chapter 8

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I just finished changing when Adam walked into his bedroom. He examined my outfit, which consisted of a pair of relatively short-shorts and a plain black T-shirt that fit me just right. He took a deep breath in.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look right now, babe!"

I gave a light hearted giggle, "Um, thanks." Well I fell like a goddess right now!

"No, you have no idea how beautiful you are......."He held onto mt waist and pulled me into him. He felt so strong and warm; it made me feel so safe. "...and you are all mine.'' He whispered sexually into my ear. which made me giggle like an idiot.

''I think we should go on an official date since you are my mate and all." Adam said, which took me by surprise.

"Really? I would love too!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and crashed my lips into his soft pink ones.

After a few seconds Adam pulled away,"Slow down there speed racer, we haven't even gone on our first date yet!" He laughed at his own joke. "Come on I don't want to be rude and kiss before the first date, so lets hurry up and go on the date....... so I can kiss you.''

I smiled, ''well it's too late for that, we just kissed."

"Well, actually you kissed me so it doesn't count.. Come on." He pulled me out of his bedroom, when we reached the bottom of the stairs Adam picked me up bridal style and carried me outside, to his small black sports car. when we reached the car he put me down and held open the passenger door for me. Once he was sure I was safely in the car he made his way to the drivers side and put the keys in the ignition.

"Hold on tight, babe." He said Cooley before speeding out of his driveway and down the street. I looked at the speedometer by the steering wheel. Holy shit! 80 miles per hour.

"Crap, Adam! are you trying to get us killed?" I exclaimed over the sound of the extremely loud engine.

"Cleo, I would never let anything happen to you. You should know that. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride, we're almost there.''

"Oh yeah, where are we going anyway?" I had forgotten to ask him before.

"It's a surprise." His response was vague and invade I haven't told you before, I really don't like vague responses.

"Just so you know I really hate surprises." I told him hoping he would break and tell me where we were headed to, but instead he shook his head and made a sharp turn onto a narrow dirt road. After driving on the dirt road for a good 5 minutes he stopped the car and got out.

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere?" I asked.

"It's just a short walk that way.''He says pointing to the left with one hand and taking my hand with his other. We walked until we reached the most beautiful meadow I That I had ever seen. There was an unbelieveable amount of flowers that were all different sizes and colors.

"Wow! Adam this is beautiful!" I gushed, taking in my beautiful surroundings.

"Not as beautiful as you are Cleo." He winked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You are so cheesy!"

I laugh and shove him to the ground. I start cracking up, but before I can pull myself together he pushed my legs out from under me. He catches me before I hit the ground and he rolls us over so we are lying on our sides facing each other.

"you know most people would be afraid to shove A werewolf down." He was laughing so hard that his words were hardly audible.

I start laughing to,"Well as you know, I'm not most people, baby!"


What will Adam and Cleo do next? Well, I'm not going to tell you yet! Hahahaha "Cue evil laugh". What will happen to cadam when people find out they are mates. I really want to say tune in next week, but im enjoying writing this too much to wait a week to write more. comment or vote. I love you all!


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