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A black haired man wearing an outfit of specially crafted gear  was going through the forest that surrounds his home on orders of the Third Hokage when he heard a soft growl. He looked to see a baby surrounded by three wolves and had a fox laying next to him. The man was about to back away when the fox spoke up. "This child isn't safe could you take him with you?" The man looked at the fox then the child who had woken up from the growls. The man was surprised to see purple eyes looking at him. The wolves settled down when the baby woke up and the man slowly walked to the baby causing the animals to back away. "His name is Kai." The man nods to the fox and picks the baby up. He felt a smile form on his face when Kai held onto his fingers. "Don't worry you have my promise I will protect him." With that the man brought Kai back to his village and informed the Hokage. "Itachi are you sure you want to tend to a baby?" The man named Itachi looked at the kid who reminded him of his brother who was born just hours before. "Yes Lord Third I want to take care of him." Hiruzen nods and Itachi brought the baby home. His mom was excited while his father was just stern. The baby started to wiggle and when Itachi didn't know what to do his mom stepped in. "Here hold him like this." Sasuke, his new born brother, started fussing and the baby seemed to be looking for him. So his mom placed the two together and what made Itachi smile was the baby laid his hand in Sasuke's and the two fell asleep like that. "Seems he's already made a friend." With that Itachi became a father to a child he met by chance. Time passed and it was clear the boy was a prodigy. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge and seeing that made Itachi feel happy. He also noticed how protective Sasuke and Kai were of each other. Itachi was informed by his father that Kai had gotten in trouble because he thought Sasuke was getting bullied by some kids and broke one's nose. Itachi tried to have Kai understand that's wrong but the boy just shrugged and informed his father that you don't mess with his family. Itachi noticed his son had traits of the animals he found him with. Kai had the loyalty of wolves and their ferocity as well as the energy of a fox. He also had their cunning minds. Itachi was worried his son would be used by the clan but as time went on Kai never listened to anyone but Itachi. The night that Itachi dreaded came to be and the Uchiha were planning a coup. He knew Kai would follow him so he had to plan for that. "We could always take Kai with us." Itachi glanced at his partner a masked man who stood next to him. "No Kai is too weak. He would never survive." The masked man nods and left leaving Itachi to deal with his son. Itachi found him looking at the moon so Itachi sat next to him. "I know your leaving dad." Itachi's heart froze. "It's ok dad I'll never hate you." Itachi's will almost shattered when Kai hugged him and what he said next. "Just don't forget me ok?" Itachi felt tears fall from his face and he hugged Kai tightly. "I could never forget you Kai. I will always love you." With that he placed Kai in a genjustu. He knew Kai let him the kid was too strong for normal genjustu any other time. Kai smiled at his father one last time before succumbing. Itachi barely kept it in as he took Kai to their home. That's when he steeled his resolve and began the Uchiha Massacre. He got to his parents and saw they were waiting for him. What they told him broke his will and his tears fell freely. When Sasuke arrived he saw his worse nightmare and he found Itachi waiting. Itachi completed his goal and when Sasuke finally succumbed to his genjustu Itachi placed him next to Kai. He took one last look at his brother and adoptive son before following after his comrade. Along the way the wolves and fox Itachi found with the boy appeared. "I did as you asked and he's strong enough to survive on his own." The fox nodded and they left. 

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