Chapter 18

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Cleo's point of view-

Last night was amazing! No we didn't full mate and he didn't mark me, but it was still amazing. After he pushed me against the wall and kissed me, we made our way over to the couch. After like three hours of making out and cuddling. I fell asleep in my mate arms. I shouldn't be happier than I am right now. Well unless Jen decides to forgive me, then I would be happier... OK not my point.

"Cleo? Are you awake yet?" Adam asked from beside me. We had fallen asleep on the couch cuddle together.

"Well, I am now.." I say even though I was already awake. I just wanted him to think he owed me.

"I'm sorry baby, go back to sleep." How perfect is he! How did I get so damn lucky!

'' Since I'm already up," I said, " I think I'm going to take a shower." I got up, out of the warmth of Adam's arms, and stood up to face him. "I don't have any good day clothes with me. Do you think I can run home and grab some....?"

"No! Absolutely not!" I was interrupted by my mates over protective outburst.

"But Adam I need clothes. Unless you want me walking aroung in public naked. Where other male wolves can see my naked body......" the look on Adams face before I even finished what I was saying, told me that I had won.

"Fine. But I will go with you. Alright!" He knew he lost this battle with me and I'm sure I'll have to pay for it later but what ever.

"Ok. Thats fine, but if my moms home, Please try to act like a human being." He laughed at my comment and I realized what was so funny.

"Babe, you do realize that I'm not actually human, right? Well, at least not completely human." I. Am . an. Idiot.

"what ever. come on." I said pulling him out of the front door and over to my house.


Adam's Point of view-

Shit! How could it not occur to me that this might be the first time that I meet Cleo's parents. I don't know any thing about them. What do they look like?! Wait, I sound ike a teenage girl! I really need to relax.

"Babe. You ok?" My lovely mate asks obviously seeing my face twist in disgust of my teenage girl moment.

"Yeah, I just want to make a good first Impression. That's all."

"I'm sure they'll love you! Just like I do! Just... Maybe not as much as I love you." She said blushing.

"And you tell me I'm a cheese ball!" I laugh remembering the word that she had called me the other night.

"Well, I guess that's why we are so perfect together." Cleo smiles

"Because we're both cheese balls?" I ask confused.

"No, because I love you and you make me a cheese ball, and I do the same to you." She is so adorable! Wow! How did I get so lucky!

I laughed

"I think I'm done being lovey dovey for now OK?" Said Cleo. "Let's go."

We walked up the big glass front doors of Cleo's house. She opened the door and walked in with me trailing behind her.

"Mom! I'm home!" Cleo called out.

"I'm in the kitchen honey!" Replied her mother.

Well I thought that I might get lucky and her parents wouldn't be home, but obviously that didn't happen. Just my luck. Cleo pulled me through a big living room, to the kitchen. There was a tall woman who looked like a thirty year old version of Cleo.

"Hey, mom. There's someone that I want you to meet." She gestured to me. "This is my boyfriend, Adam."

I felt over come by joy when she referred to me as her boyfriend. We hadn't put a title on our relationship other than mates.

" it's nice to meet you Adam." Said Cleo's mother.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Johnson." I reached out and shook her outstretched hand.  

She had the long sleeves of her shirt rolled up to her elbows. On her right arm there was a scar that went from the palm of her hand all the way up to her elbow, and disappeared under her sleeve. I wonder what caused that!


Cleo's point of view-

'' don't say anything about it!" I yelled At Adam though my mind link with him. " I'll tell you all about it later, just not in front of her."

I had noticed him staring at my mothers scar, and the horrible memories of what happened were so painful that I accidentally yelled at the one person who I could trust.

" I'm so sorry. I won't do it again. " Adam spoke in my mind. He was probably able to feel my pain.

"Sorry for yelling shes just really self conscious about it, that's all."

 "Its alright you're just looking out for your mother, I understand." Adam is amazing. " Where's your dad? I want to meet him." that Adam said out loud.

"You dumb ass!" 

"Honey," My mother said sadly, " I think you and Adam need to have a talk." 

"I think you're right." I say 

"Damn it, what did I say?" asked Adam. 

"It's not what you said, It's what I haven't told you."'


Authors note- 

Yay new chapter! 

-end authors note.


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