Chapter 7

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I woke up in the same place that I had fallen asleep for the second time last night.

I was in Adam's bed. The blankets were pulled up over me and the braid that my hair had been in when I fell asleep, was taken out. I could hear a shower running and knew that that was probably the reason why Adam was not in the bed with me. The room was dark but there was enough light streaming in through the window, which was not closed all the way from the day before, to see pretty much everything. I replayed all of last nights events over in my head.

A werewolf.

The guy of my dreams is a werewolf.


The shower turned off and I sat up in the bed and tried my hardest not to look at the bathroom door. Of course when Adam came out of the bathroom dripping wet and only covered by a white towel around his bottom half, I could barely keep my self from running to him.
"Like what you see, babe?" He asked. He laughed and walked to stand right in front of me; he was still only covered by the towel.

I looked him up and down jokingly, "Well, I would be lying if I said that I don't." I said biting my bottom lip. "Since when do you call me babe?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Since you didn't reject me as your mate last night, and you fell asleep on my lap."

When I was 14 I went through a phase where all I would do is sit in my bedroom and read werewolf stories on watt pad, so I knew what he was talking about when he said that I didn't reject him.

"I......." I stood up from his bed and Adam pulled me into his arms, "....Would never reject you."

we stood there for a little while, just enjoying being here with each other. I was reluctant to let go when Adam removed his arms from me and started towards his gigantic closet.

he laughed before entering the closet,"Maybe we should continue this when I'm fully clothed."

I laughed lightly, "Yeah, maybe we should."

He went into his closet and it took all of thirty seconds to change into a pair of levi's and a tight grey t-shirt, that showed the outline of his toned abdomen.

"You should go and change, and if Jen asks where you were don't tell her, she has a REALLY bad temper, and she hates it when I talk to her friends, shes afraid that I'll steal them from her or something stupid like that."

"I mean I understand why you don't want me to tell her yet, but if she knew that we are mates wouldn't she be okay with it?" I wondered

"No, we can't tell her yet I'll explain when you get changed..... Oh, and feel free to wear something with a low neck line." He bit his lip and smiled at me.

"Ugh! you are such a guy! Have some shame!" I stuck my tongue out at him, and walked into Jen's room to change.


"where have you been! I thought you went home and left all your stuff here!" Jen sounded angry. If Adam wouldn't have warned me that she could be angry, I honestly would have been shitting myself. I ignored her, in a crappy attempt to avoid a serious confrontation.

"Hello! Cleo! Can you hear me? Where have you been??" She sounded really pissed and she was absolutely losing her temper, so I just grabbed my whole bag and waked out of the room while I still could. I slammed the door closed so she wouldn't come and follow me.


I found Adam waiting for me at the end of the hall.

"She wouldn't even let you change? Damn, she must be really mad."

''Actually, she asked me where I went and I just ignored her, because I couldn't stand the thought of lying to her!" I sighed, "She was really upset and I feel responsible for her feeling like that."

He came closer to me and grabbed my hand. "Don't worry about her, I'm hoping that she'll understand when we tell her that we're mates, but that can wait. Why don't you go into my room and change I promise I won't look." He smiled like a child who was up to something sneaky.

I laughed at his smirk,"Some how I'm not convinced that that's true." I quickly pecked Adam on the lips and started towards his room.

"I didn't say you should change right now." He smiled when I looked back at him. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him, and before I knew it, he was quickly making his way towards me. I turned and ran towards his room, knowing that nothing good could come from the smirk plastered on his mouth. When I turned around, Adam was close behind me. He caught me but my hips and spun me around. I kissed him before he had fully spun me around, and it sent an electrical current through my body.


I am really shipping cadam right now! yes that is Cleo and Adam's ship name. ha ha I don't even know. well please comment or vote if you liked it! I am trying to post four chapters a week maybe more if I can. okay, well keep checking for new chapters!


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