Chapter 12

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Cleo's point of view-

"Hey, dad!" Adam calls out to his father from the top of the stair case.

The tall, muscular man turns around to face us. His facial features made him look tough and strong like Adams, but he had wrinkles around his eyes from smiling. He had big green eyes like Adam too.

"Hello son." He replied to his son. He looked directly at me but spoke to Adam, "so whose your........ Friend?" He emphasized the word friend differently than he said the rest of the words.

Adam started down the stairs and led me with our fingers twined together. I was nervous but touching Adam seemed to help calm my nerves.

I knew that Adam could read my thoughts if I let him in, so I tried to let him in an I kept thinking the words, 'don't let go of me! I can't keep calm without you!' I said it over an over until finally Adam looked over at me and slightly nodded his head so no one else could see it but me. Relief washed over me knowing that my mate would be there to keep me calm.  

"Son,... WHO IS YOUR FRIEND?" Mr. Marshal loudly questioned his son.

"Father, this is Cleo she is my mate and future Luna of this pack." He says confidently. Wait! Wait! Wait! Did he just say Luna!?!? Wtf!? If I'm going to be Luna then that makes mr. Marshal the... The... ALPHA. 

Crap I am talking to the Alpha! Uh oh! 

I look over at mr. Marsha. At first he looked a little angry, then he looked me up and down inspecting me, and a small grin formed on his lips. 

"I'm gone a month. Only one month, and you go and find the most beautiful mate I have ever seen!.... Other than your mother I course! I don't know wether I should be mad or excited. So for your human mates sake i'll be excited!" When he heard these words come out of his fathers mouth Adams face lit up with joy. In fact he was so happy that he pulled me into him and kissed me on the lips right there in front of his parents. I pulled away and blushed,"Adam..." I whined. 

"I'm sorry Cleo I was just so happy that he approves of you!" He said, letting go of my hand and man hugging his father. They let go of each other and Mr. Marshal held his arms out to me. " come here and let me give my daughter in law a hug!" I walk up to Him and give him a hug, then I walk back over to Adam and put my hand on his.  

"Congratulations." Said Andria.  

"Now all we have to do is tell Jen...." Said Adam ruining my mood... Crap this I going to be an eventful evening!


Well, I hope you like this filler! It took me a while to write this, because I kept writing things and then I would go backs and change it,then i would do that over and over on the same parts so.....yah. I don't even know why I was so indecisive on what I was going to write, but I was. I hope you like this eventful filler. 12 chapters done and many more to come! Vote and comment your opinion! I love you all!


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