Chapter 17

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Jens point of view-

"Mate!" I say unintentionally.

Who is he?

Is he hot?

Does he want me?

Am I good enough?

How's my hair?

Do I smell bad?

Who is he?!?!

A million questions were running the though my mind at one time, and I couldn't focus on one thing.

"Who goes there!" My mate calls, seeming to be unfazed by finding his mate. Wow! His voice is really sexy and deep! Wait its also familiar..

"Jack?!" I say an turn around to face the beta of may pack. What! I have talked to him a million times and my wolf decides to tell me that he's my mate now! Great timing!

He was only about ten feet away from me, but I could smell him as if he were only inches away. That's good even for a wolf!

I had changed back into my human form and I had put on a pair of shorts and a sports bra that I hid in a tree for an occasion where I was in need of clothing.

"Jen?" He asked questioningly, "what are you doing out here? Come here you must be freezing!" He held his arms out for me to go over and hug him for warmth.

It was November, but it hasn't started to snow yet. The temperature was only about 40 degrees, but the second my skin touched my mates, I was filled with warmth.

"Mine!" Jack said when we touched an I knew he felt it too.

I had found my mate!


Adams point of view-

" Adam?" My little mate asked my giant wolf.

"Yes it's me, babe." I said through our mind link.

"Umm... I don't mean to sound mean or anything, but umm.. Why are you the big bad wolf?" She asked me out loud.

She walked behind the bushes and walked up to me. She was obviously scared by my wolf. She stayed at least five feet away from me and when I went to get closer to her she flinched.

"If your not comfortable with me in my wolf form yet," I said through mind link. " then I can change back. But... Umm.... I don't have any clothes.." I stuttered.

It made me nervous to see how she would react to this. To my surprise she Blushed and walked over to me and started petting my black fur. I let out a sigh of relief. I was happy she wasn't scared of me anymore, but I felt kind of bad that she didn't trust me from the beginning. I had to threaten walking around naked for her to come this close to me in my wolf form.

"You know, you are like a giant pillow! Like I could literally lay down here with you under my head and sleep." Cleo said with a cute little giggle. She is so weird! Oh well, I love her anyway!

"Um...thanks... I think." I say. Not really sure how to react to that.

She didn't say anything after that so I started walking and she followed me. We walked next to each other talking through min link the whole walk back to the house behind Cleo's, which is actually my house. My parents bought it for me when I was 16, but I'm not allowed to move into it and live alone until I'm 18. I seriously want to know what the odd are that my mate would move into the house behind mine.

I made a decision while we were walking and talking to each other. In exactly one month from today ill be 18 and I get to move into my house on my own. I'm going to ask Cleo to move in with me. She's only a month and a half younger than me so by the time she's 18 ill have the house ready for her. I'm going to make it a surprise though.

We walked extremely slow so it took us over an hour to get to the house. Even though the houses are right next to each other Cleo will be staying in mine with me for a while. Jen doesn't know where she lives so even if she finds Cleo here, Jen would never think to look for her family in the house behind mine. He would think it I obvious. So it was brilliant.

"I have walked past this house a hundred times and I alway wondered if anyone owned it." Cleo said breaking my train of thought.

"I never thought it would be you who I was indirectly thinking about."she giggled and I told her to open the door for me since I'm still in my wolf form and I don't have thumbs.

"Ok if you don't want to see me naked I suggest you close your eyes."I mind liked her while I walked through the big doors.

"Tempting." She said with a giggle and a light blush formed on her cheeks. "But I think I'll close my eyes." She turned around and squeezed her eyes shut.

I changed back into my human form and pulled an extra pair of pants that I found on. I was too lazy to find a shirt. So I decided that my mate could 'suffer' and have to see my perfectly chiseled six pack.

Something you should know about me Is that I know that I'm hot. I don't try to hide that I know it either so, I guess that you could say that I'm coincided.


Cleo's point of view-

I didnt want to close my eyes, but I did. I stood there for a while waiting for my mate to get some clothes on so I could hug him and cuddle on the small couch that is in the middle of his living room.

"Okay babe, you can look now. I have pants on." Adam said in his deep husky voice that I love hearing so much.

"I would complain about you not wearing a shirt if you weren't so sexy." I say seductively.

I walk to Adam and he pulls me into his arms.

"I have been wanting to do this all day." He said sexily.

He cupped my face and slowly moved his lip onto mine, our lips moved in sink. It was a sweet short kiss. Adam had pulled away first and I made a whining noise that I didn't even know that I could make.

"We can't do this now, you're so beautiful that if we start now I don't think I would be able to stop.

He. Is. So. Sexy.

"Shut up you cheese ball." I say jokingly at his comment about my beauty.

His eyes grew dark, almost black. He started walking towards me with his fists clenched. I backed up slowly until my back finally hit a wall and I had no where to go. He put his arms on either side of my head so I couldn't run away.

"Make me." He said with lust in his eyes.

Before i knew what was happening he crashed his lips onto mine, and without delay I kisses him back forcefully.


So how did you like it? Well if you did like it then you should vote! Ok I spent all day trying to figure out what I was going to write for this chapter,so I hope I did alright! Please comment or vote. Ok. I Love you all! I think I will call you my wolf loving brethren! Ok good bye my wolf loving brethren!


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