A Godly War

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Kai was Kaguya's main concern. She knew the moment he stopped playing support she'd die. However Kaguya couldn't take her eyes off of the two boys in front of her. "Sasuke." Kai switched places with Sasuke to grab Naruto and he used his wings to protect them from Kaguya's bone justu. "How come you aren't being harmed by that justu?" Zestu asked making Kai grin. "Because her chakra can't get through mine. In this form of mine chakra itself is at my control." To prove his point Zestu and Kaguya suddenly felt weak while Kai's chakra reserves regenerated. "How is this possible?" Kai just chuckled. "Because you let me live Zestu. You could've easily killed me as a baby but instead you listened to Madara and kept me alive. I had time to refine the work Kaizer did on chakra control. I am more in tune with chakra then even he was." To reinforce his point Kai took more chakra from Kaguya and used it to form an arrow made of that chakra. Kai's Susano'o formed and used the arrow like a javelin. It hurled it at Kaguya and it exploded once it made contact with her. "Sasuke I can't do much more after this so I'm going to hang back with Kakashi and Sakura." Sasuke nodded so Kai jumped to his other friends. Kai looked at Kakashi and Sakura with a smile. Kai drew his new sword and watched as a white flame emerged from it. "Kai what is that?" Kai glanced at Kakashi. "This is my sword. It was crafted using help from Madara. Unlike my other ones this one can carve through space and time." Kakashi and Sakura looked at Kai. "Why did you switch sides Kai?" Sakura's question had Kai chuckle. "Because of two reasons. One I am very bad at keeping myself entertained. Two I decided to not do everything by myself. I decided to trust my dreams to other people." Kai smiled at Sakura. "What is your dream?" Kai looked at Kakashi. "You'd know it Kakashi as its the same dream Naruto has." With that Kai left and returned to where the boys were fighting Kaguya. The Goddess saw Kai returning to the battle and she used her power to switch dimensions. The group was suddenly inside a volcano and Kai sent Truth Seeker Orbs to save the others since they couldn't fly. Kai saw Obito's body fall and he sent a giant snake to catch him. "Your going to regret that sister." Kai's words sent a chill down Kaguya's spine. Kai sneered and the white flame in his sword grew rapidly. Kai slashed his sword and what looked like reality split in two happened. Kaguya screamed as she was torn to shreds but fortunately for her she blocked most of the justu. "Heh come now sister I'm just playing." Kai sent his sword away before using Susano'o again. Kaguya glared at her brother who smirked before he laughed. "Seems Kaizer is awake finally." Suddenly Kai's Susano'o morphed and gained extra wings. "It's over for this world." Kaguya was suddenly fighting for her life. Between Kai, Naruto, and Sasuke the goddess couldn't do much. As a last ditch effort she sent Kai to a different dimension and Sasuke leaving Naruto with Kakashi, Sakura, and Obito. Kai looked at Sasuke with a small smirk. "Tell me uncle do you still plan on getting revenge?" Sasuke nodded so Kai and him started using their Rinnegan to find the others. When they arrived Kaguya switch dimensions again and everyone but Kai fell. "Gravity here is worse. Even I can't move at my normal speed." Kai watched as Kaguya sent a bone at Sasuke and Naruto. But before he could move Obito and Kakashi got in the way. Kai watched as Obito used Kamui to save Kakashi but took the bone for himself. Kai caught the Uchiha who just stared at him. "Never thought you'd care." Kai snorted at Obito. "If I didn't care you'd already be dead Obito as well as the entire Akatsuki and the world. I do care that's the problem. Wanting to achieve my dream and revenge is hell." Obito laughed and after talking with Naruto Obito was gone. Naruto looked at Kai before suddenly gravity was normal. "I'm going to kill you now sister." Kai looked up and everyone saw Kai's third eye was going nuts. "I might have disagreed with some of the things he did but Obito was a friend." Suddenly they were in a different dimension once more but judging by Kaguya's shocked expression it was not her that changed it. "Sorry sister but my eyes once they see an ability like that I can learn it. Your nothing now." Kai grinned before fighting Kaguya once more. The boys joined in and Kaguya was on the verge of losing. Kai suddenly jumped away from the others and placed his hands together. A massive amount of chakra was pouring into his hands. "Sage Art: Imprisonment of the Nine Lords." Kai dashed at Kaguya and placed his hands on her. "Heh you lose sister this is the very justu your sons used to hold me. I improved on it of course but it's still going to be bad for you." Kai watched as symbols formed all over Kaguya's body and her limbs were trapped in cuffs made of those symbols. "Go ahead and seal her you two." Kai jumped away and watched as the three of Team Seven sealed Kaguya inside a giant meteor. Once that was over the Nine Tailed Beasts were freed and Kai sighed which had them all look at him. "Kai come home." Kai looked at Naruto then Sasuke before they were all teleported back to their dimension. "It's been a while nephew." Kai glanced at Hagoromo who looked at him in shock. "You really didn't think your little plan with Hamura would work forever right?" Hagaromo chuckled. "No I didn't uncle. What do you plan on doing now?" Kai looked at his nephew from a life time ago then back at his friends and the Tailed Beasts. "Depends on what my uncle wants." At that moment Sasuke sent the Nine Tailed Beasts into meteors and Kai sighed quietly. "If he wins Naruto I'll help him." Naruto nods to Kai who sat down and he looked at the Tailed Beasts. "Might as well make you whole." Kai fused the Nine in him with the Nine in front of him. "So he wasn't lying you really did make your own Nine." Kai went to speak before Lobo showed up and laid next to him. "You also made your own Ten Tails. Incredible uncle." Kai chuckled softly. Kai just leaned against Lobo and fell asleep. 

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