Chapter 14

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Cleo's point of view-

"Cleo how could you do this to me! You bitch!" Jen screamed at me. The fact that Jen was my best friend made her out burst hurt more than it should have. I felt the hot tears start to form in my eyes.

"I thought you were my friend! No! Not just a friend, I thought you were my best friend! Don't talk To me ever again!" Before I knew what I was doing my hand flew up and smacked her in the face.

"That's for calling me a Bitch!"

There was a red mark on her cheek in the shape of my hand. Jen was furious! Her whole body was shaking and her eyes turned red. Shit! I forgot she's a werewolf! I'm screwed! I could barely see anything through the tears streaming out of my eyes so I tried my best to wipe my eyes and hold back any more tears. I heard a deep growl from behind me, and that's when I remembered that Adam was still in the room. I tried to us my mind link with Adam,

"Baby, don't do anything you'll regret! She's your sister! Lets just get out of here before she gets really angry!" He didn't look at me but his face seemed to soften a little, then he walked in between me and Jen. I then heard his voice in my head,

"Cleo! Get out of here I can hear her thoughts! She's the daughter of an alpha! She could rip you into pieces and I don't want to risk it! I love you, so you need to get out of here!"

"Where do I go?" I asked him through mind link again. I heard his voice in my head again, this time more frantic and scared then before.

"Go to my room and get anything that's yours, then meet me at the empty house behind yours! Hurry! You don't have much time before she shifts!" I didn't reply I just turned around and ran out the door. But I didn't get out before I had a chance to see Jen transform into a humongous grey and black wolf. Shit!


Well I'm sorry for yet another short chapter but i already started the next chapter so it should be longer! Yay!

Please please please Please please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please please vote or comment! I love you all!

~singer girl55

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