Chapter 13

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Jens point of view-

I was lying on my bed reading a magazine with my music on. I was listening to the song 'nothing' by the script (awesome song btw) when I heard a knock on my door.

"What!?" I yell annoyed that my me time was being interrupted.

"Hey, Jen... It's.... Umm..... Cleo. Can we talk?" Cleo said over the loud music. She and I had gotten into an argument a few days ago, but we were over it now,so I don't know why she sounds so nervous.

"Yeah Cleo, come in. The doors unlocked!" I call to her over the music that I was to lazy to turn down. She opened the door and cautiously looked inside. When she was sure that what ever she was looking for wasn't there she took a few steps inside.

"What's wrong?'' I asked. I was really starting to get worried by the way she was acting. She was never like this.

"Okay, before I say what im about to say, you should just know that Adam wanted to be here to tell you with me, but I thought it would be best if I were the one to tell you, so I had him wait down stairs. Please don't be mad at him. It's not his fault." She looked extremely pale and scared. Like I was going to rip her throat out because of what ever it was that he was about to say.

"What is it? Your not pregnant are you!?"

"What! No! I am definitely not pregnant!" Wow! That's a huge relief! Although I would be the best aunt ever! "What it it then?" I was really curious as to what was worrying her so much.

"Well, you see..... Um..." That's when Adam barges into my room.

"She is my mate and I love her." He walked over to her and held her waist.  

That dick! I know you can't help who your mate Is, but why did his mate have to be my only friend! Yes, I did say only friend. There aren't many girls in our pack and the ones that re girls are sluts so I don't hang around them, and I don't make friends with humans usually, because they all think that I'm weird. If it were ANY one else. I wouldn't mind it, but every friend I have ever had has always Chosen Adam over me. Girls always said that Adam was hot, one girl even used me to get to him.


It was freshman year. My best friend Lola was sleeping over on a Friday night, after school.

"Jen you should like totally try this new energy drink that I found you will like totally love it!" She squealed and handed it to me.

"What is it?" I asked when she handed me a water bottle with purple syrupy looking liquid.

"Omg! It's just an energy drink."

"Ok, ok! I'll drink it." I said taking a sip.

I was asleep within five minutes.  

When I woke up she was gone. I figured that she didn't feel good or something an she simply called her mom to pick her up, and she was so nice that she didn't want to wake me up. So I went to go to the bathroom and I passed Adams room. I heard her laughing in Adams room. I burst in the door and walked in and saw them lying in bed naked together! i felt like an idiot. and i felt betrayed, by the two people who i trusted the most.

I found out later that the "energy drink'' she gave me was a drug for people with really bad insomnia. That bitch drugged me to have sex with my brother! She never talked to me after that either. Not that I'd want to talk to her.

End of flashback-

"Cleo how could you do this to me! You bitch! I screamed an shut off my music. I know that it wasn't her fault, but just remembering what happened made me really pissed.


Sorry for the cliff hanger, but I'm way to tired to write more.  

Please please please please Please please please pleasePlease please please pleasePlease please please pleasePlease please please pleasePlease please please pleasePlease please please pleasePlease please please pleasex100000 please vote and comment! I love you all for sticking with me and reading this! I am so tired I just forgot how to spell my own name! Omg I'm loosing it! I'm absolutely insane now! What weirdo forgets how to spell their own name! Me that's who! Yah! Ok I need to stop typing before I make my self sound even more stupid than I already do (if that's even possible) so ttyl. (Type to you later) lol! Omg im tired so bye!

~a very sleepy singergirl55

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