Life of Z

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Itachi watched Z leave the Hideout and he was curious why does he have such freedoms? Itachi tailed Z knowing it's pointless to try and hide from him. Surprisingly Z didn't seem bothered by it as he kept walking. Itachi followed Z to a small village nearby and he waved to the guards who seemed excited. Itachi hid amongst the crowd and watched as sick people came to Z. Z placed his hand on their foreheads and to Itachi's surprise they were cured. A child who seemed to be terminally ill was carried to Z who hugged the kid who was suddenly looking better. Z held him a little longer before handing him back to the kid's parents. Z stayed a little longer before waving goodbye and walking away. Itachi joined him and the two walked in silence. Z handed Itachi a chocolate bar before leading Itachi to another village where he repeated the process. The two travel around the area the Hideout resides in. Itachi couldn't understand Z he must know the Akatsuki's goal and why is he a rogue? Itachi watched Z wave to him then left leaving him alone. Itachi looked at the chocolate bar in his hand and noticed it was Kai's favorite. He was about to follow Z some more but Kisame showed and informed him they need to delay the Leaf team who was sent to rescue the Kazekage. Kai had returned to Pain who was doing some work at his desk. So Kai just played with his sword until Pain looked up at him. "Itachi is beginning to suspect something. It won't be long till he learns the truth of me." Pain nods softly It's been three years since they lied to him about Kai's death. "What should we do Pain?" Pain looked into the eyes of Kai before thinking. "Tell him the truth if he asks no point in hiding it if he knows. But until then continue playing your part." Kai nodded before walking out of Pain's office. He found Madara waiting in his room. "Tell me what do you plan to do with Naruto?" Madara asked and Kai shrugged. "No idea he's part of our goal but I know him well even after three years apart. He won't go down without a fight. But I can handle him and anyone else thrown my way." Madara noticed the way Kai was looking at him. "Tell me Madara what would you do if I throw your plan into chaos?" Madara saw Kai had chakra orbs swirling around his hand. "I know the seal for that statue a voice in my head told me. Funny how with my eyes I see even more then I ever could before. I know what you plan to do and the truth of you." Madara was ready to fight but Kai just sent the orbs away before chuckling. "Just joking man you think living with me for three years would get you use to my antics." Kai left the room and went to Pain who looked up at him. "Good your here. You are to go assist with sealing away the One Tails." Kai nodded before walking out of the hideout and he started humming. On the way to the Sand Ignis showed up and the two started chatting. Kai found the hideout and he phased through the seal making his comrades tense up. The reason they tensed up was because Kai caught Sasori's tail and he was glaring at them with his Rinnegan. "Pain wanted me to help so here I am." Kai walked up to Gaara's corpse and he tilted his head. "Back up I don't need you for this." I did the right signs before watching as a dragon erutpted out of my back and slammed into Gaara's body. I felt the One Tails and I was inside Gaara's psyche. "W What are you doing Kaizer?" Kai looked at the Shukaku. "I'm sorry my dear but to free you all I need to do this. You'll understand when the time comes." Shukaku just looked at the human before nodding. Soon Kai had the One Tails inside a chakra orb there he felt the Tanuki's power transfer to him before he looked at the two Akatsuki. "I'll return shortly." With that Kai vanished and showed up in front of the Ghedo statue where he fed it the One Tails. "You sure this is wise?" Kai looked at Ignis and nods. "I am not a rogue and they know it if I can fool Madara then maybe I can free them." Kai walked away from Ignis who watched his master worried. "Your also letting the darkness in again." Kai went quiet and he felt Ignis leave. "Seems my trust in you was correct." Kai heard Madara and so he turned to face the man. "I'm not sure why your doing what your doing but you've proven your willing to harm people you care for." Kai didn't react at all which intrigued Madara. "The Kazekage was already dead I just did what needed to be done. Besides it's not like we don't have that in common." Kai got closer to Madar then whispered something to him that made the masked man tense up. "Don't screw with me Madara I'm no fool." Madara watched as Kai had strange flames wrapped around each of his fingers. "Ever feel Foxfire? It is worse then even the Uchiha's Eternal Flame." Kai killed the flames before smiling at Madara. "Let's pretend this never happened ok?" Madara went quiet before looking at Kai. "What are you doing here?" Kai smiled at Madara. "Oh nothing was looking for something but it's not here. I'm headed for the Leaf now Madara." Madara felt like he was missing something but Kai left before he could ask. Kai walked down the road humming to himself before he slowed down then sighed. "You can come out ya know I am not a fool Orochimaru." Orochimaru walked out of the shadows and grinned at Kai. "It's been awhile I just wanted to know if you could still detect me." Kai just looked at Orochimaru. "Your uncle is doing fine he's coming along nicely." Kai stared at Orochimaru who suddenly couldn't move and when he looked down his body was being consumed by a white snake. "If I was you I'd be very careful with your next words. You seem to be eating yourself." Orochimaru felt the intense weight of Kai's presence suddenly and he couldn't breathe. 

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