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Kai stared at Orochimaru for an uncomfortable amount of time before heading for the Leaf. "If you follow me I will kill you over and over again. I am not an Uchiha do not threaten me snake." When Kai felt Orochimaru leave for good he sighed then ditched his Akatsuki cloak. Kai quickly got dressed before touching his mask but decided to leave it on. When he showed up at the gate the Chunin guarding it looked at him. "I'm here to see the Fifth Hokage. Take me to her now." Kai grinned behind his mask before following the two. When he arrived Kai saw Tsunade talking to Team Seven and his heart ached seeing how much of Naruto's life he missed. "Who is this?" Naruto had turned as did the others to face Kai. "Evening Lady Tsunade I came to inform you if you send this team after that Uchiha I'm coming with." Kai mentioning Uchiha made the others tense and Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "Why do you want to join my squad in bringing back the Uchiha?" A man with unblinking eyes and brown hair spoke up. "Because let's just say I have a vested interest in the Uchiha after all I am very important to him. I happen to understand his hatred very well for the one who killed his clan and brother." Naruto's eyes went wide. "So its true Kai is dead?" Kai felt his heart break but he nods. "Yes I am the one Itachi brought Kai to but the stroke he had took him before I could save his life. I'm terribly sorry for your loss." Kai noticed how sad his friends got but then he noticed a pale white teen with black hair and a book on his hip. "You sure are comfortable mentioning you dealt with Itachi." Kai turned to Tsunade. "If I was afraid of you or the Anbu surrouding your room to watch me I wouldn't have approached so casually. I am no threat unless you want me to be. Itachi told me to save his brother from that wretched snake and so I am here. Itachi got me out of a situation I found myself in a while back so I'm repaying my debt." Tsunade knew nothing about this man but it was Naruto who spoke up. "Why would Itachi trust you with Sasuke?" Kai turned his head to Naruto. "Because he trusted me with him. You don't need to know Naruto." Kai nearly broke character seeing their faces. God he misses them so much. "I won't wait for your answer I know where to go but I figured I'd give you a chance and do it your way." Kai saw Naruto watching him almost as if he's figuring him out. Suddenly Naruto walked up to him and narrowed his eyes. "You sure know how to talk but what about in a fight? You said yourself you are a doctor we already have a medic." Sakura nodded before Kai chuckled softly. "Trust me boy I am not just a doctor. Tell me how would you feel if I did this?" Suddenly the man pressed his hand against Naruto's gut and the Nine Tails chakra exploded out of Naruto. Everyone gasped before it was gone and they looked at the man bewildered. "I know quite a bit about you Naruto as well as you Sakura. I know how close to that Uchiha and his nephew. I also know Orochimaru and wish to pay him back for what he took from me." Everyone looked at Kai who sighed before taking his mask off. He had cast a genjustu over himself so when Kai's face showed itself everyone looked at him in horror. Half of his jaw eye socket was missing as well as part of his nose. "I was a simple man but then that snake came to me probably after hearing form the locals about my healing justu and he told me to heal his arms. I refused then he did this to me with help from that brat of his." Kai put his mask back on before looking at Naruto. "You still think I can't fight fine meet me outside the Leaf at that field with a river and I'll show you what I can do." Kai shrugged before leaving and after a few minutes Kai saw Team Seven with Tsunade walking through the gate. "Huh didn't think the Hokage would grace us." Kai looked at Naruto. "So tell me is it true you learned the Fourth Hokage's Rasengan?" Naruto nods before Kai laughed. "Boy I hate to tell you this but if that's all you got then the Uchiha won't lose." That pissed Naruto off and Kai chuckle. "Tell me something Naruto. If Kai was here do you think the Uchiha would come home?" Naruto thought about it. "The answer is no because the Uchiha is so consumed by hate and Kai was secretly pushing him in that direction anyway. Itachi told me everything you know. Kai planned to help Sasuke kill his father because that's what Sasuke wanted." Naruto looked surprise. "I am just stating what I was told but I also believe it. Anyway enough about what I know. You wanted to see what I could do so let's begin." Kai vanished before showing up in front of Naruto who barely had time to react before Kai grabbed him by the throat the lifted him off the ground. Everyone watching was surprised and Kai growled at Naruto. "To think he died calling you his best friend and you aren't even strong enough to save his uncle." Naruto felt the Nine Tails chakra go berserk before he suddenly saw the masked man in his psyche. "Woah!" Kai chuckled before looking at the Nine Tails who growled at him. "Ooo scary so your the Nine Tails. Heh Kai told me about you as well. Anyway Naruto tell me do you truly think you can save Sasuke?" Naruto looked at the man who was waiting for an answer. "Yes I want to save Sasuke not only because of Kai but because he's my friend." Kai thought about it before shrugging. "Fine I'll help you." Naruto was placed back on the ground before Kai walked to the Jonin. "Captain I'll be meeting you all at the bridge." 

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