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Remus and Theo midnight snacking '76-Sirius

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Remus and Theo midnight snacking '76

Remus and Theo midnight snacking '76-Sirius

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My idiot '76

Padfoot and Moony workin hard or hardly workin '76-Prongs

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Padfoot and Moony workin hard or hardly workin '76

Padfoot and Moony workin hard or hardly workin '76-Prongs

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Teds and Marls '76

Regulus stealing my job '76-Theo

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Regulus stealing my job '76


Teddy's song both broke my heart and made it soar. Every lyric, every melody, it felt like she could see right through me. Her song saw into the deepest parts of my soul and told all my secrets. I couldn't really process it. That's why I had to leave. I didn't even know what to say. That... And the fact I could hardly hold back the tears forming.
I felt awful for leaving, I know she felt horrible for those few minutes when I left her alone. I wish I hadn't, but there was nothing I could do. I've never felt like this.
She truly is perfect, in every facet of the word.
She also one of the most incredible songwriters I've ever met. If not the best. Although I hate to admit it, she's far better than any of the rest of us.

We have everything pretty perfect for the new years eve set tomorrow and James has finally let us take a break from rehearsing tonight. It's definitely needed. Teddy's voice was hanging on by a thread and all of our fingers and hands were blistered and practically bleeding.
Although I must say I find Teddy's hoarse voice insufferably sexy I almost wish James had kept us practicing just to keep listening to her.

It's part of the reason I suggested we all hang out in the back living room. It holds many of the Potter's instruments and I knew at some point during the night we'd all end up playing music, we're incredibly predictable.
And so that's how we ended up here at 1am listening to Pete's horrendous cover of Eric Carmen's All by Myself.
"whooooo go wormtail!!!" James cheered and whooped when Pete finally finished his screeching and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright Teddy's turn," Pete turned to her and beamed, clearly proud of himself.
"Oh merlin no! Have you heard my voice recently? I need to save it for tomorrow night!"
"That's fair enough we all need to be at the top of our game tomorrow." James chimed in re-adopting his leadership role. He's like our little band mother, not like he hasn't always been a sort of mother figure.
"Oh go on Ted's give us a song," I whispered softly in her ear. She smiled but shook her head definitely.
"Nope, I'm not doing anymore vocal damage."
"Play us a piece then." Reg suddenly pipes up. "I know you play classical, so do I. If you play I will."
Teddy looked shocked. So did all of us really. Reg never really spoke about his classical training. From what we'd heard from Sirius it wasnt exactly a...positive learning environment shall we say.
Teddy also stiffened anytime her training was brought up, playing rock and pop and jazz for her was a sort of rebellion. Although she had told me once that classical music was her only form of escape as a kid. The only way she could please her family. I know she still loves it in some strange twisted way, but it holds many painful memories. I'm not sure how to feel about her playing.

"Alright." She said quietly, her brows were furrowed clearly troubled by this.
"You don't have to." I said, touching her arm gently to try and reassure her as she got up to move to the grand piano on the opposite side of the room.
"I know... I want to."
Her face was determined now and she took an obvious breath as she sat down at the piano stool.
Suddenly she began to play. And it was... Harrowing.
But sorrowful.

She played like she was feeling every single note in her soul. I was in awe. It seemed everyone else was too, reg in particular. He couldn't take his eyes off her. I suppose they have this in common, classical music.

When she finished she took a breath before turning to us and I could tell that took a lot for her to do. I gave her a wide smile and opened my arms for her to come sit back with me. She didn't however, Instead she leaned back against the piano.
"Your turn Regulus."
"tu joues magnifiquement"
"Ah non, mais merci."
"C'est vrai, Je ne pense pas pouvoir jouer mieux que ça."
"Non, non, je ne pense pas que ce soit vrai."
"Tu as joué une pièce française, c'est ça?"
"Voudrais-tu que je joue une pièce française aussi?"
"Peut-être, si tu pouvais."
"Bien sûr."

They were both speaking very quickly and intensely staring at eachother, smiling.
I could only make out a few words from my limited knowledge of french. I'd forgotten they're both fluent in french. Sirius is aswell but hardly ever speaks it he says he despises the language but I reckon it was more the teaching of it than the language itself which he despises.

"Um...guys? Care to share with the group?" Marlene piped up, tearing Teddy and Reg from their intense french whispering.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot." Teddy laughed. And regulus smirked.
"They werent saying anything important just forget about it." Sirius grumbled from the corner of the couch. He didn't look particularly happy about his brother's new connection with Teddy.
"I'll play now I suppose." Reg broke the silence.
He whispered something to Teddy I couldn't exactly hear before he began.

As Reg played Teddy made her way over to me. She resumed her place in my lap and leaned against my chest engrossed in Reg's performance.
"C'est pour toi, ma chèrie." She whispered, looking up at me with a soft smile and tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry darling, I don't know what you said."
"I know." She smiled and returned her gaze to Regulus as he reached the end of the piece.
"Merci beaucoup Regulus, c'était époustouflant."
"Tu es trop gentil mon chèri."
He held her gaze before returning to his seat. Still smiling slightly.
Not knowing what they were saying was getting old as hot as Teddy speaking french was I wished they wouldn't speak it so exclusively to themselves. She'd only said a few words to me. I know I couldn't say anything back but it was still frustrating knowing I could never share in that connection with her.

Teddy leaned back in contentment, I kissed the top of her head before looking back up at everyone else.
Regulus was still staring.

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