Chapter 22-

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Adam's point of view-

All day. That's how long it took josh and I to perfect Cleo's plan. It's not tht her plan was bad, that's not it at all. The problem with is was that there was too many things that could go wrong, and I'm not willing to take a chance on a flawed plan. Not if it meant losing Cleo.

When I fist asked josh for his help, I thought that it would take him some convincing to agree, but to my surprise he agreed without having to be asked twice.

"It is my duty as your third in command to keep the Luna of our pack safe." He said beaming with pride over his explanation.

I didn't question his loyalty, so I believed that he was honest. Ever since then,we have been working on perfecting the plan. Now that we finally have, I have to admit that I feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that this plan is flawless. Although I did make sure that I didn't put too much faith in it, since If I got too comfortable I would let my guard down. I couldn't take that kind of risk. Not with Cleo's live being on the line.

I dismissed Josh from my office; which is where we had worked today, and asked him to find Cleo and tell her to come up to my office. I could have just mind linked her to come up here, but I didn't know what she was doing t the time, and if she were cooking or something, I didn't want her to get scared and burn/cut herself. So having someone ask her in person seemed like the best option.

There was a light knocking on the door, and Cleo entered.

"You wanted to see me?" She looked around the room trying to take everything in. She had never been in my office until now, and I'm sure it's not what she expected. The room doesn't look like an office at all. To be honest it looks more like a lounge. There are a few colorful couches, and a huge flat screen television hung on one of the large walls, which were painted a light baby blue color. There is a desk, but its located in the far left corner of the room, and if more than a few people were in the room, you probably wouldn't know that it was there.

"Yes, I do want to see you." I said getting up from my chair behind the desk, and walking over to the largest sofa in the room. I signaled for her to come over to me. When she did she sat on my lap and made herself comfortable. I hadn't realized how much I missed her touch, until that moment.

"I missed you today." I say kissing her lips softly. She shuttered at my touch. It felt amazing to know no one else did that to her.

"I missed you too. I know it's only been like six hours, but it felt like forever!" She kissed me on the cheek an snuggled closer into me.

We sat like that for a long time. After a while I could hear Cleo's hear slow down a little, to a steady pace and she lightly snored. She had fallen asleep in my arms. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, brother."


Dun dun dun!!!!!!

Wow! Okay I know that this is short and there's not much going on, but I needed something to lead up to this!

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I love you all!


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