Burn it all away

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Kai grinned sitting on top of the dragon he summoned watching as his army of dolls destroyed both the Akatsuki and the Alliance. "Tell me what would you do if Itachi saw you like this?" Kai turned his head to see Tobi looking at him. "I'd not stop besides he wouldn't be here anyway. Itachi would be with Sasuke." Kai stood up and stared at Tobi with a small smirk. "Tell me something Tobi. Do you think you can stop me with your seven Jinchuriki?" Kai raised a hand and blocked the collective strike of all seven before raising a knee to stop Tobi from striking him with his fan. "You are a few thousand years too young to think you can fight me Tobi." Kai sent his opponents flying with a gust of wind before looking at the dragon. "Lead the army to the Gedo Statue then do what we planned." Kai grabbed Tobi before teleporting away. The two touched down in the forest where Tobi was surrounded by masked figures all of which bore the same sign. The masks all had the sign for war and Tobi chuckled. "So you can do something like Nagato could." Kai grinned showing off his fangs. "The difference between us though is I was the first to pull something like this off." Kai started laughing when the figures all took on Kai's Perfect Susano'o. "Troublesome to say the least." The Jinchuriki showed up and battled Kai's masked people while Tobi fought Kai. Kai managed to catched Tobi's fan and he broke the chain before taking the fan. "You Uchiha really don't understand the true nature of this fan." Kai glanced at Tobi who watched as Kai created a maelstrom before exhaling a large blast of blue flames turning the maelstrom into an inferno. Kai saw Tobi barely avoid the maelstrom and he tossed the Uchiha his fan. "Why give it back?" Kai chuckled. "Because I don't need a tool my brother made to win my battles. I was the strongest out of the three and even then I wasn't at the level I am now. Living two lives has let me grow far beyond what I could before." Tobi blocked a strike from Kai and he watched in surprise as Kai wasn't blown away from the special property of the fan. "I am a far worse opponent then anyone you've ever faced Tobi." Kai cackled like a mad man before jumping away and he did some hand signs. "Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame." The Uchiha narrowed his eyes as Kai inhaled deeply before exhaling a wave of flames. The Jinchuriki all got in front of Tobi but even their combined power couldn't eliminate the flames. Tobi used Kamui as the flames washed over the reanimated ninja. To his surprise though when the flames cleared nothing was left of them. "My power has the power of the Sage so of course they'd be affected by it. Don't worry your little head though Tobi they aren't gone." Kai grinned before his masked dolls showed up by his side. "So I'm going to let you in on a secret since I've enjoyed tormenting you and the Akatsuki for the last three years. I can't die. Want to know why Tobi?" Tobi glared at his former comrade who pulled his shirt down to reveal a mark on his torso. "I left a body with my friends and in the off chance this body gets destroyed I'll just move to that one." Kai giggled like a mad man. "It's a secret only my kind can do." Kai snapped his fingers and his comrades charged at Tobi. 

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