleeping in my wolf form. I was still half asleep when I heard a low growl come from behind me. I looked up to see a grey wolf there in a clearing. Not too far away from me. My wolf was going crazy. 
''What's going on?" I thought. That's when it hit me like a stack of bricks.



Yes! Two up loads in one day! I am successful! Ok I hope you like this short filler. It was super important! Who's Jens mate? I have no idea yet! To be honest I haven't thought that far ahead. Oh we'll I'm working on it! 
Please vote or comment! I love you all for reading this. There's so much more to come! 


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