New Mission

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The next day was for mourning along with those who died fighting Lord Third also died. He died fighting Orochimaru. Kai thought about why he let the snake live but he couldn't think of anything. After the funeral Kai was alone training by himself using Maestro. He wasn't a swordsman but he wanted to learn. Ishimori found him training with the sword and he watched him. "You know the sword already?" Kai looked at Ishimori. "Nope just doing what I've seen. Why think I should?" Ishimori points at Maestro. "Its Maestro." Kai saw Ishimori nod. "I could teach you a few things. My parents were masters of the sword." Kai looked at Ishimori and the adult pulled his anbu sword out. Kai looked at the sword in Ishimori's hand before nodding. So the two spent all night teaching Kai. The next day Kai was summoned to the Hokage's office. There he met the Elders of the village and the old bats told him he was to aid Jiraiya. So Kai packed his stuff and heads to the gate. There he saw Jiraiya with Naruto and rhe blond got excited seeing Kai. "Hello Master Jiraiya." The white haired man smiled at Kai. "Heard your making Anbu already." Naruto's jaw was on the floor. "Yea Lord Third believed I was Anbu material. I've been learning from Captain Ishimori." Jiraiya was surprised. "Really Ishimori huh?" Kai nods before explaining why he's here. "I guess they thought I needed the help." Naruto looked at Kai excitedly who grinned. The three started walking and Kai yawned softly. They arrived at a town a while later and Jiraiya had Naruto learning the basics of a justu the Fourth Hokage created. "Kai can you watch Naruto." Kai waves Jiraiya off and Kai sat down watching Naruto attempt the first step. That was how the next couple days went until Naruto mastered the first step and so Jiraya showed him the next one. Kai had used his Sharigan to watch Naruto and so he picked up the justu quickly. So he was off on his own with a Shadow Clone watching Naruto. Kai was reading a book with a Rasengsn in his left hand when Jiraiya walked to him. "What are you doing?" Kai looked at Jiraya before the Rasengan picked up speed to the point it sounded like screaming. Jiraiya had to brace as Kai formed a red Rasengan using his fire before crushing it causing it to explode. "I was thinking of different things I can do with the Rasengan." Jiraiya nods before the two walked back to Naruto. The three got a hotel room and Jiraiya left the two boys while he looked for whoever he's looking for. Kai was reading his book and he giggled when Naruto got frustrated. After awhile Kai felt a Chakra signature he's not felt in five years. He tensed up when it got closer and Kai vanished. Naruto was use to Kai doing that so he didn't care but when someone knocked on the door he went to open it. Standing in front of Naruto was a man with black hair wearing a straw hat and a black cloak with a red cloud. Naruto wasn't even given the chance to talk talk Kai showed up and Naruto felt nervous. He saw Kai's eye was that scary yellow eye. "Its been awhile Father." Itachi stared at Kai who drew his sword and pushed Naruto back. "Naruto when I give you the chance run and don't stop." Naruto wanted to argue but Kai looked at him with an evil glare. "We'll be taking Naruto Kai." Kai went to strike itachi but the older shinobi deflected it. Kai's strike sliced through the wall making Naruto's jaw drop. "Your really going to make me use it?" Kai chuckled before red swirled out of the gourd and Kai lost his smirk. "Run Naruto." Kai blasted Itachi away with the sand and the blond ran. However Itachi had backup and a blue skinned man got in Naruto's way. Kai narrowed his eyes before sighing. "Fine you convinced me." Kai sheathed Maestro before doing handsigns and he inhaled. Itachi did handsigns and the two blew out the same justu. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Justu." The two fireballs came into contact and exploded. Itachi noticed the smirk on Kai before the smoke covered him. "Summoning Justu." Itachi tensed wondering when his son learned Summoning Justu. "Sorry father you don't know my entire arsenal anymore." Kai appeared in front of Itachi wielding two swords. One was Maestro while the other was a strange spiral that had blood red fire burning inside it. "Someone I use to know created this sword. It's said to burn harsher then Amaterasu. Want to test it out dad?" Itachi noticed Kai's eyes weren't normal. His Sharigan was normal but his other eye was silver. Does Kai have the Byakugan? Suddenly Itachi found himself on the defensive. His son seemed like a different person. Kai was almost like a dancer with the way he twisted and spun his body along with his swords. Itachi could barely keep up. Kai started spinning rapidly and the flame caused a tornado to form around him. "Fire Style: Desication of Virtue." Kai's tornado disintegrated everything it touch and Itachi saw his sword swinging right at him. However Kai stopped and when Itachi looked he saw Kai looking at him in horror. "I I didn't mean to. I I'm sorry." Kai started breathing heavily and he clutched his chest. Itachi instinctively went to grab his son but Sasuke showed up. "What did you do to Kai!?" Itachi turned to his brother and he saw Sasuke looking at him with hatred. Itachi turned to Kai and picked him up. Sasuke's heart went into overdrive and his blood boiled so he used Chidori. However even with him carrying Kai Itachi deflected it into a wall. After beating Sasuke to a pulp Itachi used Tsukuyomi on him and Jiraiya showed up. "I'll be taking Kai from you Itachi." Itachi looked Jiraiya in the eyes and he simply turned to leave but Jiraiya sent all of them into the stomach of a toad. Itachi used Amaterasu to burn the wall away and he escaped with Kisame. Naruto was shocked and nearly ran off after Kai if it wasn't for Jiraiya grabbing him. "No Naruto those two would kill you and think how Kai would feel about that?" Naruto growled then Guy showed up and took Sasuke back while the pair continued looking for Tsunade. Naruto was worried about his friend. Why did he call Itachi dad?

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