chapter 25-

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Picture of Adam on the right!


I'm so sorry it took me so long to post one!


Adam's point of view-

It's been two days since Jen broke into my house. I have guards around Cleo every second of the day, that I can't be around her. She's still pretty pissed about it, but I would rather he be mad at me than her be in danger. Today's the day. I already called Jen and told her that I'm going to turn Cleo in. She was surprised at first, then she agreed to meet me down in the dungeons at four so she can collect Cleo.

"We're ready to leave Sir." Says Chris, one of Cleo's guards.

"Where are we going?" Asks my little mate innocently. I didn't tell her about the plan; I didn't want to worry her.

"To the dungeons.'' I say flatly, not wanting to lie to her, but also not wanting to go into detail.

She made and O shape with her mouth, then closed it and opened again, as if to say something, then deciding differently.

"Is Josh where he is suppose to be?" I ask Chris.

"Yes, he made it there safely, and no one is aware of what is about to go down, as far as we are aware."

"Good." I say to him, and I dismiss him to go to his spot. "come on." I say leading Cleo out of the house.

The dungeon isn't very far away, so we were able to walk there in our human forms.

"If I tell you to do something, I need you to do it. Alright? This is really important!" I say to Cleo protectively.

"Yeah, I guess... What is this about Adam? You cant leave me out if I'm a part of this!"

My wolf was going crazy at the sound of her getting angry with me, but I don't want her to worry.

''It's for the best.'' I try to reassure him, but he wasn't so sure.

I knew I didin't have enough time to just stand here and argue with my wolf, so I decided to ignore him and continue with the plan.

"Come on, we don't have much time." I say to Cleo, before leading her down the concrete steps that led to the dungeon.

We walk to the back, where all of the prisoner cells are, and I open the door to the farthest cell from the door.

"I'm so sorry for this, but you need to get in the cell." I say to my mate before leading her in and walking right back out without her. I locked the door behind me.

"What the hell is going on Adam!" Cleo hissed through clenched teeth.

"I can't tell you, but please... The second you hear people walk in here, no matter who they are, do not make a sound."

"What!? Who's coming here that I would talk to?" She questions me.

"Please Cleo. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be. Don't you trust me?"

She didn't reply to me. She just went completely silent. That was when I heard them.

"She's right down here. The second to last cell." I hear Josh's voice coming from the doorway at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Good." I hear Jens voice as well. "Yuck! I can smell that filthy human from here!" She spits in disgust.

I never thought It was possible for someone to hate someone in their own family as much as I hated Jen at that moment.

"Ah brother you are here... Just hand over the human and I will be on my way." She says with an evil smirk on her face.

"She is right in there little sister." I say flatly, gesturing towards the open cell door next to me. She had to squint her eyes to be able to see anything inside of the cell. We had turned out half of the lights, to make the plan run smoother.

She looked at me skeptically,then after seeing that I wasn't fazed by it, she slowly stepped inside of the cell. I slammed the door behind her locking her in.

"You did nothing by locking me in here except for sealing your mates doom!" She said gesturing to the balled up figure in the corner of the large cell. "And I have already informed my mate of my capturing. By now there should be an army of rogues on their way to slaughter all of HER kind, within our territory." She then made her way over to the balled up figure in the corner. The moment she made contact with it she froze.

"Actually..." Her mate jack says standing up and walking out of the shadows. "There will be no attack."

"W-what!" She says looking at her mate. For the first time since she was down here she looked scared.

"We can't do this Jen. Not to someone who is innocent." Jack says to Jen, who looks like she might have a mental breakdown any moment now.

" You even got my own mate is against me!" She says to me.

"Jen, I'm not against you, I'm against what you are doing to an innocent human, who's worst offense against you is slapping you after you call her a bitch!" Jack yells loudly at Jen.

"Jack, you did the right thing! Man. You may be a dick sometimes, but you really came through... Thank you." I say to Jack, and Jen lets out a blood curtailing scream.

"How are you all so blinded by that human! She is nothing but a slut and a bitch!"

I slowly turn to face her directly and looks her in the eyes.

"Jennifer Anne Marshall. You are to leave my territory and never return!"


Cleo's point of view-

I've been sitting here on the floor, in the dark for almost an hour. I have never been so terrified/proud in my life! I was proud of my mate for standing up to Jen, and I was terrified, because Jen looks really angry.

"Jennifer Anne Marshall. You are to leave my territory and never return!" Did my mate really just say that!? Holy shit!

"What!" Jen screams at Adam. "How dare you kick me out of my own pack! Just because you're birthday is tomorrow, doesn't mean that you have the power to kick me out! You have another day to wait until you are the Alpha!"

"Hell yes I have the power to kick your sorry ass out!" He was fuming!

 "Josh escort her and her mate to the edge of our territory and make sure they are far away from here before you return! I want to be sure I don't ever have to face that bitch again!" Adam says to Josh before having Jack and Josh pull her out of the cell and leading a flailing and screaming Jen out of the dungeon. 



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