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Kai easily kept Ay from reaching him. "Your speed means nothing to me Raikage I wish you'd let me through my goal is Shimura not you." Ay was confused by this Akatsuki who attacked his brother but won't harm him. "You are a wanted rogue I will not let you have your way." Kai sighed before his third eye opened and Ay felt a hand wrapped around his heart. "I tried to play nice and this is what I get. Fine but you have nobody but yourself to blame for what I'm about to do." Ay looked down and he swore he saw the Shinigami's arm in his chest. He looked around and saw every one who opposed this man also had the Shinigami's arm in their chest. "The Reaper is a close friend of mine. You see I am not from this world so do not believe I am a normal man." Ay looked at this unknown Akatsuki and he felt his soul leaving his body. "Tell me can I not pass now or should I feed your soul to the Reaper?" Ay felt weak and it was only when sand wrapped around him did he feel better. "Seems you needed help Ay. Greetings Lord Kazekage." Gaara looked at Kai and sighed. "It seems you've lost your light Kai." Kai just grinned. "Save it Lord Kazekage my life was in darkness. I never saw the light nor do I wish to. My father sacrificed his wretched life for a fool and a pathetic village. I do not need to hear your self righteous crap. I came for Shimura now if you'd like we can fight or you can do the smart thing and let me through." Kai talking about Itachi caught Sasuke and Gaara by surprise. Gaara remembered all of the conversations the two would had with Kai talking about his father. Sasuke was stunned Kai would speak about his father like that. "Do you truly hate your father?" Kai looked at Gaara who saw the anger. "He abandoned me for a village and a useless fool. Of course I do do not act like you understand. You never were shown love by your father I know of your history Kazekage. You should understand my desire to burn everything." Gaara saw his younger self in Kai at this moment. "It is true I know what you go through but even so you have people who love you. Even if you walk in the dark they'd surely follow you." Kai bared his teeth. "My loved ones? Who Kazekage the Uchiha behind me? My dead father Naruto?" Kai roared with laughter. "Don't act like you know me Kazekage. They never understood me none of them understood the pain I went through since being saved by Itachi. Itachi never saw the pain in my soul but that was fine because he was with me. Until that wretched village made him chose. I could've fought I wasn't like my uncle I knew my gifts and I already had my eyes. But no he chose to protect me and him by siding with the village. Don't stand there looking at me with care in your eyes Gaara. I don't want it." Kai grabbed his headband and tore it off his neck. That's when Kai sighed and activated his Susano'o. Everyone bore witness to a silver demon formed around Kai before it was wrapped in a red cloak giving off Itachi's Susano'o. Sasuke saw that and looked at his nephew who was wiping his eyes. "My father gave me this power when he left me it took me up until he died to find it. Eve now he protects me thinking I need it." Kai dropped his arms and his opponents all felt fear seeing the bleeding Sharigan. "Know that Itachi Uchiha is why you all will die." Kai's Susano'o targeted the pillars causing the ceiling to cave in and he walked away ignoring his uncle. Sasuke had to use his own Susano'o to protect himself and he ran after Kai with Karin. Karin was beyond terrified at this Kai. She never felt such evil before and it made every fiber of her being want to flee. "Sasuke come here." Sasuke walked closer to Kai who was quiet for a few moments. "Don't ever let anyone tell you how to feel. If you hate me for what I've done then so be it. I did what I've done for my family's sake and yours. If you had known I was still alive you wouldn't have trained or grown as you have." Sasuke was surprised by this. Kai has been nothing but cold to him since coming back to him. "I don't care if you can't ever love me again but like Itachi know I will always love you even if you turn the whole world against you." Sasuke saw Kai smile at him before getting serious again. Sasuke knew this was the truth and felt something in him give. He fought the tears instead focused on his goal. "Danzo is mine I owe him for everything he's done to us." Kai's growl shook Sasuke and he watched his nephew vanish. Kai appeared in the room where the rest of the Kage and a Samurai were sitting. Kai's whole world zeroed in on Danzo who saw he was in the sight of an apex predator. "Your very foolish attacking the Kage." Kai didn't answer which aggravated the Tsuchikage. However at that moment Kai growled and it sounded like something inhuman. "I want you to run Shimura and never stop. I want you to go through a tenth of the pain you put my father through." The Kage and Samurai had to brace as Kai's murderous aura flooded the room making it hard to breathe. "I said run!" Kai roared causing the building to shake violently. At that moment the others attacked Kai who beat them all down before watching Danzo run. Kai laughed and started following the old man. "You can't hide Danzo the moment you stop you die." Kai's words chilled Danzo's blood. 

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