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Kai was silent the entire time he followed Sasuke and his team. They didn't want to talk they were terrified of him he could tell. The three following Sasuke noticed how nervous the Uchiha was around Kai but they thought it was fear so they were also nervous. No it was because Sasuke wanted to talk with Kai but he knew Kai was angry with him. He doesn't blame Kai he never went looking for him like the others. Sasuke just assumed Itachi killed him after kidnapping him three years ago. It was only when that kitsune showed up and told him that Kai died did he realize Kai had suffered a stroke. He did forget his nephew until apparently Kai showed up to tease him. "Sasuke who is this man to you?" Jugo asked and Sasuke looked back at Kai who had a few birds on him as well a few other wild animals following him. "That man is my once thought dead nephew. He is my brother's son." Everyone looked at Kai in shock. "He's going to help us kill Itachi?" Kai looked at them and they saw his strange Sharigan. "Yes apparently he is." Sasuke was still confused about that but he knew Kai would never talk about it. Kai scoffed suddenly making Sasuke look at him. "I'll be around don't die Uchiha." The venom in Kai's voice hurt Sasuke but all he did was look ahead. Kai teleported away and landed next to Itachi in the Uchiha Hideout. "He's on his way father." Itachi looked at Kai. "Don't bother talking to me. If I hear you try to explain things to me I'll do my hardest to stop you and him. Neither of you can take me at this stage. So just don't speak let me spend my last hours with the only person who cared for me." Itachi shut his mouth and nods. "I will always love you even if you turn the whole world against you." Itachi noticed the clenched muscles in Kai's arms but he was emotionless. "I know father I know." Kai whispered that and Itachi noticed the single tear that fell. Night fell and that's when Sasuke showed up. Sasuke watched as Kai leaned down and hugged Itachi tightly before walking to him. "Good luck uncle." Sasuke saw the pain in Kai's face before his nephew left. Sasuke faced his brother who was watching Kai. "He suffered the most out of us three you know that right?" Sasuke looked at Itachi. "He loves us both but he is doing what I asked and letting us end this between us. Kai is someone I regret rescuing terribly. If I had known my son would suffer so I would've never taken him that night." Sasuke was furious with how his brother spoke of his son. The two spoke for a bit and their fight began. Kai was watching with his Byakugan when Black Zestu showed up. "The plan is going smoothly. We'll have Sasuke with us. What do you want us to do Kaizer?" Kai looked at the Zestu and shrugged. "Act like you have been since the beginning. Nobody needs to know we are working together more then just being Akatsuki members." Zestu nodded then focused on the fight.  It ended with Sasuke the victor and Kai walked to them. Itachi was already dead when he poked Sasuke's forehead and fell forward. Kai caught him holding his corpse to his torso then caught Sasuke who passed out due to exhaustion. Madara showed up and nearly lost his head when Kai's Susano'o activated. Madara was grabbed by the silver skeletal arm and he quickly discovered Kamui wasn't working. "Your eye won't save you from this Susano'o or me. I will bring Sasuke to you until then you will leave and never come to him." Kai let Madara go and he left. After holding the two people he cared for the most for about fifteen minutes Kai buried Itachi then carried Sasuke to the hideout. IHe then hands Madara Itachi's eyes in a canister and he looks at them. "If he asks for them Sasuke better get them or else Madara." Kai walked back to his uncle and started patching him up. After that he laid against a wall thinking of the last three years where Itachi never knew he was alive. Madara watched as strange marks formed on Kai and just as quick they vanished. "You best hope that seal holds or else you can kiss the Project Tsuki No Me gone." Madara froze before looking at Kai's face to see his third eye open and it was a gold Byakugan. "How do you know about that? I never told you Kai." Kai just stared at him. "Because I was the one who originally came up with the idea. Everything the real Madara told you was a lie fed to him by a comrade of mine." Kai's third eye closed and he sighed before going to watch over Sasuke. Sasuke woke up and when he sat up the first face he saw was Tobi's. However when he felt a weight on his legs Sasuke looked down to see Kai asleep half draped on him. "Kai stood guard over you while you recovered. He never left your side to take care of himself." Sasuke heard a deep voice from Tobi and looked at him. After Itachi's attempt to silence Tobi failed the masked man revealed the truth of that night eight years ago. "Kai was the only survivor along with you because your brother couldn't bring himself to kill the two people he cherished the most. To him you two were the most precious things to him. Even more then his loyalty to the Leaf." Sasuke was stunned unable to process what he just heard. However at that moment he heard Kai whimper out Itachi's name. "Your nephew has had night terrors about Itachi for the last three years. He didn't want you and Itachi to fight it's been tearing him up inside for the last eight years. While you dreamt of revenge Kai dreamt of you three being a family again." Sasuke reached out a hand for Kai but his nephew woke up at that moment and stood up. "Your awake good I'll be taking my leave now." Sasuke unconsciously reached out for Kai but his nephew didn't see it instead Kai vanished. "He is suffering even now." Sasuke looked at Tobi. "He is deciding on who to stay with. You or the only person who has an idea of his suffering." Sasuke thought of Naruto. "How does Naruto know of Kai's suffering?" Tobi turned away from Sasuke. "Because like Naruto Kai has been burdened with a great power and a responsibility. Kai is a powerful god who in a previous life was known as Kaizer. Kaizer was the brother to the Sage of Six Paths and he was raised by the Sage alongside the Nine Tail Beasts. That is the family he is trying to save the Nine Tail Beasts are the siblings he is desperately trying to rescue. He already has all Nine in his possession but until Kai can safely free them he keeps them locked inside." Sasuke was again stunned. "What do you mean? If he took the Nine Tails wouldn't Naruto be dead?" Tobi chuckled. "Normally yes but Kai has an understanding of chakra like no other. He has ways to preserve life only he could achieve." Tobi left Sasuke to think after that. 

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